Mercury in astrology is one of the personal planets, along with Venus and Mars. This means we feel these planets in a personal way, and Mercury connects to your minds and ability to express ourselves. Mercury Astrology & Your Natal Chart
There are ten planets in a standard astrology chart (I personally also add Ceres, and there are others, but we start with the ten). Each planet links to a different part of your personality and life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at.
Mercury is the natural ruling planets for two signs, airy Gemini who rules the mind, and earthy Virgo who rules the details, and naturally connects with two houses, the third house of education and the sixth house of work. At-a-Glance Mercury Keywords:
Mercury in Astrology: The Mind
In your natal chart, your natal Mercury rules your mind. It shows how you express yourself, your communication style, as well as how you learn and share knowledge or information. This is mostly found via your Mercury sign, and the house in your natal chart natal Mercury falls in can show areas where you communicate a lot more, need to express yourself, or have a lot of knowledge.
Conjunctions (alignments by other planets to your Mercury) tend to be strong, and can dominate your communication style and knowledge. But, you also feel the other major aspects the planets make to your natal Mercury, and they can show how you connect with them mentally. When it comes to transits, the transit (moving) planets aspecting your natal Mercury can be felt mentally. They can impact your ability to express yourself openly and authentically, and impact your connection to your mind. Mercury in Astrology: Active
Mercury is a fast-moving planet, second only to the Moon, and Mercury likes to be quick on its feet and ready to move. This means Mercury is a planet that is quite active, and wants to have plenty to do.
We tend to keep busy with our Mercury and whatever it rules, and we generally don't want to sit around and wait for very long. We can feel that staying busy helps more. Mercury in Astrology: Variety
Mercury in astrology loves variety. This is because it connects to the mind and it wants to be active, so variety helps with giving plenty to focus on to keep it interesting. Whatever Mercury is doing, we usually want some variety with it.
Mercury in Astrology: Immediate Environment
Mercury in astrology is an active planet, but it's one that doesn't go far into the future, so it governs our immediate environment. It's local, it's what's around us. It's siblings, neighbors, communities, schools.
We tend to want to build community with our Mercury and whatever it rules, and we generally don't want to disconnect much. Mercury in Astrology: Thoughts and Ideas
Transit (moving) Mercury brings mental focus to whatever it's touching. We tend to think a lot about the areas of life ruled by the natal house transit Mercury is touring and the planets being aspected by transit Mercury.
We can come up with lots of new ideas as well, especially under conjunctions. Mental energy can be easy to use with sextiles and trines, and focus might be a challenge with squares and oppositions. Mercury in Astrology: News
Mercury in astrology governs communication, thoughts, and ideas, so it also governs news. Our natal Mercury may show how we get news and what do we get most news about, and how we give news.
Transits with transit Mercury to the natal bodies or by transit planets to natal Mercury can stimulate energy for news, and important news can be shared by you or with you at the time it occurs. Mercury in Astrology: Duality
Mercury in astrology is dual in nature. It rules two Zodiac signs and two houses, and it's seen as a planet that can flip around. Remember that it's an active planet that loves variety, so it makes sense to be dual in nature.
This means Mercury can connect with two of whatever it's doing. Mercury in the professional houses (2nd, 6th, 10th) can show having two jobs or careers; Mercury in the relationship houses (5th, 7th) can show two great loves/relationships; Mercury in the 11th house of friends can show two best friends at a time, and on and on. Where Your Mercury Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign and natal house your Mercury falls in. The energy of the Mercury sign is how you communicate and use your mind, while the areas of life ruled by the house your Mercury falls in are where you need to communicate and express yourself. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your Mercury sign (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your Mercury falls in) as this can also connect to the Mercury energy.
