Hard aspects by transit Pluto to your personal planets can be pretty brutal, and some of the most notoriously difficult astrology to go through involves Pluto. Pluto is a passionate, intense planet, and doesn't like to go easy on us! An aspect is when two bodies are at certain distances from one another in the Zodiac. The Zodiac is comprised of 12 signs, and each are 30 degrees, so there are 360 degrees total. Some aspects are major, and they have the strongest impact, and of the major aspects, 3 can be considered hard by Pluto: conjunction, square, and opposition. A conjunction occurs when they're in the same spot, Conjunctions are neutral, but when Pluto is conjunct one of your natal planets, this can amplify the intense, unrelenting energy of Pluto on whatever that planet rules, making it a challenge. A square occurs when they're 90 degrees apart. Squares are said to be aspects of internalized friction, and may be the most difficult of the aspects by Pluto. You have a lot of inner work to do with a Pluto square! An opposition occurs when they're exactly opposite one another. Oppositions are said to be aspects of external friction, and tend to bring more challenges externally that may feel out of your control and require lots of flexibility. The personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars (well technically the Sun and Moon are luminaries, but we'll simplify here and lump them in with Mercury, Venus, and Mars). They're the planets mostly closely tied to our personality and who we are. Pluto is the planet of transformation, and this is most present under a hard aspect by Pluto to your personal planets. A transformation is required in order to get through the energy, otherwise Pluto will make you pay. Surviving Hard Aspects to the Personal Planets by Transit Pluto:Transit Pluto to the Natal Sun
With the natal Sun ruling the self, transit Pluto conjunct, square, or opposite can bring challenges that feel very personal, that target who you are as a person, or that touch on many areas of life. You may have lots of power struggles, and old issues may be dredged up.
How to survive: Pluto wants a transformation, so you may need to focus on transforming some part of you. Your confidence, your outlook, your approach, even your physical self. This can also focus on the areas of life ruled by the house your natal Sun rules (the house with Leo on the cusp). Work on becoming more comfortable with your personal power in a healthy way. You don't need to give all your power away, but you also don't need to take it from others. There is enough within you. Transit Pluto to Natal Moon
With the natal Moon ruling your emotions, transit Pluto conjunct, square, or opposite can bring deeply-held emotions to the surface. All those old emotional issues that you haven't wanted to face can find their way out now. You can feel everything more deeply, and sway between emotional extremes as a result.
How to survive: All of that emotional stuff is coming out for a reason - you need to deal with it! Tackle those emotional issues, stat, and get proactive about it. Your emotional response and what you need for emotional security and stability can transform now. This can be terrifying in the interim, but ultimately leads to greater emotional strength. Tackle any cracks in your internal foundation and make it stronger. Transit Pluto to Natal Mercury
With natal Mercury ruling your mind, transit Pluto conjunct, square, or opposite can bring a very pessimistic outlook. You may become obsessed with certain subjects, projects, situations, or even just opinions and schools of thought, and have difficulty letting it go. You may be more forceful in communications with others, and can be your-way-or-the-highway.
How to survive: There's always an out with Mercury, and one thing you'll likely need is to give your mind something to get wrapped up in where it's okay to be wrapped up in it. This tends to be best for big projects, big learning, and career pursuits. While your outlook may be pessimistic, it's really realistic, so when you find yourself veering toward the pessimism, check yourself. Is it really that bad, or is there something better you're overlooking? With communications, you have to work on being more compromising, and this may be something you have to consciously be aware of at all times so you make sure you're being considerate and not pushy. Transit Pluto to Natal Venus
With natal Venus ruling your relationships, transit Pluto conjunct, square, or opposite can target your dealings with others. You may have more power struggles and fights over control, and any lingering issues in any of your relationships can boil over. You may be overly dominant, controlling, or manipulative with others, or you may deal with people who treat you that way. You can become obsessed with a person or relationship and get too wrapped up in it.
How to survive: With existing relationships, work on the issues that are already there. The ones that have existed for a while, festered, and slowly gotten worse, are the ones you likely need to focus on most/first. Transforming the relationship is probably needed, though it may be that the transformation is an ending. Try to avoid dominating, controlling, manipulative people, and don't let yourself get sucked into drama. If you find you're the controlling one, turn inward and focus on the core of why that is. Transit Pluto to Natal Mars
With natal Mars ruling your energy and drive, transit Pluto conjunct, square, or opposite can bring out any anger that you've been holding back. Anger, rage, hatred, and jealousy can all come out big. Your motivations may not be pure, and you may deal with a lot of unscrupulous people.
How to survive: Mars/Pluto can be amazing for progress and productivity, so use the energy of Mars to focus on something you can pour the unrelenting passion into. This can be excellent for professional goals, but also personal growth (where exactly may focus on the areas of life ruled by the house your natal Mars rules, so the house with Aries on the cusp). If you're quick to heat up, this tends to actually be insecurity being triggered, so work on that. As for motivations, be more honest with yourself about what is driving you with everything you do. If they're not the best, get at the root of why that is. And stay away from shady people! Suggested Reading: The Survival Series: How to survive transit Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Full Moons, and Mercury retrograde in the houses, and Hard Saturn to the Personal Planets Comments are closed.