As the planet of change, Uranus can bring a lot of sudden, unexpected changes into our lives. Uranus can be unsettling at times, but also an interesting planet to work with. Uranus doesn’t want everything to stay as it is. Uranus gets bored easily, and doesn’t want us to be comfortable with the status quo. Uranus wants us to smash it! The areas of life ruled by the house transit Uranus is travelling in your natal chart can get a lot of the change energy, for better or worse, and you have to go with it. Uranus usually spends 6-10 years in a house, so you get a solid period of change. Transit Uranus in the houses can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the same house, hard aspects to the house cusp or ruler, or a Uranus aspect. Transit Uranus in the Houses:Transit Uranus in the 1st House
The 1st house is the house of the self, so having transit Uranus in your 1st house can focus on changes that impact any and every area of your life or part of yourself. You can feel that some of the changes are within your control, but may feel that some hit you outta nowhere. You may have a hard time settling for the traditional and the status quo, and want things to be different in big ways. As Uranus crosses over the 1st house cusp, this can be when the change energy is strongest and can trigger a big change.
You have to work with the changes and try to make them of your own volition. Instead of letting things happen to you, make them happen yourself. Don’t sit back and watch - take action! The 1st house rules new beginnings and new journeys, so think about new beginnings and new journeys that are a little different, or that would be a big change in your life, and get moving with them. You can focus on almost anything in your life with the 1st house, so you don’t have to limit yourself. Also, be more flexible with the changes that occur that feel out of your control. They’re likely meant to challenge you in a way you haven’t thought of, and keep you on your toes for new beginnings on the horizon. Transit Uranus in the 2nd House
The 2nd house is the house of money, so having transit Uranus in your 2nd house can bring changes for you financially. This is often a time when you can experience big surges in money as well as big downfalls, and earnings can be erratic. There may be some changes with your work as a result. You can also question your values, feel more insecure and unstable, and your confidence can go really high and really low quickly.
Find some new approaches to handling your finances, but in a way that’s smart and responsible. When you experience sudden windfalls and positive financial periods, make sure you save for when things aren’t so well. It can be a good period for earning money through commission, in spurts, using technology, and in a way where it’s not steady but more periodic. You may want to focus on your values in life and assess if they are consistent with who you are now and who you’re becoming, rather than who you used to be. If you haven’t questioned your values before, this can be the time to. This transit can be an important period for grounding yourself, and that can help you maintain confidence and security throughout changes. Transit Uranus in the 3rd House
The 3rd house is the house of the mind, so having transit Uranus in your 3rd house can bring changes for you mentally, in the way you communicate and express yourself, and can challenge you to be more open to unusual ideas and plans. You may feel a little out there with your ideas and plans though, and can be a little too futuristic and occasionally unrealistic.
Find new ways of communicating and expressing yourself. There are many ways out there, and you can challenge yourself to explore new ways, to experiment, and this can help open up your mind more as well as understand others better. You need to work on opening up your mind in big ways, and seeing things in brand new ways that you wouldn’t have before. Open up to unusual subjects and ideas, original thinkers, and learn about things you’d normally think were too weird. As for your ideas, feel free to come up with all of the kooky ones you can think of, but try not to waste your time on any that aren’t realistic. Do your homework before taking action and committing yourself to anything. Transit Uranus in the 4th House
The 4th house is the house of the home and family, so having transit Uranus in your 4th house can bring changes in your home life, with your family, as well as emotionally or with the foundation of your life. You might struggle with these changes as they can be emotionally upsetting and seem to shake the foundation of your life.
Go with the changes, and work to make changes at home. You may need to constantly make changes, so try to focus on little things that keep you busy, like redecorating or renovating room-by-room. If you’re a bit of a nomad, you may find you want to move around a lot during this transit and not put down any roots anywhere. Home may become something that takes on a different meaning for you now, and that’s okay. You can also work on making changes in your relationships with your relatives, which can mean improvements for some while it may mean severing ties for others, depending on the state of the relationship. You can also find new, unusual ways of strengthening the foundation for your life and to make you feel emotionally stable and secure. Transit Uranus in the 5th House
The 5th house is the house of love, so having transit Uranus in your 5th house can bring changes in your love relationships, with what you love and enjoy, and you can become interested in things that seem really different and out there. A lot of the relationship changes can be unsettling, and love can come and go quickly.
You have to work on being more grounded in love, and not giving in to the flashes of love that comes and goes. It can seem exciting and fun, but it can break you just as fast. Slow things down when meeting someone new, if single. Be open to someone who is very different from what you usually go for, or a type of relationship that’s different. If you’re in a relationship, try to breathe some fresh life into it so you don’t get bored and look for excitement elsewhere. You can also focus on new ways of expressing love, and what you want from love and are willing to give in love can change. As for hobbies, be open to taking on new ones that are different, unconventional, or strange. Transit Uranus in the 6th House
The 6th house is the house of work, so having transit Uranus in your 6th house can bring changes in your work life, with the work you do, and you may change your profession or suddenly feel you should be doing something different. You can also experience a lot of changes in your daily life, with your routine or regimen, and with your health.