Planets that are conjunct (aligned with) your natal Mercury can be super important and have a direct impact on your communication style and mode of thinking. They might be more dominant than the sign Mercury is in. Transit (moving) planets aspecting your natal Mercury can bring some temporary energy for the Mercury matters. This can impact you mentally with Mercury, but can also impact the areas of life ruled by the house your Mercury falls in, as well as the areas of life ruled by the houses your Mercury rules (so the houses that fall in Gemini and Virgo). The most challenging aspects to your natal Mercury can be hard transit Pluto (since Pluto wants to wreck your mind, and you have to work to transform and empower your mind), hard transit Saturn (since Saturn restricts and can bring a more depressive mood), and hard transit Neptune (since Neptune obscures and can make it difficult to see reality). A Strong Natal Mercury in Astrology
Some may have a more important natal Mercury. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) including your natal Mercury - your natal Mercury conjunct an angle - your North or South Node in your Mercury sign - your 1st house ruler conjunct the natal Mercury - your natal Mercury anaretic (at 29 degrees) - natal Mercury retrograde - retrograde Venus or Mars conjunct your natal Mercury If your natal Mercury is in a stellium, this can make your mind an important part of that stellium, and you need to make sure you're communicating and expressing yourself well. If your natal Mercury is conjunct a retrograde Venus or Mars, or is retrograde itself, you likely have an alternative way of communicating and using your mind, and this may be perceived as you being stupid or having a disability when young (even when you don't). There is power in this position but it usually comes after tearing down your self-esteem when it comes to your mind. If you have Mercury retrograde, make sure to check out THIS ARTICLE about it. An anaretic natal Mercury can show you either are a super communicator and can't shut up, or you never speak up about anything and have no confidence in your ability to do so. That's the nature of the anaretic degree, and you need to find middle ground. Having confidence in your ideas and mental abilities, but also be a good listener and receptive to others. Mercury conjunct an angle makes communication and your mind more important for that angle; conjunct your North Node, you can connect with your potentially mentally and realize your potential via your ideas; conjunct the South Node, you may fall back on bad habits mentally, and have to work on taking control of your mental abilities; and conjunct the 1st house ruler, you can be more expressive and comfortable with sharing your ideas. Suggested Reading: Natal Mercury and Transit Mercury pages for general interpretations White Moon Selena has been in Aries since April 2023, and will soon enter Taurus for almost exactly 7 months. How will White Moon Selena in Taurus impact us? What is White Moon Selena in astrology?
White Moon Selena is the perigee of the Moon, so it's the closest point the Moon comes. Selena represents protective energy, benefiting us and shining a light on the path we should take in our lives. This is one of the more helpful points in astrology.
White Moon Selena in Taurus Dates:
General Impact of White Moon Selena in Taurus:
Taurus isn't a flashy Zodiac sign, so White Moon Selena in Taurus is much quieter than it has been, especially with how packed the tour of Aries was. In Taurus, it can take some time for us to feel like we've found our footing, that we're on the right path, that we've made the right choice, but once we do, we can have absolute conviction of what we're doing and won't be deterred.
Our passion for our path might not be outwardly obvious since Taurus is quiet, but we can be dedicated and keep going no matter what. Very little can get in our way, and we can maintain a steady pace. We won't jump into anything, and we don't want to be impulsive. But we can keep at it, and this builds up over time to put us in a good position long-term/ We can feel protected whenever we're trying to improve stability and security. It can almost feel like we're divinely guided to the right choices that help us do that. The more stable and secure we feel, the more we can feel protected. The only downside is, if we feel too protected and too calm, we may not budge and avoid taking action when we should. This is a largely steady period, aside of when Selena conjuncts (aligns with) Uranus (in the next section). Taurus wants us to stay calm, focused, centered, and not rock the boat too much. White Moon Selena in Taurus Aspects:
White Moon Selena conjuncts (aligns with) transit (moving) Uranus on April 16th 2024 at 21 degrees Taurus. Uranus is the planet of change, the sudden and unexpected, which is very different from stable Taurus. Uranus in Taurus has been shaking up the norms for a while now. White Moon Selena conjunct Uranus in Taurus helps to provide some protection as we're embarking on these major changes to shake things up. We can feel guided to what we need to change, and we can feel confident.
