Aquarius is the sign of the unconventional. This sign doesn't like the traditional, the way things have always been - this sign needs things to be different! This means that wherever you have Aquarius in your natal chart, that area is one where YOU need things to be different. You're not totally normal with whatever it rules. You're totally out of this world! About Aquarius:
Aquarius is an air sign, along with Gemini and Libra. The air signs are the signs of the mind, and are intellectual in nature. They tend to be sociable and engaging. Aquarius is no exception, and actually rules large groups and your friends and acquaintances.
Aquarius is also a fixed sign, along with Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, The fixed signs tend to stick to things, so this makes Aquarius a little different from the other two air signs in that it can stick to whatever it sets its mind to fairly easily. Aquarius is governed by the planet Uranus. Uranus is the changemaker, the one who shakes things up and makes everything different. Uranus sees the future, and understands that in order for us to have what we hope for and dream about, change is required from us. So, Aquarius is a sign that needs things to be different, and can get bored easily if it's not. It may have little patience for the conventional. The areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart that falls in Aquarius get this energy. It's where you must be different! Note that this can be triggered when transit (moving) planets are touring your natal Aquarius house. That's when the need to be different can become reeeally obvious :) Aquarius Houses:
1st house: This house rules your outer self, so you can come across as someone different and unconventional in personality or appearance. You can present your quirks outwardly, and not care as much about fitting in. You just want to be you!
2nd house: This house rules your values, so you're someone who may have values that are different from what you'd consider "normal". You may also lack stability, or find stability in unusual ways. And this house rules money, so you can make money and handle money in different ways. 3rd house: This house rules the mind and communication, so you can have your own way of communicating and expressing yourself. You can come up with flashes of brilliant, innovative ideas. Your immediate environment may need to be unusual in some way, or you may be someone who lives in many neighborhoods/communities. 4th house: This house rules the home and family, so you likely have an unusual relationship with your family, or you treat your friends like your family. When it comes to your home, what feels like home for you can be different from what's conventional. You may be the odd one in your family. 5th house: This house rules love and creativity, so you can have unconventional hobbies and interests, and explore your creative side in unusual ways. In love, you can be attracted to unconventional people and unconventional courtship rituals. You need love to be different in some way. 6th house: This house rules your work and daily life, so you need to focus on unconventional work, and have a daily life that gives lots of room to do things differently. You may have your own way of making a schedule, and your routine may change constantly or be unusual in some way. This house also rules health, so you may go for unconventional or experimental approaches. 7th house: This house rules relationships and the people in your life, so you may need your close relationships to be with unusual people or have unusual setups. Traditional commitment may not be for you (unless Saturn is in play). You can appreciate the quirks in other people, and may admire eccentric people. 8th house: This house rules transformations, so you can approach transforming in your life in unconventional ways. You may find that transforming allows you to be true to yourself and more independent, and you can decide to make transformations quickly or on a whim at times. 9th house: This house rules your beliefs, so you may prefer unconventional beliefs (both religious and spiritual). You don't want to be boxed in when it comes to your beliefs. You can also be attracted to learning about unusual subjects with this house ruling higher learning, and gain life experience in unusual ways. 10th house: This house rules your goals and career, so you likely need a career that is unconventional, and focus on goals that are unusual. You can take your own approach, your own path, to achievement, and can think outside of the box with your plans. You may focus on goals or a career that you feel is true to your unique self. 11th house: This is the house that naturally connects to Aquarius, so you can feel more at ease. You may have unusual friends, unconventional friendships, work toward different causes, and can find your own approach to your dreams. 12th house: This is the house of spirituality and the hidden, so you may not be as open about what's different about you until you're behind closed doors or with those you know really well. Alone, you can let your quirks out fully. You may be attracted to unconventional spiritual practices and ideologies. Suggested Reading: Pisces Houses: Where You Trust Your Gut Comments are closed.