Today's article comes from intuitive empath Jocelyn Joy Thomas! Some of you may remember her from the newsletter a few years ago. She's giving us now a very helpful article for cutting energetic cords (something many of us may need now!). If you want more with Jocelyn, go sign up for her Patreon :)
We are made of energy, when we interact, we connect with each other’s energy, we cord to them. Most of the time this is a natural connection, and it is healthy.
An energy cord connection is not something that we are aware of consciously, it is something felt within the subconscious and unconscious mind, yet these cords affect a great deal of our everyday life. While many of these connections are healthy, others can be problematic; if a connection is draining, it may be time to release the energy cord. What are energy cords?
Thoughts, feelings, and interactions with others create energy cords that bond us. We have cords with family, friends, neighbors, romantic partners, co-workers, and pets, sometimes even with people, we don’t know very well. Some cords are thin and small, while others are strong and substantial.
No matter what the size, energy cords usually represent a healthy connection with someone. We may have a stronger, thicker cord with someone that we are very close to. The cord will have a bright, healthy quality to it if it is beneficial. However, some energy cords can be so heavy they appear as if they are rooted. This can happen due to an unhealthy dynamic such as control and manipulation, one person relying heavily on another, or sometimes due to a very long history, going back into past lifetimes. Ideally, an energy cord can be thick, but it has a light quality to it, never a heavy one. It’s when a cord, or a connection with someone, starts to feel heavy that we often know something isn’t right. Can we still have an energy cord attached to someone we are no longer around?
Yes, even though they may no longer be in our lives if we still think about them and/or they still think about us it can keep the cord strong. One of the reasons we can have such a hard time getting someone out of our head is because of our energy cord with them. If we were once very close to a person, for example in a romantic relationship, it can be very difficult to move on without releasing the energy cord.
It may seem strange to think that even with the person no longer physically around that there is still a connection, but remember we are energetic beings, and what we think and others think about us, gets exchanged energetically. When to Release Energy Cords
An energy cord allows people to share energy with one another. In a positive connection, that energy moves freely between the two people in a give and take exchange. Kind of like having a nice, flowing conversation with someone.
When energy cords become problematic what is happening is one person is doing most, if not all, of the taking. This isn’t necessarily a conscious choice by the person, they likely have deeply embedded issues that cause them to behave in this manner. If you are wondering if you should release an energy cord with someone, ask yourself the following questions:
A yes answer to any of these questions means you should seriously consider releasing the energy cord with this person.
When you feel drained, tense, or avoid seeing someone your inner guidance is trying to send a message to you. There is an imbalance energetically between you and this person. They may be someone that you need to let go of; you have outgrown or feel a sense of having run your course with. Or they could be a person that is unable to receive their own energy from source and has to connect to others to get it. How to Release Energy Cords:
Step 1. Visualize the person, see the energy cord, it can look thin, thick, dark, or light, it can be attached to your stomach, throat, heart, it will usually be attached to one of your chakra energy centers.
Step 2. Visualize, unplugging the energy cord, just like you would an electrical cord, it will dissolve rapidly as soon as you do so. For more substantial cords, visualize flushing the cord first, which can shrink it and get it moving, and then unplugging it. The cord falls and dissolves. Step 3. Set an intention by stating, “Thank you for the lessons learned, we are now at peace, we are released and free from one another.” Step 4. The next step is very important: Replace the energy with something else. You have created space that wasn’t there before by dissolving this energy cord. Fill this space with golden energy, to heal it. Think of it like the sun rising and clearing the new space. Reclaim this space, you are whole, you are clear, and this space is now ready for something positive and inspirational to come in! Suggested Reading: Divine Timing: The Art of Letting Go About the Guest Author:
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