At the same time, White Moon Selena is also conjunct transit Jupiter on April 25th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. Jupiter is the happy planet of expansion and opportunity, so White Moon Selena conjunct Jupiter brings some great luck to our side with whatever we're embarking on. The changes that we're making with Uranus can be the kinds of changes that help propel us in the right direction. It can feel like everything is on our side at this point. White Moon Selena conjuncts transit Venus on May 20th 2024 at 26 degrees Taurus. Venus is the planet of love and relationships, so White Moon Selena conjunct Venus brings helpful energy for our dealings with others, partnerships, and commitments. Our connections can feel protected, and we can feel quite calm and stable with others. White Moon Selena conjuncts transit Mercury on June 2nd 2024 at 28 degrees Taurus. Mercury is the planet of communication, so White Moon Selena conjunct Mercury brings helpful energy for communicating and expression. We can be more open with what we're thinking, and can find others to be more receptive to our ideas. We can get and give good news, and find information that is needed. Suggested Reading: Transit White Moon Selena Aspects and Transit White Moon Selena in the Natal Houses The Moon in astrology is one of the most important bodies, governing your emotional self. After the Sun, it's a position you should become familiar with quickly, and we can identify strongly with our natal Moon. Moon Astrology & Your Natal Chart
There are ten planets in a standard astrology chart (I personally also add Ceres, and there are others, but we start with the ten). Each planet links to a different part of your personality and life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at.
The Moon is the natural ruling planet of the sign of Cancer, which is an emotional water sign, connecting to support and encouragement, and the Moon naturally connects with the fourth house, the house of home and family. At-a-Glance Moon Keywords:
The Moon in Astrology: The Emotional Self
In your natal chart, your natal Moon rules your emotional self. The Moon shows how you emotionally react to situations, and what you need to feel emotionally stable, secure, and safe.
This is why the Moon is so important and is part of the main triad (with the Sun and Rising). These three positions are the very foundation of who you are as a person, and the Moon can be very personal. Conjunctions (alignments by other planets to your Moon) tend to be strong, and can be just as important as the sign your Moon is in, if not more so depending on the planet. But, you also feel the other major aspects the planets make to your natal Moon, and they can impact emotionally. When it comes to transits, the transit (moving) planets aspecting your natal Moon can be felt emotionally. The Moon in Astrology: Family
The Moon is ruler of your family, your home, and what home and family mean for you (along with your fourth house). This is where you come home, where you feel connected deeply at your core.
The Moon can show your relationship with family or to home, and your attitude around this. Natal aspects to your natal Moon can impact your home and family life, as can transit aspects. The Moon in Astrology: Comfort
The Moon in astrology is a comfortable position, one where we want familiarity and support. We don't like to shake things up too much with the Moon, and prefer to have some security so we can be emotionally at ease.
The Moon is our comfort zone. It's where we go when we need comfort and familiarity. The Moon in Astrology: Feminine
The Moon in astrology is one of two feminine bodies along with Venus (or three if we count Ceres). Many asteroids are feminine, but the planets are mostly masculine. This means the Moon connects with the feminine, and can represent women in your life (often ties to the mother).
The Moon in Astrology: Focus on Feelings
The transit (moving) Moon brings emotional focus to whatever it's touching in your natal chart at the time. It makes it important for us to give attention to the body, and we can feel more in tune with it emotionally.
Transit Moon aspects don't last long, just a few hours, since the transit Moon moves the fastest through the Zodiac. So, at least we don't have to deal with it too much, but since the Moon tours all 12 Zodiac signs in under one month, we experience the transit Moon in every house and making every aspect to every body in our natal chart every month. The Moon in Astrology: Variable
The Moon in astrology is variable, fluctuating, flowing. This is because the Moon flows as a water body (heck, it impacts the tides here on Earth and makes people all wonky at the Full Moon!).
