My last Batman villain for the month, Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman. Though she isn't exactly a villain, as she says her world is shades of grey. She goes however she wants. But she is one of those elusive chicks for Mr. Bats. They've got major chemistry - so let's explore her astrologically! Catwoman's Sun, Mercury and Rising
Her birthday is supposedly March 15th, which makes her a Pisces. This does make a lot of sense, similarly to why I chose Pisces for the Joker. She's very fluid, and various origin stories show her having to overcome a lot when young and take care of younger females (very Pisces with the compassionate side).
Plus the love of animals, which is Pisces or Virgo. Pisces rules large animals while Virgo rules small animals, and having strong Pisces or Virgo energy can show you have a thing for animals. Since I think Batman is a Scorpio Sun, this would make their Sun's trine, in elemental harmony, giving them an innate understanding of one another. Whenever you Sun is in the same element (fire, earth, air, water) as someone else’s, this can help you get along (along with other placements). I also put her Sun in the 12th house, just like Batman. She hides behind a mask as well, and again, it goes to their understanding of one another. That would make her an Aries Rising, which I like because she comes across as someone who can take care of herself, who is independent and strong. This is also trine Batman's Sagittarius rising, giving more of that elemental harmony. The more elemental harmony you see, the stronger the link - and these two have a strong link! I put her Mercury in Pisces and the 12th house as well, amplifying her Piscean flow. It also adds to her keeping to herself, hiding her true self, and hiding her softer side. Catwoman's Moon, Venus, and Mars
Venus doesn’t travel far from the Sun, so she’d have a Venus in Aquarius, Pisces, or Aries, most likely. I like her Venus in Aries because it makes her not a flower-y type of female, especially in love. This would be conjunct Batman's Mars, and Venus/Mars connections can be super strong indicators of attraction.
The conjunction in particular shows major chemistry. I would put her Venus on her Ascendant because Catwoman oozes sex appeal, and this position tends to do that (think Angelina Jolie). Since I like Aries for her Rising, an Aries Venus makes sense. I feel like we're missing some earthy energy and some Scorpio/8th house energy, so I'd put her Moon in one and Mars in the other. Scorpio Moon and the 8th house might make more sense given her violent home life, and Mars in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) would help give her that earthy sensuality. Asteroid Black
I mentioned in the Batman post that there is an asteroid Black, and that it would probably be prominent in his chart since he dons all black. So does Catwoman, so I'd bet she has a prominent asteroid Black.
Suggested Reading: Astrology of Batman Comments are closed.