The Moon in astrology is one of the most important bodies, governing your emotional self. After the Sun, it's a position you should become familiar with quickly, and we can identify strongly with our natal Moon. Moon Astrology & Your Natal Chart
There are ten planets in a standard astrology chart (I personally also add Ceres, and there are others, but we start with the ten). Each planet links to a different part of your personality and life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at.
The Moon is the natural ruling planet of the sign of Cancer, which is an emotional water sign, connecting to support and encouragement, and the Moon naturally connects with the fourth house, the house of home and family. At-a-Glance Moon Keywords:
The Moon in Astrology: The Emotional Self
In your natal chart, your natal Moon rules your emotional self. The Moon shows how you emotionally react to situations, and what you need to feel emotionally stable, secure, and safe.
This is why the Moon is so important and is part of the main triad (with the Sun and Rising). These three positions are the very foundation of who you are as a person, and the Moon can be very personal. Conjunctions (alignments by other planets to your Moon) tend to be strong, and can be just as important as the sign your Moon is in, if not more so depending on the planet. But, you also feel the other major aspects the planets make to your natal Moon, and they can impact emotionally. When it comes to transits, the transit (moving) planets aspecting your natal Moon can be felt emotionally. The Moon in Astrology: Family
The Moon is ruler of your family, your home, and what home and family mean for you (along with your fourth house). This is where you come home, where you feel connected deeply at your core.
The Moon can show your relationship with family or to home, and your attitude around this. Natal aspects to your natal Moon can impact your home and family life, as can transit aspects. The Moon in Astrology: Comfort
The Moon in astrology is a comfortable position, one where we want familiarity and support. We don't like to shake things up too much with the Moon, and prefer to have some security so we can be emotionally at ease.
The Moon is our comfort zone. It's where we go when we need comfort and familiarity. The Moon in Astrology: Feminine
The Moon in astrology is one of two feminine bodies along with Venus (or three if we count Ceres). Many asteroids are feminine, but the planets are mostly masculine. This means the Moon connects with the feminine, and can represent women in your life (often ties to the mother).
The Moon in Astrology: Focus on Feelings
The transit (moving) Moon brings emotional focus to whatever it's touching in your natal chart at the time. It makes it important for us to give attention to the body, and we can feel more in tune with it emotionally.
Transit Moon aspects don't last long, just a few hours, since the transit Moon moves the fastest through the Zodiac. So, at least we don't have to deal with it too much, but since the Moon tours all 12 Zodiac signs in under one month, we experience the transit Moon in every house and making every aspect to every body in our natal chart every month. The Moon in Astrology: Variable
The Moon in astrology is variable, fluctuating, flowing. This is because the Moon flows as a water body (heck, it impacts the tides here on Earth and makes people all wonky at the Full Moon!).
We need to ebb and flow like water with the Moon, adapting and evolving and growing. The Moon can help us change, but in a less chaotic way (that's Uranus). The Moon in Astrology: Fame
The Moon can also link to fame, oddly enough. It's because of the emotions, and the Moon can trigger the emotions in everyone. Wherever the natal Moon is located can indicate getting attention or fame for whatever the sign and house rules.
Where Your Moon Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign and natal house your Moon falls in. The energy of the Moon sign is your emotional self and how you react, while the areas of life ruled by the house your Moon falls in are where you're most sensitive and connected emotionally. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your Moon sign (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your Moon falls in) as this can also connect to the Moon energy.
Planets that are conjunct (aligned with) your natal Moon can be hugely important in your emotional self, and may dominate how you express yourself emotionally and what you need for security and emotional stability. Transit (moving) planets aspecting your natal Moon can bring some temporary energy for the Moon matters. This can impact you emotionally with the Moon, but can also impact the areas of life ruled by the house your Moon falls in, as well as the areas of life ruled by the house your Moon rules (so the house that falls in Cancer). These aspects can be really important when they're happening. One of the most challenging transit aspects in astrology is hard transit Pluto to your natal Moon since Pluto likes to destroy and the Moon is emotional stability and security. This can destroy your security and bring instability galore that has a profound impact emotionally. It's important to take control and transform with those aspects. Hard transit Saturn can also be extra restrictive emotionally to the natal Moon, and hard transit Uranus can lead to emotional unpredictability. . A Strong Natal Moon in Astrology
Some may have a more important natal SMoo. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) including your natal Moon - your natal Moon conjunct an angle - your North or South Node in your Moon sign - your 1st house ruler conjunct the natal Moon - your natal Moon anaretic (at 29 degrees) - retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars conjunct your natal Moon If your natal Moon is in a stellium or conjunct a retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars, it's elevated for you, and they can have a profound impact on you emotionally. You can connect with your stellium through what you feel, and the retrograde planet can cause you to operate emotionally in an unusual way., An anaretic natal Moon can show your emotions are extra strong, or that you're completely unattached to emotion. It goes either way. Middle ground is important with the anaretic degree, and you need to take care of your emotions and understand them and express them, but not become so lost in them that you lose objectivity and become unstable. The Moon conjunct an angle makes that angle super important for your emotional self; conjunct your North Node, it's easier for you to grow into your potential as long as you connect emotionally; conjunct the South Node, you may have too many bad habits and crutches, or play the victim, and need to take control of yourself; and conjunct the 1st house ruler, you can feel highly attuned to your emotional self, and this can be comfortable for you to show outwardly. Suggested Reading: The Natal Moon and The Transit Moon pages for general interpretations Comments are closed.