We need to ebb and flow like water with the Moon, adapting and evolving and growing. The Moon can help us change, but in a less chaotic way (that's Uranus). The Moon in Astrology: Fame
The Moon can also link to fame, oddly enough. It's because of the emotions, and the Moon can trigger the emotions in everyone. Wherever the natal Moon is located can indicate getting attention or fame for whatever the sign and house rules.
Where Your Moon Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign and natal house your Moon falls in. The energy of the Moon sign is your emotional self and how you react, while the areas of life ruled by the house your Moon falls in are where you're most sensitive and connected emotionally. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your Moon sign (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your Moon falls in) as this can also connect to the Moon energy.
Planets that are conjunct (aligned with) your natal Moon can be hugely important in your emotional self, and may dominate how you express yourself emotionally and what you need for security and emotional stability. Transit (moving) planets aspecting your natal Moon can bring some temporary energy for the Moon matters. This can impact you emotionally with the Moon, but can also impact the areas of life ruled by the house your Moon falls in, as well as the areas of life ruled by the house your Moon rules (so the house that falls in Cancer). These aspects can be really important when they're happening. One of the most challenging transit aspects in astrology is hard transit Pluto to your natal Moon since Pluto likes to destroy and the Moon is emotional stability and security. This can destroy your security and bring instability galore that has a profound impact emotionally. It's important to take control and transform with those aspects. Hard transit Saturn can also be extra restrictive emotionally to the natal Moon, and hard transit Uranus can lead to emotional unpredictability. . A Strong Natal Moon in Astrology
Some may have a more important natal SMoo. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) including your natal Moon - your natal Moon conjunct an angle - your North or South Node in your Moon sign - your 1st house ruler conjunct the natal Moon - your natal Moon anaretic (at 29 degrees) - retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars conjunct your natal Moon If your natal Moon is in a stellium or conjunct a retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars, it's elevated for you, and they can have a profound impact on you emotionally. You can connect with your stellium through what you feel, and the retrograde planet can cause you to operate emotionally in an unusual way., An anaretic natal Moon can show your emotions are extra strong, or that you're completely unattached to emotion. It goes either way. Middle ground is important with the anaretic degree, and you need to take care of your emotions and understand them and express them, but not become so lost in them that you lose objectivity and become unstable. The Moon conjunct an angle makes that angle super important for your emotional self; conjunct your North Node, it's easier for you to grow into your potential as long as you connect emotionally; conjunct the South Node, you may have too many bad habits and crutches, or play the victim, and need to take control of yourself; and conjunct the 1st house ruler, you can feel highly attuned to your emotional self, and this can be comfortable for you to show outwardly. Suggested Reading: The Natal Moon and The Transit Moon pages for general interpretations The Sun in astrology is one of the building blocks of your personality and life. It's the position most people are familiar with (or their Sun sign, anyway). The Sun is deeply personal, and it's where who we are begins to form. Sun Astrology & Your Natal Chart
There are ten planets in a standard astrology chart (I personally also add Ceres, and there are others, but we start with the ten). Each planet links to a different part of your personality and life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at.
The Sun is the natural ruling planet for the sign of Leo, which is an enthusiastic fire sign, getting that energy from the Sun, and naturally connects with the fifth house, the house of love. At-a-Glance Sun Keywords:
The Sun in Astrology: The True Self
In your natal chart, your natal Sun is your true self. This is the you that comes out when you're comfortable, in comfortable settings, and with people you know well. This is the you that you hide when around strangers or in unfamiliar places.
This is why the Sun is one of the building blocks for who you are as a person in astrology (along with the Moon and Rising). This is why it's such an important part of your chart. It's who you really are, underneath it all, mask removed, facade gone. The Sun in Astrology: Personal
The Sun is a deeply personal position in astrology, and this is true in both your natal chart and in transits. Whatever touches your natal Sun, you feel in a deeply personal way, and has a direct impact on who you are and your personality.
