Pisces in AstrologySYMBOL: The Fish
COLOR: White ELEMENT: Water QUALITY: Mutable PLANETARY RULER: Neptune DAY: Thursday NATURE: Fruitful POLARITY: Feminine DIRECTION: North by West TAROT CARD: XVIII Moon Mercury is in detriment (weak) in Pisces Venus is exhalted (strong) in Pisces Mercury is in fall (weak) in Pisces |
Pisces & LoveYou’re a romantic sign, and you go for the sappy stuff. You want someone to sweep you off of your feet, just like in your favorite book or movie. You fall for people hard and fast, and you cling to them once you do. A little detachment would be a good thing for you, and taking time to get to know someone.
You have a natural charisma that draws people to you, but you need to be more discerning with who you give a chance to. Many of you go for the person who needs the most help and you try to save them, but it doesn’t work out and you just end up hurting yourself. Don’t take on a project! Find someone who is already whole. You need someone who will be sensitive to your feelings, and won’t trample all over them whenever they feel like it. Don’t let yourself be with someone who treats you badly. There isn’t any excuse for that. It would be helpful for you to cultivate better self-esteem and confidence because that would keep you from going for these people who are so wrong for you. The signs that you’re usually the most compatible with are the ones in the same element as yours, which are Cancer and Scorpio. These two signs understand your emotional nature and can be quite sensitive as well. Cancer will be supportive, and Scorpio will be passionate. Cancer wants to nurture and give you a wonderful home, and Scorpio wants to help you grow and evolve into a better person. Both of these signs will connect with you on an emotional level. sign that opposes yours in the zodiac tends to be the one you have the most sparks with, and for you, that’s Virgo. Their analytical nature is puzzling, their emotional distance is cold, and you see their realism as pessimism, but there’s something there that you can’t describe between you, and they can teach you to be more practical, while you can teach them to be more imaginative. Pisces & Money & CareerWhen it comes to money, you have many ideas for how to make money, and like to dream big with those plans, but you have a hard time with action. You don’t know what to do next, how to make things happen, and nothing happens, even if you have a billion-dollar idea.
Even when you do pursue a venture, you have a hard time sticking to it, and walk away easily, which keeps you from having the financial success that you could have had if you stuck with it. Many of you will pair up with someone who has money, and when it comes to spending money, you do a good job with it. You tackle the necessities first and make sure there’s some mad money left so you don’t feel like you’re sacrificing anything and forcing yourself to live below your means. What you really need to do is listen to what your intuition tells you to do when you’re making financial decisions. As the most intuitive sign, it won’t steer you wrong. When it comes to your profession, you come up with big dreams of what you’d like to pursue, but then do nothing about it, or give up when it gets hard. You say you’ll do this and that, but you don’t give it a real shot. Your fear drives you to keep yourself back, and you need to let it go if you’ll ever be successful. Since you’re such an intuitive sign, you could make good psychics, spiritualists, or healers. With your active imagination, you can be a writer, especially of fantasy, and with Pisces ruling music, you can also work in the music business. Pisces rules confined institutions, so you can work in a hospital or prison. You can also do something with water, like being a lifeguard, working on a boat, being a boat captain, or working in the navy. Some other Pisces professions are: podiatrist, bartender, chemist, artist, veterinarian, chemical engineer. Pisces & HealthPisces rules the feet, and you can have a bad arch, need to wear certain types of footwear for support, and get corns or bunions. A foot massage would be a good thing for you regularly, and make sure you wash and moisturize. Pisces also rules the lymphatic system, and can be prone to getting sick often. You especially need to steer clear of toxins because you absorb them easily, and it wreaks havoc on your body. While Pisces rules escapism and many seek refuge in drugs, that’s about the worst thing you can do. You’re a nervous sign since you’re so sensitive, and you need to address your emotional needs in a healthy way.
Pisces GeneralPisces, you’re the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac. As the last sign, you’ve absorbed all of the lessons the other signs have learned along the way, and this is what makes you sensitive and intuitive. You feel deeply, not only for your own pain but everyone else’s.
