September 2011 Full Moon in Pisces & New Moon in Libra September is here and the full and new moons for the month are coming shortly. September has a full moon in watery Pisces and a new moon in airy Libra. A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are exactly opposing one another in the zodiac. It tends to signal a time of endings, culminations, and things coming to fruition. A new moon occurs when when the transit Sun and Moon are in the exact same spot in the zodiac, called a conjunction. It tends to signal a time of new opportunities, growth, and optimism.
September 12th 2011 Full Moon in Pisces
The full moon on the 12th occurs at 5:27AM ET and at 19 degrees 17 minutes of Pisces, just past the middle of the sign. Pisces rules the subconscious, the surreal, the imagination, and all that is beyond our physical world and senses. Issues related to how we perceive reality, dreams, water, feet, and addiction may be in the spotlight, and you may get a sense that the world is viewing things through rose-colored glasses. Pisces is very much the trippy-dippy, hopping along a rainbow sign. It's a good Moon for trying to cut through deception and breaking through illusions. Spend time letting your imagination roam by watching a movie, reading a book, listening to music, going to a museum, or doing anything creative. It's okay to get lost in other worlds sometimes. Take a dip on a dwindling summer day and then go dancing all night. Take the trippy-dippy-ness of Pisces and turn it into whimsy and sweet fun. If you're a Pisces Sun or Moon between 17 and 21 degrees, or a late Pisces rising, you'll feel the effects of this Moon most. September 27th 2011 New Moon in Libra The new moon on the 27th occurs at 7:08AM ET and at 4 degrees 0 minutes of Libra. Libra rules fairness, justice, and balance, and makes us hate cruel inequality. This moon could shine a light on issues of equality, what's fair, and why balance is important. Libra also rules one-on-one relationships, including romantic relationships, business partnerships, and even our enemies (but our "open" enemies, those who we know don't like us and are quite open about it). If you need to deal with an issue in a relationship, this is the Moon to do it under. Let yourself become closer with loved ones. Libra loves a healthy, intimate relationship with an equal partner. This Moon is a busy one, making aspects to four other planets: Mercury, Mars, Uranus, and Pluto. It'll conjunct (be in the same position as) Mercury in Libra, so this'll be a talky new moon, with more communicating going on than usual and a focus on electronics/technology. It'll sextile (about 60 degrees, or two signs, apart) Mars in Leo, bringing a positive energy with this Moon, allowing us to have the drive to get everything done and then some. The new moon opposes a retrograding Uranus in Aries, making things seem like they're just not moving fast enough for us. We'll be a little more restless and desperate for a change. The Moon also squares (about 90 degrees, or three signs, apart) Pluto in Capricorn, which could bring power and control issues with our authority figures (like our bosses) or older people (like our parents). If you're a Libra Sun or Moon between 2 and 6 degrees, or a Libra rising, you'll feel the effects of this Moon most. Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.