Conjunctions (alignments by other planets to your Sun) tend to be strongest, and can be just as important as the sign your Sun is in, if not more so depending on the planet. But, you also feel the other major aspects the planets make to your natal Sun, and they can determine the relationship you have with whatever those planets rule. When it comes to transits, the transit (moving) planets aspecting your natal Sun can be felt in deeply personal ways. This is similar to the aspects by the natal planets, but those are forever while transits are temporary. The Sun in Astrology: Creative
The Sun in astrology is surprisingly creative, likely due to its gigantic waves of energy, but also because what we create tends to be personal and tied to who we are. What we create can mean things like artistic ventures and hobbies, or even things like people (our children).
The Sun bursts with energy, and this naturally leads to creative energy. Having a strong Sun in your natal chart often denotes you have great creative energy. The Sun in Astrology: Fame
The Sun in astrology connects to attention. It shines so bright, it's hard to miss, and remember it's also really personal and creative. So naturally, the Sun can connect with fame, though this doesn't have to mean celebrity (though it does rule celebrity). Any attention is covered here.
The Sun wants attention, needs attention, craves attention, is desperate for attention. Without it, it burns itself out. You may find you need attention wherever your Sun is located in your natal chart, and may temporarily need attention wherever the transit Sun is touring. The Sun in Astrology: Shines a Light
The transit (moving) Sun has a base energy of shining a light. This can be on the Zodiac sign it's in, which impacts everyone; or it can be on the house in your natal chart it's touring or the aspects it's making, for you personally.
The Sun puts a spotlight wherever it is. It wants to direct our attention there. Ignore it, and it might burn under the magnifying glass! The Sun in Astrology: Ease
The Sun doesn't like it when things are too challenging, and prefers some degree of ease. Under sextiles and trines (beneficial aspects), this can show ease and comfort and familiarity. In the natal chart, this is throughout our lives, while with transits, this is in the moment.
Under squares and oppositions (challenging aspect), this can show difficulty achieving ease, and feeling uncomfortable. In the natal chart, this can stay with us until we work on the block, while with transits, this can be temporary but may be shining a light on an issue to work on. The Sun in Astrology: The Body
The Sun is also the ruler of the body as a whole. Each planet rules a different specific part of the body, but the Sun rules the body in totality. This means we often look to the Sun for health matters of any kind (in addition to whatever rules it specifically).
Where Your Sun Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign and natal house your Sun falls in. The energy of the Sun sign is a part of your personality, while the areas of life ruled by the house your Sun falls in are where you feel most like yourself. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your Sun sign (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your Sun falls in) as this can also connect to the Sun energy.
Planets that are conjunct (aligned with) your natal Sun can be major parts of who you are, and super important to you. Whatever that planet rules and however it expresses itself can be dominant in your personality and life. Transit (moving) planets aspecting your natal Sun can bring some temporary energy for the Sun matters. This can impact you personally with the Sun, but can also impact the areas of life ruled by the house your Sun falls in, as well as the areas of life ruled by the house your Sun rules (so the house that falls in Leo). These aspects can be really important when they're happening. One of the most challenging transit aspects in astrology is hard transit Pluto to your natal Sun since Pluto likes to destroy and the Sun is so personal. You always want to plan ahead for that! Hard transit Saturn can also be extra restrictive to the natal Sun, and hard transit Uranus can be extra unpredictable. A Strong Natal Sun in Astrology
Some may have a more important natal Sun. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) including your natal Sun - your natal Sun conjunct an angle - your North or South Node in your Sun sign - your 1st house ruler conjunct the natal Sun - your natal Sun anaretic (at 29 degrees) - retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars conjunct your natal Sun One thing about the natal Sun, is it can easily be overtaken by other planets and likes to be neutral. If your natal Sun is in a stellium or conjunct a retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars, it's elevated for you, and you feel these deeply personally, and have to learn to work with them, otherwise they can control you and make things difficult for you. An anaretic natal Sun can show you have a personality that is amplified times 11, or that you hide your true self so much that you're not even sure who you really are. It goes either way. Balance becomes important, knowing who you are and having confidence in that, but not going so far as to become arrogant and cocky. The Sun conjunct an angle greatly amplifies that angle in your life; conjunct your North Node, it's easier for you to grow into your potential; conjunct the South Node, it's easier for you to fall back on crutches and need to get out of your own way; and conjunct the 1st house ruler, you can actually fuse your inner and outer self to be more cohesive, and you may be more comfortable showing who you really are. Suggested Reading: The Natal Sun and The Transit Sun pages for general interpretations We're coming out of eclipse season for November 2023 and experiencing a new moon in passionate Scorpio and full moon in inquisitive Gemini. What will these do for us? What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
New Moon in Scorpio: November 13th 2023 (4:28AM ET/1:28AM PT)
Scorpio is an intense, passionate water sign, so Scorpio new moons usually have us passionately focused on something, intense in our approach, wanting to get to the heart of the matter. We can be serious and determined, and we can uncover everything we need to. This helps us solve problems that have been vexing us, and transform in beneficial ways that empower us.