Make sure that you’re passionate about the work you’re doing, otherwise that’s usually when you run into problems. If you’re not, then think about how you can make changes to be doing work that you love. You may think outside of the box and push yourself outside of your comfort zone to make this happen. Just try not to make decisions on a whim, otherwise you can have professional instability. Implement changes with your routine and your regimen so you’re not getting easily bored in your daily life, and keep lots of room for flexibility in your schedule for last-minute changes. With your health, you can open up to trying out unconventional practices and methods, going the non-traditional route, and you may need to experiment to find solutions to health issues. Transit Uranus in the 7th House
The 7th house is the house of relationships, so having transit Uranus in your 7th house can bring about changes in your relationships and connections with others, and you can attract all sorts of different, unusual people in your life, and experience sudden, expected changes in existing relationships. You may want more space in your relationships, and can be more emotionally detached.
Work on making changes in your relationships, but to improve the relationships and not walk away entirely, unless the relationship is really unhealthy and in need of ending. Try not to embark on changes on a whim, suddenly/unexpectedly, without rhyme or reason. Be smart, and try to get on the same page as the other person. Be open to new and unusual people, and to making new and unusual connections. Relationships may be different in some way, and you may prefer people who give you space to be yourself. In existing relationships, if you feel anyone is suffocating you, you can withdraw, so try to get the space you need. Commitment may mean something new and different to you now, and you can be open to different interpretations. Transit Uranus in the 8th House
The 8th house is the house of transformations, so having transit Uranus in your 8th house can bring about sudden and unexpected transformations, and they can feel unsettling. Changes may be profound, but you can get swept up in extreme emotions because of them, and be prone to pessimism. You may also struggle with shared resources, intimacy, and serious issues that you hold deep inside of yourself.
You may want to focus on the things you hold deep inside, your inner darkness and demons, and use new and different ways of addressing them. When you work them out, changes can be less unsettling and less disruptive in your life, and you don’t have to get stuck in bad moods. Changes that you embark on should be changes that will lead to positive transformations, and these may be long-term, so try to start changes and stick with them to see the transformations through. You can work on finding new ways of strengthening intimacy in your life, of sharing more with others, and improving your emotional bonds and connections with others. Transit Uranus in the 9th House
The 9th house is the house of expansion, so having transit Uranus in your 9th house can bring changes to the opportunities that you’re presented with and the ways in which you expand your life. When you get started with a change, you may go too far with it at times, and need to try and get some control over it. Be more mindful of the changes you’re making, and when you’re expanding your life, work on going about it in more stable ways.
You can be super optimistic with Uranus touring the 9th house, and can focus on the brighter side of life, but this may need to be grounded more in reality so you don’t become unrealistic. This can be a great time for higher education, especially if you’re learning anything Uranus-related or if you’re focusing on something really unusual and different. If you’re in school, you may pick up a different interest from what you’re already studying. This can also be a good period for sudden travel that opens you up for new opportunities. Transit Uranus in the 10th House
The 10th house is the house of career, so having transit Uranus in your 10th house can bring about changes for you professionally. The kind of career you want may no longer feel right, and the career you’re currently in may no longer be of interest, feeling boring and stale. You can crave a change in direction in life, and focus on unusual and new goals.
If you’re not passionate about your career, this can be a difficult transit professionally, much like with the 6th house. You need to focus on having a career you love, and if it’s not what you’re doing, you can work on finding new and unconventional ways of doing what you’re passionate about. If you don’t want to change careers, you may be able to breathe some new life in your existing career to keep your interest, and find new, unconventional approaches to your work. You can take a different approach with your goals and ambitions, and think about where you’re going in life. Try to be smart and do your homework before you completely change direction though, otherwise you may wish you hadn’t when the transit is over. Transit Uranus in the 11th House
The 11th house is the house Uranus naturally rules, so having transit Uranus in the 11th house can make it more comfortable for you to focus on your dreams, make changes in your life, be true to yourself, go outside of your comfort zone, feel hopeful, take up causes, be independent, and expand your social circle.
It may be difficult with these if you’re experiencing a hard aspect by transit Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto to the 11th house cusp or ruler. You may focus more on the 11th house stuff when transit Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars are in the 11th house with Uranus. Transit Uranus in the 12th House
The 12th house is the house of endings, so having transit Uranus in your 12th house can bring about sudden and unexpected endings, as well as sudden and unexpected issues from the past coming into your life, old enemies surfacing, or subconscious issues suddenly cropping up. You may experience changes that you have to deal with on your own or that impact you subconsciously.
You may need to work on issues from the past or subconscious issues proactively, and work on gaining insights into yourself and your life, and they can come suddenly. You can benefit from things like therapy, though you may be open to different and unusual therapeutic approaches. You can work on letting go of baggage, and this may be easier for you as you’re more detached. Any changes that you embark on, you may do quietly and on your own, in the background and out of the spotlight, not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself, though you can get some attention for things you do in the background. This can also be a good time for focusing on your spirituality, exploring new and unconventional spiritual beliefs, and connecting to your intuition. Suggested Reading: The Survival Series: Surviving Transit Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Full Moons, and Mercury retrograde in the Houses, and Hard Pluto to the Personal Planets and Hard Saturn to the Personal Planets Comments are closed.