​Pisces is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Pisces Sun is spiritual, creative, and fluid. Pisces Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Pisces is present in your natal chart, this is an area where you're imaginative and spiritual. If you have any natal planets in Pisces, you can feel the Pisces energy strongly personally with whatever that planet rules.
Pisces is a water sign, along with Cancer and Scorpio, and the water signs are emotional and intuitive. Pisces is also a mutable sign, along with Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius, and the mutable signs are movable. Pisces connects with the 12th house of endings and hidden things, and is ruled by spiritual Neptune. At-a-Glance Pisces Keywords:
Pisces in Astrology: Spiritual
Pisces is the sign of spirituality thanks to being ruled by spiritual Neptune, and this is deep spiritual beliefs and spiritual practices. Pisces spirituality is connected to the soul, and may even be carried over from past lives.
Pisces in Astrology: Intuitive
Pisces is a highly intuitive sign, and all of the water signs are pretty intuitive, but Pisces is the most. Pisces is in tune with the subtle energies all around us, and that allows Pisces to have strong intuition. It just needs to trust it and remove some of the junk that can get in the way.
Pisces in Astrology: Compassion and Empathy
Pisces is a highly compassionate and empathetic sign. Pisces can understand other ways of living, other cultures, other views, other experiences, perhaps as a result of having an active imagination, strong intuition, and subconscious remembrance of past lives. It's also deep in its emotions and understands how emotions connect us all. Pisces wants to help as many as it can, and in a personal way rather than a distant way. Pisces tries to use a gentle hand when it helps, not wanting to injure anyone.
Pisces in Astrology: Imagination and the Arts
Pisces is the sign of imagination, which makes it a highly creative sign. Pisces rules fantasy and daydreams, and its imagination can take over sometimes. If it can be productive with it and learn a little discipline, it can create great creative works. Pisces is ruler of the arts, especially music, dance, and painting/drawing/sculpting/etc.
Pisces in Astrology: Flowing
Pisces is both a flowing water sign and a flowing mutable sign, which means Pisces is the most flowing of all the signs. Pisces is highly flexible and adaptable, goes with the flow, and rarely gets stuck. This can be a challenge sometimes though if it leads to instability.
Pisces in Astrology: The Hidden
Pisces connects with what's hidden, which can be secrets, what's literally hidden from you, or the subconscious mind. Pisces has a deep subconscious mind, and stores a lot in there, so it can get lost in it.
Pisces in Astrology: Karma
Pisces is the sign of karma, and can connect with the karma it carries from past lives, and the karma it creates in its current life. Pisces is karmic baggage, karmic issues, karmic lessons, karmic connections, and karmic plans.
Pisces in Astrology: Victim
When not manifesting well, Pisces is the sign of the victim. Pisces can struggle with healthy boundaries, and this leads Pisces to be easily taken advantage of. Because of its active imagination, it can also have a hard time seeing things clearly. And it can assume everyone has good intentions when they clearly don't. Boundaries and being realistic are super important for Pisces.
Where Your Pisces Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Pisces, the way those planets express themselves is via Pisces, so they are spiritual, creative, and gentle. The more Pisces planets you have, the more Pisces-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Pisces, you will have at least one natal house with Pisces. The house that falls in Pisces (has Pisces on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take an intuitive, creative approach. If you have no Pisces house cusps, Pisces is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Aquarius, and your Pisces energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Pisces
When the transit (moving) planets are in Pisces, this can give all of us some Pisces energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Pisces roughly every year from mid February to mid March, and this is Pisces Season, which brings greater emphasis on spirituality and imagination for us all.
Transit Mercury in Pisces helps us to get in tune with our subconscious minds; transit Venus in Pisces can make us more understanding and gentle in love; transit Mars in Pisces can drive us spiritually; transit Ceres in Pisces can nourish our imagination and artistic expression; and transit Jupiter in Pisces brings opportunities for creative pursuits, helping others, and expanding creatively. Transit Saturn in Pisces can bring out issues we have with Pisces, so issues around past baggage, subconscious issues, and spiritually. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt is to work it out. Saturn is currently touring Pisces until 2026. Transit Uranus was last in Pisces , and brought spiritual changes. Transit Neptune is currently in Pisces, amplifying the effect since Neptune naturally rules Pisces, making us extra compassionate, spiritual, intuitive, and creative. Transit Chiron moves to Pisces in (and was last in Pisces ), and we can tackle issues with empathy and karma. Transit Pluto will start moving to Pisces in , and this makes for passionate spirituality and intense compassion. Strong Pisces Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Pisces in your natal chart, this can give you strong Pisces energy in your life and personality. You can be spiritual, compassionate, and creative. This can be the case if you have a Pisces stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Pisces.
You can also feel that you have strong Pisces energy if your natal Neptune is strong, which is the planet that rules Pisces. This can be the case if your natal Neptune is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Neptune is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Pisces, this gives all of us a strong dose of Pisces energy all at once. We can intuit and be empathetic. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Pisces energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Pisces Sun sign page Comments are closed.