Scorpio loves empowerment, so we can pursue opportunities that give us more power and control in our lives. The transformations we make now can help us become more dedicated to our passions, to come back from defeat, and to feel stronger and bolder. Scorpio is the sign of sharing as well as other people's money, so Scorpio new moons can be excellent for mutually-beneficial projects and ventures, business and financial partnerships, and investments involving other people. We can focus on our legacies as well. Scorpio rules the darker side of life, and we can be more comfortable with this with the Scorpio new moon. We can venture into the taboo, and explore decay and destruction. We find things fascinating and want to know more about them instead of getting scared by them. This makes Scorpio one of the science rulers (along with Aquarius), so we can also see some important scientific news. This new moon is conjunct (aligned with) transit (moving) Mars in Scorpio and opposite transit Uranus in Taurus. The conjunction to Mars brings more energy and drive to this new moon, and we can be more enthusiastic with whatever we're passionately pouring ourselves into. Mars is also the traditional ruler of Scorpio, so we can feel more connected to the energy. The opposition to Uranus might make us more unpredictable though, and we may be more impulsive, impatient, and irrational with anything we feel isn't moving as quickly as we want it to. We need to have more patience, and let things unfold. Work on small changes that can build up over time. The new moon occurs at 20 degrees 44 minutes Scorpio. The aspects to the new moon are: Conjunction: 18 degrees 44 minutes - 22 degrees 44 minutes Scorpio Sextile: 18 degrees 44 minutes - 22 degrees 44 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Square: 18 degrees 44 minutes - 22 degrees 44 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 18 degrees 44 minutes - 22 degrees 44 minutes Cancer or Pisces Opposition: 18 degrees 44 minutes - 22 degrees 44 minutes Taurus Full Moon in Gemini: November 27th 2023 (4:17AM ET/1:17AM PT)
Gemini is the sign of the mind, so Gemini full moons amplify our mental energy, and we closely identify with what we think and say. This means we can express ourselves more authentically, and our hearts and minds merge, so we say what we mean, and we mean what we say. Communication can be dripping with emotion, and we can read into what people say, which can sometimes get messed up if we're not being objective (which we're likely not). But, it's a good time to get something off your chest that you've been holding back saying (just be mindful of your words!).
