The seventh house in astrology is where we connect with others. It's the people in our lives, the partnerships we make, and we go from all about work with the sixth house to forming connections with the seventh house, which then deepens with the eighth house. 7th House Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Astrology charts have 12 houses, and each link to different parts of life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at. Each of your natal houses connects to different parts of your life and personality.
The 7th house is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and relationships. Venus and the 7th house are generally where you focus first and foremost with relationship astrology. At-a-Glance 7th House Keywords:
7th House in Astrology: Committed Relationships and Partnerships
The seventh house in astrology is best known for being the house of committed relationships and partnerships. These are the relationships we take seriously, and the people we're close to. This can include marriage and similar types of commitment, as well as business partnerships where you're more or less equals (ones where you're not fall under the eighth house).
This house (along with Venus) can show who you attract into your life, what you want and need in committed relationships, and what you give in a committed relationship. 7th House in Astrology: Other People
The seventh house, generally, rules the other people in your life. This means all of them! Whenever you're having dealings with others, this is a seventh house matter (combined with whatever else rules the dealing specifically). Each house rules a specific relationship, but the seventh house is all of them in general.
The seventh house shows those you're committed to, but also people who may come in and out of your life. 7th House in Astrology: Compromise
The seventh house governs compromise, and is the house where you want to meet in the middle. It's the house ruling negotiation and mediation. This is where you want to find middle ground and are willing to compromise.
The sign of your seventh house can show how you approach compromise and how well you negotiate. 7th House in Astrology: Balance
The seventh house is on an axis with the first house, and they cut right through the very middle of the Zodiac wheel and any astrology chart. This is the axis of connections, but because of its placement, it's also focused on balance, and that's mostly funneled to the seventh house.
The seventh house can show what you need in order to feel balanced, your approach to balance, and what balance looks like for you. 7th House in Astrology: Fairness and Justice
The seventh house rules fairness and justice, so it does tie into the law (which is ruled by the ninth house). This is where we need to fight fair, and fight for justice, and where justice is more true to its ideal rather than seeking revenge or punishment (which is more eighth house).
The seventh house can show where you feel more fairness and justice is needed and how you approach this. 7th House in Astrology: Equality
The seventh house in astrology also rules equality. This is not where our connections are unequal (which can be the sixth, eighth, or twelfth houses), and instead, are the connections where we're on equal ground.
The seventh house can show where you strive for equality, how you approach it, and what it looks like for you. 7th House in Astrology: Peace and Harmony
The seventh house governs peace and harmony, and this is the house where we're anti-war and don't want to fight. That's partly why we compromise and strive for fairness with this house, since that can lead to peace and harmony.
The seventh house can show where you need peace and harmony, what you can do to get it, and how you can maintain it. Where Your Seventh House Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign your seventh house falls in. The areas of life ruled by that sign can tie into your connections. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your seventh house (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your seventh house falls in) as this can also connect to the 7th house energy.
If you have any natal planets in your seventh house, this can make the seventh house energy a lot stronger for you. That planet has a strong impact on your relationships, and may play a key role in the connections you make and with the people you attract. Transit (moving) planets touring your seventh house can bring some temporary energy for seventh house matters. This often directly impacts your relationships, commitments, and dealings with others. Transit Saturn in the seventh house might be the most difficult as Saturn is a restrictive planet ruling lessons, so many people tend to exit your life with transit Saturn touring your 7th house, and this can be upsetting initially, but it's usually the people that weren't good for you, or where you weren't letting yourself learn the lessons you needed to. Transit planets aspecting your natal 7th house ruler can stimulate seventh house energy as well, and conjunctions, squares, and oppositions by transit Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or Chiron can be especially challenging and impact your relationships. Any existing relationship issues can worsen, and it's often a time for breakups and broken commitments if you don't work on the underlying issues (both of you). A Strong Seventh House in Astrology
Some may have a super strong natal seventh house. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) in the 7th house - your Sun, Moon, or Chiron in the 7th house - your North or South Node in your 7th house - your 1st house ruler in the 7th house - your 7th house cusp or ruler anaretic (at 29 degrees) - retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the 7th house or ruling the 7th house When you have a strong 7th house, this can mean your relationships are super important to you, and you're likely someone who thrives with a partner by your side (except with Saturn, then you might be on your own until later in life). Good connections are important for your sense of well-being, and you can feel great when you have a solid group of supportive loved ones. Being better balanced, surrounding yourself with serene people instead of chaotic ones, making helpful compromises, and striving with equality can all be an important part of who you are, and maintaining yourself. You need a relatively peaceful life with supportive people, otherwise you can feel out of balance and indecisive. Suggested Reading: The 7th House page for general interpretations, as well as the series of articles about the 12 houses: All About the First House in Astrology All About the Second House in Astrology All About the Third House in Astrology All About the Fourth House in Astrology All About the Fifth House in Astrology All About the Sixth House in Astrology All About the Seventh House in Astrology All About the Eighth House in Astrology All About the Ninth House in Astrology All About the Tenth House in Astrology All About the Eleventh House in Astrology All About the Twelfth House in Astrology Comments are closed.