Read on to see what's in the air for you astrologically with a weekly horoscope for September 18th - 24th. It's recommended you read your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign (or if you have a late Rising, the sign after). General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. Aries: You may be positively in touch with your feelings early on the 18th. The 23rd may make your emotions more intense early on, though that can go positive or negative, but then something happily unexpected could come up that takes your attention. Taurus: Midday on the 18th, you may feel even-keel, but later in the day you may experience a power struggle, someone trying to get power over you, or your trying to have power over others. You could have an emotional dip the 21st, but recover nicely by the 23rd. Gemini: The Moon is in your sign the 18th and 19th, so you may feel most emotionally at ease and harmonious with yourself then, however there may be a difficulty on the evening of the 19th. The positive emotions continue the 22nd. Cancer: From midday the 20th to the 22nd, the Moon is in Cancer, and you could feel this is a good period for you where you're not so crabby. The 23rd could bring high energy early, but watch for possible bad dreams the night of the 24th. Leo: Mars enters Leo on the 18th, increasing energy and drive for all Leos. Use it wisely! The Moon is also in your sign the 23rd and 24th, really ramping up your energy. Focus on what you need to accomplish and the stars may help you do it. Virgo: You may feel emotional unease the 19th, but better the 22nd. The 23rd and 24th could find you hiding in the background or preferring to be alone. We all need a day or two to recharge sometimes, and those are the days for it. Libra: The Sun enters Libra on the 23rd, the start of a new season and better vitality for Librans. If you've been feelings a bit rundown, that could start to shift with the Sun in your sign. The 23rd could be an especially good day for you. Scorpio: There could be a difficulty with a loved one on the 18th. Also watch for overindulgence. The 23rd could find you having problems with your emotions. The 23rd and 24th may shift your emotional focus to your career and life path. Where are you going? Sagittarius: The 18th and 19th has the Moon in your opposing sign of Gemini, so there may be less focus on you and more on others. Make sure you don't neglect yourself to much. The 21st may be a great day emotionally, but the 23rd could have difficulties. Capricorn: The 19th may have you feeling good and it may come naturally and easily. The 21st may not be so pleasant, and you may feel cold or distant. The 24th may bring an opportunity to improve things if you put in the effort. Aquarius: You've got the reins to make yourself feel good the 18th, but the 20th may be difficult to deal with. The 23rd could be stellar with your emotions, energy, and drive all working together cohesively and positively. Pisces: The 1st half of the day of the 18th may find you feeling overly emotional. You could bounce back by the 20th, but the 24th could bring something out of your control that throws you for an emotional loop. Comments are closed.