You want to help each and every person in the world with their problems. Your sensitivity can overwhelm you because you feel too much at times, and need to get control over your emotions, otherwise they’ll control you and you’ll always be a train wreck. Your intuition is far beyond everyone else’s because you’re so sensitive to the subtle energies around you, and it would serve as a good guide for you. If you can trust your instincts, they’ll keep you going in the right direction, and you can believe in yourself. You just have to shed the fear that holds you back, but that’s not easy for you to do. There’s too much to be scared of in the world, and when you get hurt, you can fall apart at the seams. You need to have enough security in your life that you don’t fall apart all of the time, and need people in your life that support you. With a good support system, you can thrive. You need to know that someone will be there to catch you if you fall. If you have that, there is little you can’t do with your intuition guiding you and an imagination that knows no limits. Check out your 2024 yearly horoscope >>> |
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Natal Planets & House Cusps in Pisces:
Natal Moon in Pisces
You’re hypersensitive with others and with yourself. You likely cry at all the movies, even the action-comedy. Any little thing can tug at your heartstrings, and you don’t want to see anyone treated badly ever. Compassionate and understanding, you have a hard time hurting a fly. You can be hurt easily, and you may be prone to escapism. You’ve got good instincts when your emotions aren’t all over the place, and they likely are a lot. This Moon can train wreck when they’re really stressed out, and you need a lot of nurturing support. This can be a creative placement, since you have an active imagination and can get lost in daydreams. Some may think you don’t understand reality or that you’re a space cadet (especially if you have a lot of air). You may be drawn to water and music, finding them healing. You may need a certain amount of time alone to recharge, since you’re so sensitive that sometimes the world can be overwhelming. Vacations on secluded beaches are probably paradise for most Pisces Moons. You need to be careful that you don’t let people walk all over you. Being as soft as you are, you need to develop thicker skin. Natal Mercury in Pisces With your natal Mercury in Pisces, you’re more of a listener than a talker. You don’t mind having a conversation with someone, but it all depends on whether you’re in the mood for it or not. You can be a people pleaser and say what you think people want you to say. You have an active imagination, and love to daydream. You take in information from the world around you through feelings and emotions. This allows you to see things in a way that’s different from everyone else. You’re open, and listen to your gut, but can have a hard time expressing yourself directly. You need to learn to not worry about what other people want to hear so much. Natal Venus in Pisces With your natal Venus in Pisces, you’re the ultimate romantic. You’re sensitive in love, and with everyone else. You can be attracted to people who need to be saved, or who want to save you, and it can lead you to be in bad relationships with people who cause more harm than good. You see the good in everyone, even the people that are the worst of the worst, and need to be more discriminating in love. You can be unreliable at times, having a hard time being dedicated to anything with your partner, despite how much you may love them. It can be hard for you to commit as you have a hard time sifting through your feelings or figuring out where you should be going together. You accept people for who they are, and are understanding and loving. Natal Mars in Pisces With your natal Mars in Pisces, you usually have a hard time making things happen. Instead, you let things happen on their own. Creativity is likely the best way for you to express yourself and channel your highly unfocused energy. Sometimes you have no clue what it is that you actually want, and what you think you want one minute isn’t the same as what you want the next. You’re not a pushy person, but you’re easy to be pushed, and don’t like to stand up for yourself. You’re not someone who can handle a normal life, normal job, or normal relationship, and need some flexibility in all areas of life. Your energy comes and goes, and daily life can be hard to manage. You can become passionate about helping those who can’t help themselves. Natal Jupiter in Pisces With your natal Jupiter in Pisces, you’re a compassionate person, and through your compassion, you can accomplish a lot. Help those who can’t help themselves, and be kind to everyone. You have a strong spiritual side, and just want everyone to get along, believing very much in the mantra, make love not war. Let your imagination soar. Natal Saturn in Pisces With your natal Saturn in Pisces, you can sacrifice anything in the name of your spirituality. As long as you believe that things will turn out okay, you can withstand any difficulties in the present. You’re very sensitive and can feel like the world is out to get you at times, and your spirituality can help you with that. Natal Uranus in Pisces With your natal Uranus in Pisces, you’re imaginative, attracted to fantasy, and embrace innovative spiritual ideas. Your intuition can be heightened, you can be a healer, and your sensitivity requires you to guard yourself somewhat. You need to avoid escapism, and embrace helping others. Natal Neptune in Pisces With your natal Neptune in Pisces, you can sacrifice whatever it takes to help other people. You’re spiritual, attracted to the mystical and metaphysical, and are inspired by the arts. You can see things more clearly than others through your intuition, or have a hard time grasping reality because your emotions cloud your judgment. Natal Pluto in Pisces With your natal Pluto in Pisces, you’re always concerned about how your decisions impact other people. You have an active imagination and spiritual side. You may feel misunderstood, but you can also inspire others. |