This can be a time of news, and we may get news or share information with others, or news may to us and information is shared with us. There's a flow of information, and this can be good or bad. There can be important news in the world at large, and we may learn something that is big. Gemini is an active sign, so we tend to want to be active, and filling up schedules and being sociable can help us feel more emotionally stable and secure. If we keep things boring, we can get irritated fast, and frustrations mount. At the same time, we need to make sure we're not overdoing it, otherwise we can get anxious and stressed out. We need to be busy enough, but not too much. Gemini is a travel ruler, but short travel (by car, bus, bicycle, etc.) so there could be something impacting travel. Gemini is also a ruler of school, so we may see some education news, or news impacting young people. This full moon is widely opposite transit Mars in Sagittarius and square (challenging aspect, 3 signs away) Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. These are two challenging aspects, and both like to stir up trouble! Mars is impulsive, impatient, and volatile when not manifesting well, while Lilith is fury. They're both a bit angry, so communications may not be so great! We may be prone to fits and fights, and news that spreads may not be happy. We have to do as mentioned, keep busy not not too much, but also make sure we're not reading into things too much, allowing room for flexibility, and thinking before yelling. The full moon occurs at 4 degrees 51 minutes Gemini. Aspects to the full moon are: Conjunction: 2 degrees 51 minutes - 6 degrees 51 minutes Gemini Sextile: 2 degrees 51 minutes - 6 degrees 51 minutes Aries or Leo Square: 2 degrees 51 minutes - 6 degrees 51 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 2 degrees 51 minutes - 6 degrees 51 minutes Libra or Aquarius Opposition: 2 degrees 51 minutes - 6 degrees 51 minutes Sagittarius Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect Asteroid Juno exits Leo shortly, going from fiery Leo to reserved, subdued, practical earth sign Virgo. What does this have in store for us? About Juno in Astrology
Juno is an asteroid in astrology, and there are tens of thousands of asteroids, and each connects to something different. Many are simply names, but some like Amor connect to specific energies.
In the case of asteroid Juno, this is the asteroid of commitment. Juno shows how we express commitment and our attitudes around it, and in transit, we can see this via the Zodiac sign Juno is touring, and the natal house it's touring in your natal chart. Impact of Asteroid Juno in Virgo 2023
Juno has been in Leo, making commitment more light-hearted and fun. Juno in Virgo takes commitment more seriously, and we can be more practical with our approach to commitment, and a lot quieter about it.
Juno in Virgo can help us commit in small ways, and we may not care about getting attention for this. We can show how committed we are in small, practical ways, and want to take care of the little things in our committed relationships. With Virgo being the sign of work, we can also be more committed to the work we're doing if it's something we're really passionate about. And with Virgo ruling health, we can also be more committed to healthy practices and routine maintenance. This tour of Juno in Virgo is extra long and a bit complicated though, as Junmo will retrograde (appear to move backward) entirely in Virgo January 12th to April 21st 2024. With Juno retrograde in Virgo, we are likely to feel a bit off when it comes to commitment, and there can be more barriers getting in the way. With Virgo, these may be small, but add up. We can get anxious and worried about our commitments, and we need to calm this down so we don't do anything rash. If we can stay calm, we can power through. This retrograde can be good for re-committing to old work projects or jobs. The retrograde starts at 21 degrees Virgo and ends at 6 degrees Virgo. After the retrograde is over, we can focus on fixing anything where commitment has been thrown off, and we can find small ways to be more invested. Juno tours Zodiac sign Virgo for almost 10 months, from October 17th 2023 to August 9th 2024. Important Juno in Virgo Aspects:
Juno will be busier in Virgo than it was in Leo since it's going to spend an extra long period in this sign, and some aspects go exact multiple times. First up, Juno in Virgo will oppose Saturn in Pisces, and this is exact first on October 19th (both at 0 degrees), then again March 12th (both at 11 degrees), and finally July 6th (both at 19 degrees).
