We have all heard phrases like Aries energy is full of spirit but sometimes impatient, or Capricorn is reliable but overly concerned with material gain. Each of the Zodiac signs has a spectrum of traits that range from highly functional benefits to quirks that can easily become stumbling blocks (or let’s face it, pitfalls). While we should never stereotype, this is what it means to be human and developing self-awareness makes a huge difference. From this perspective, an astrology chart is a treasure of a roadmap. It tells us so much about ourselves. Astrology spells out the limiting behaviors that are common in each sign. By combining this with behavioral psychology, we can retrain our instincts so they are no longer based on fear or false beliefs. For example, an Aries female can stop herself if her impatience starts to get the better of her. Or a Virgo man can see his attention to detail devolving into obsessive or compulsive behavior. Rather than say “I was built this” way, we make an effort and change. What Happens In Crisis Situations?
What happens to our self-awareness during crisis situations? In one of his book launches, the late Wayne Dyer stood on stage with a half-cut orange and squeezed it until the juice dripped out, telling us that when people are under pressure, that’s when we see what is inside them. We show our true colors. The natal chart, especially our Sun and Moon signs, often influence the way each of us reacts in crisis situations as they rule our spirit and emotional security.
Astrological transits can tell us when these high-stress periods will come along. So for example, if we look at Pluto and Saturn in in Capricorn, people with personal planets in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will feel the crunch. We can use this knowledge in two ways: first, to get ahead of ourselves by using the theoretical understanding of astrology to make changes in relevant life areas. What houses and planets that will find themselves under pressure with the transit? Is there anything that you have been avoiding? The second approach to transits involves vibrational healing – using tools like homeopathy, crystals, essential oils and flower remedies to keep stress in check so that we act out less. The Benefits of Vibrational Healing
We are all made of energy, our thoughts, our emotions and even our metabolic processes. The physical body is surrounded by a light body known as the Aura; it acts as a filter for all of the vibes we send out into the world and those we receive. For simplicity’s sake, we can visualize the Aura as made up of four layers: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The Spiritual layer includes an energetic imprint of our natal astrology chart, which as we know, tells us what signs the planets were in when we were born. This filter is one of the reasons why we feel astrological transits so keenly and why we resonate with certain signs and not others. Even if we can’t spell it out, our energy body knows when we are in friendly territory.
Vibrational healing operates on the assumption that every imbalance has an energetic imprint and that we can restore balance to the mind, body and emotions with an essence that matches the imbalance. So for example, an Aries man who feels overtaken by impatience during a crisis situation could reach for the Bach Flower Remedy aptly named Impatiens, or for a Red Jasper crystal, both of which will help him calm down and focus. The same concept would apply regardless, if his natal Sun, Moon, Ascendant or another major planet is in Aries. "Do It Yourself" Remedies
There are crystals, essential oils and flower remedies for each Zodiac sign. We can use this to create grounding and centering survival kits based on our natal astrology charts. Based on my personal experience with energy healing and astrology, what works best is a survival kit with the vibration of your personal planets so that your bases are all covered, no matter what.
Below you will find the vibrational correspondences for each of the Zodiac signs. We can only work with 5-6 elements at a time to avoid diluting the effect. I would suggest beginning with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Rising Sign. If your ruling planet is not mentioned here, I would consider swapping it in – and we can use our pendulum to choose the right mix. The following crystals and remedies are vibrational matches for the Zodiac: Aries Crystals: Bloodstone, Red Jasper. Gentian Bach Flowers Taurus Crystals: Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli. Oak Bach Flowers. Gemini Crystals: Citrine, Agate Moss. Walnut Bach Flowers. Cancer Crystals: Moon Stone, Smoky Quartz. Larch Bach Flowers Leo Crystals: Tigers Eye, Sunstone, Clear Quartz. Vine Bach Flowers Virgo Crystals: Chrysocolla, Fluorite. Crab Apple Bach Flowers Libra Crystals: Aventurine, Malachite. Centaury Bach Flowers Scorpio Crystals: Garnet, Blue Beryl, Labradorite. Chicory Bach Flowers. Sagittarius Crystals: Sodalite, Pietersite, Red Jasper. Wild Oat Bach Flowers. Capricorn Crystals: Black Tourmaline, Jet, Obsidian. Rock Water Bach Flowers. Aquarius Crystals: Aquamarine, Amethyst. Elm and Water Violet Bach Flowers, Pisces Crystals: Sodalite, Rhodochrosite. Clematis Bach Flowers. In order to create an Aura spray, we can place a few drops of each remedy in a bottle, fill it with running water and spray it in our Aura morning and night. The exact quantities can be found on the Bach Centre website. There are a number of correspondences available and the most famous is based on a book called the 12 Healers of the Zodiac. The correspondences mentioned here are based on my own energy healing work: Flowers for Every Star Sign (link) The crystal pouch is easier to assemble so long as we remember to cleanse and program new crystals so that they are dedicated to balancing our energy. Please follow the link to my Chakra Healing book below for more on crystal remedies and do-it-yourself healing. Suggested Reading: Healing the Shadow With Crystal Therapy About the Guest Writer:
Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits.
You can also find her on: Amazon - Facebook - Instagram |
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