1st House in Pisces (Pisces Rising)
You come across as someone who is compassionate, shy, and a dreamer. You can get lost in daydreams and fantasy easily, and you seem like your head is always in the clouds. At times, it may be difficult for you to understand people clearly, or to be understood clearly, and you can follow what other people say too easily. You need to become more sure of yourself, and know yourself better so you’re not following anyone else. You can be extremely creative and artistic, a visionary to some, and can express yourself emotionally through art. People look to you to be empathic and sensitive. 2nd House in Pisces You don’t take your financial life very seriously, or at least not as seriously as you should. You can be lackadaisical with your finances, coming up with fantastical schemes to earn money that never pan out or you never follow through with, and you can have a hard time keeping tabs on your finances. A budget may seem foreign and incomprehensible. You can trust people too much with your finances, and need to be careful you don’t get swindled out of everything you have. You can make money through something Pisces-related, like spirituality, the metaphysical, music, podiatry, or helping others. 3rd House in Pisces Over time, you can merge your emotions and your mind together to create a powerful force. Until then, you can have a hard time communicating clearly or understanding the details. Your emotions can cloud your judgment, and they prevent you from being able to communicate. This is usually a problem in your youth. As you evolve, you become more creative, intuitive in your communications, and can see through what people say to what they really mean. You come up with your best ideas on your own, and require a certain amount of time alone to recharge your mind. 4th House in Pisces Your home and family life has a direct impact on you and how you feel about yourself. There’s a strong emotional bond with your family or your home, and you need support and stability. Your home needs to be a safe place for you. You may be a bit unrealistic with your family, not seeing them as they really are. As you get older, you become more compassionate and imaginative. 5th House in Pisces You need hobbies that allow you to fully express your creativity, but it can be difficult for you to figure out what you should do. You need to remove any blocks and let yourself go. In love, you can have a hard time figuring out what you want, and be attracted to people who need to be saved or who will save you. You’re willing to do whatever it takes for your children, but you can sacrifice too much. 6th House in Pisces Your emotions are directly tied to your work, and if you’re doing work that’s fulfilling, you feel great. If you’re not, it has an impact on your physical health. You can do well as an employee rather than a boss, but need to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of. You worry too much about your work. Watch for health issues with your nervous system, toxicity, or your feet. With Pisces here, you can do work that helps others, or work with spirituality or the metaphysical. 7th House in Pisces You want a partner who is sweet and sensitive of your feelings. They need to know how to calm you down when you get rattled. They should probably be someone who is strong where you’re weak. It can be a long time before you settle down, fearful of failure. In a relationship, you keep everything organized while they bring the whimsy and get you to open up to new experiences. 8th House in Pisces You worry about your joint finances and investing, fearing the worst, but you need to trust you intuition, which is very strong. You may need to set aside what you want for the sake of others. Transforming yourself may require some sacrifices, and you can be inspired spiritually to change. 9th House in Pisces Your beliefs are important to you, and you apply them to your daily life. You may be fiercely spiritual or religious, and believe this helps you solve your problems. Travel may not be something you do often, and you prefer to be around water. 10th House in Pisces You have difficulty figuring out what you want to do with your career and the path you want your life to go in. You need to learn to be more practical when making your decisions. You can do work that helps other people, or allows you to express your emotions publicly through something creative. You can choose a career that’s Pisces-related, like dealing with spirituality, the metaphysical, the arts, or helping others. 11th House in Pisces You’ll do anything for your friends, but need to make sure that you see them for who they really are, and accept them as such. You’re very charitable, and will give far more than you have. Your dreams tend to involve helping others, or are wildly fantastical. 12th House in Pisces You come across as someone who is more assertive and aggressive than you actually are. When alone or comfortable, you’re sweet, compassionate, and sensitive. You need to learn to show these qualities publicly without worry, and to listen to what you gut tells you. |