I'm analyzing my first villain! Since I'm a Batman fan, I thought it would be a good idea to analyze some Batman villains this month. Of course, Joker had to be first, the greatest foe of Mr. Bats. Let's dig in! Joker's Sun
Okay, in the 1989 Batman film with Jack Nicholson playing the Joker, at one point in the film he says that he's a Pisces. I don't think they meant that, but it actually makes a lot of sense to me! Pisces rules illusion, delusion, fantasy - doesn't he seem like he lives in his own crazy world that he's always trying to drag us into?
Also, his past is very foggy, his memory is zilch. In the comics, he has various origins; in The Dark Knight film, he's constantly telling different stories about his life. This is very Pisces, this fluidity, and the fog of his past. I'd put Neptune opposite or square his Sun as well to add to that effect. I like his Sun in the 8th house because he's so dark. The 8th house is naturally ruled by Scorpio/Pluto, and is an emotional water house. I also wanted to take into consideration synastry between the Joker and Batman since they seem so tied together. We usually compare charts for people to see compatibility, but linkages aren't only indicative of romantic or familial relationships. You can also see ties with your enemies. We often hate the people who remind us so much of ourselves, right? I wrote with Batman that I think he's a Scorpio 12th house Sun - Scorpio naturally rules the 8th house, which I think is the house the Joker's Sun is located, and the 12th house is naturally ruled by Pisces, which I think the Joker's Sun sign is. See the link? That would show a connection. I also like his Sun anaretic, because anaretic Suns can have a hard time being who they really are. They're very adaptable, and that would be double the case for Joker with his Sun in Pisces, a changeable mutable sign. Joker's Moon & Rising
Joker is very look-at-me, desperate for attention, always wanting everyone to see what evilness he's done. How Leo! Leo is the sign ruling theatrics - Joker is pretty theatrical, wouldn't you say?
He doesn't just do evil, he does it big, grand, for all the world to behold - Leo all the way! The Moon is what you need to feel emotionally safe and secure, and Leo can be pretty needy when it comes to attention. If Joker's Pisces Sun is in the 8th house, that would also make his a Leo Rising. That makes sense to me, as he wants to makes himself look like a clown, and I feel like clowns are ruled by Leo, and the rising is how you come across. This would be his Moon in the 12th or 1st house. I'd go with 12th house, because he seems like he has a deep well of emotion, but he tries to hide it by being so cruel. This would also be a tie to Batman because I believe Batman would have a 12th house Sun. Joker's Moon in Leo would be quincunx his Sun in Pisces, again fitting because quincunxes are erratic energy, difficult to get control of, so with Sun quincunx Moon, it can show someone who has a hard time controlling themselves, is all over the place, erratic and frazzled. Joker's Mercury, Venus, and Mars
Mercury doesn't travel far from the Sun, so his Mercury would be in Aquarius, Pisces, or Aries (though not Aquarius if his Sun is anaretic). I like it in Pisces and the 8th house along with his Sun, as he has an active imagination (Pisces), with a cruel, dark mind (8th house).
Venus also doesn't travel very far from the Sun, so I'd put his Venus in either Aquarius or Aries. An Aquarius Venus would make him very aloof when it comes to other people, unfeeling with a lack of connection. An Aries Venus would make him selfish with other people, putting his own needs above everyone else's. I think I'll go with Aquarius, which would put his Venus in the 7th house, which rules your open enemies, the ones you know about. He does have a special place in his heart for Batman, his open enemy, which would be shown by Venus in the 7th house. I like Scorpio in the 9th house for Joker's Mars. Scorpio is unrelenting, as the Joker is, violent and dark, one of the signs of war. The 9th house would go to his loftier goal or trying to change the world to fit his own views. It would be square his Venus, making it difficult for him to show affection, and square his Moon, showing the temper. It would also make his Mars conjunct Batman's Sun, showing his aggression toward Batman. A note about the Joker card
The Joker card in the playing deck correlates to the Fool card in Tarot, which is linked to the planet Uranus. Uranus is the planet of the wild, the unexpected, just like Joker. I'd guess he has Uranus conjunct one of his personal planets to add in that Uranus unpredictability.
Suggested Reading: Astrology of Batman |