Saturn is a commitment planet, so Juno opposite Saturn might make commitmen more difficult to make. We may struggle with the responsibilities of existing commitments, and need to give ourselves some room to breathe. We need to take a critical eye to our commitments, and make sure we've gone about them in the right way and for the right reasons (Saturn-style). Where we haven't, we can make changes. Then Juno in Virgo will trine, which is a beneficial aspect, Jupiter in Taurus, first on November 10th (both at 9 degrees) and then on March 7th (both at 12 degrees). This is a helpful aspect for commitment, and tries to make it easier for us to do. We may expand what we commit to, and expand on commitment itself in some way, and try to be more positive about commitment. Juno in Virgo also trines Uranus in Taurus, and this is in effect for several months since Ceres retrograde starts and Uranus retrograde ends in January with both trine each other. This aspect goes exact on December 19th (both at 19 degrees), February 9th (both at 19 degrees), and July 30th (both at 26 degrees), and those first two hits give us Juno trine Uranus essentially from December through February. Uranus is the planet of change, the unconventional, and the unexpected, so we may take a different approach to commit, we may commit in unconventional ways, and we can make changes to existing commitments. Changes may occur unexpectedly as well, in ways we haven't thought of, but since trines are beneficial, this can be a good thing. This trine to Uranus may help us get out of the challenging energy of the opposition to Saturn. Shortly before exiting Virgo, Juno will oppose Neptune in Pisces on August 8th with both at 29 degrees, the anaretic degree (there are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign and the last degree is 29 degrees and called the anaretic degree). Neptune dissolves while the anaretic degree supercharges, so we may struggle with commitment to something in a big way around this time (most likely to be something in the world). Neptune obscures, so we need to make sure we're being realistic and seeing everything we need to see. It may not be the best time for permanent decisions. Interestingly, Juno in Virgo only makes one conjunction, aligning with Black Moon Lilith on October 22nd at 2 degrees, so early in its tour of Virgo. Black Moon Lilith is powerful and passionate about what it believes, so we may be more committed to a belief, an opinion or position. Asteroid Juno in Virgo for the Zodiac Signs
Aries: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can help you be more committed to the work you do that you love, and you can become more productive. You can take care of the little things in your relationships, and be more attentive. While retrograde, you may need to work on anything frustrating you with others in a healthy way, and not be so hard on yourself.
Taurus: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can help you be more light and fun when it comes to commitment, yet still quite loyal. Commitment can be attractive to you now. While retrograde, you may need to work on commitments in love to be more solid, secure, and healthy, and make sure you're taking it seriously. Gemini: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can make you commit to your support system, and help you strengthen the emotional bonds you have with others. While retrograde, you may need to work on old blocks that are getting in the way of healthy commitment, and make sure the foundation of your commitments is solid and secure. Cancer: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can help you become more committed to the ideas you come up with and plans you create, and you can commit to improved communication with others. While retrograde, you may struggle with staying focused on commitment, and need to work through mental blocks. Leo: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can help you feel more confident in your commitments, and you can dedicate yourself to what you commit to, though you might take time to do so. While retrograde, you may feel stuck with something you're committed to and need to remove a block, and you can be frustrated by commitments and need to work on the underlying issue. Virgo: Asteroid Juno in your sign can help you commit in many ways, to many people and projects, plans, and ideas. While retrograde, you may become aware of issues around commitment you need to address, and can work on blocks to having healthy commitments in your life. You may also opt to re-commit to something during the retrograde. Libra: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can make you commit quietly, and you may commit with no one else knowing. You can also work on baggage and karma that is getting in the way of commitment, especially during the retrograde, and this can become more obvious to you and something to work through. Scorpio: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can help you commit to change in your life and relationships, and you may approach commitment in an unconventional way. While retrograde, there can be changes that feel out of your control impacting commitment, and you need to be flexible and see what you're missing. Sagittarius: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can improve your commitment to your goals, and you can feel like you hit a height in some way with something you're committed to. While retrograde, this may stall commitments for you, and you likely need to work on blocks and tweak your plans to make progress. Capricorn: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can make you more optimistic about commitment in your life, and you may not want to be serious about it. While retrograde, you may demand more space from your commitments and responsibilities, but don't run away to get it. Work on the issues that are getting in the way instead. Aquarius: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can help you strengthen your emotional bonds with others, and you can be more committed to your intimate relationships. While retrograde, issues that have been hidden away deep below the surface can be exposed, and you can feel frustrated, but can work to transform and improve. Pisces: Asteroid Juno in Virgo can bring more commitments with the people in your life, and you can be dedicated to those you're close to. While retrograde, these relationships may feel shaky, especially those already experiencing issues. You can work on it and strengthen them, or walk away. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Juno in the Houses & Aspects |