Ceres is a dwarf planet that rules nourishment and support in astrology. A retrograde occurs when a planet or body appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth. When Ceres is retrograde, we can struggle with having the nourishment and support we need, having the resources we need or using resources we have well, and may experience lack in some way. We have to work through issues around lack, and find new ways of being abundant. Ceres Retrograde Aspects to the Natal Planets:
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Ceres
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Ceres, you can find support and feel nourished in different ways, and it can be easier for you to take a different approach to using resources or accessing new ones.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Ceres, there may be issues around lack, and you may find that old issues are exposed. This can be an opportunity to work on them, but there may be deep discomfort in the meantime.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Ceres, this means you're having three Ceres Returns, once before, during, and after the retrograde. This can be a huge time for you when it comes to feeling nourished, getting and giving support, the resources you have, and abundance in your life. You can experience major changes and see important developments in your life.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Ceres, there may be issues around lack, and you may find that old issues are exposed. This can be an opportunity to work on them, but there may be deep discomfort in the meantime.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Ceres, this means you're having three Ceres Returns, once before, during, and after the retrograde. This can be a huge time for you when it comes to feeling nourished, getting and giving support, the resources you have, and abundance in your life. You can experience major changes and see important developments in your life.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Jupiter
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Jupiter, you can find new, different ways of expanding your life, having new resources, and using resources you have. You can be more optimistic about abundance in your life.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Jupiter, you may have to work on controlling excess. You may go too far to get the support you need, or to give support to others. You may need to work on moderation.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Jupiter, this can be a big opportunity to increase abundance, resources, and your finances, in new, different ways. You can find more security and support.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Jupiter, you may have to work on controlling excess. You may go too far to get the support you need, or to give support to others. You may need to work on moderation.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Jupiter, this can be a big opportunity to increase abundance, resources, and your finances, in new, different ways. You can find more security and support.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Saturn
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Saturn, this can make it easier to maximize your resources in new, different ways. You can be more productive and responsible.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Saturn, you may feel extreme lack, and issues around lack, not having enough in some way, can feel much stronger and you feel more insecure about it. There may be lessons to learn that can help you down the road.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Saturn, you may feel you don't have enough, and old issues around lack can pop back up again. There may be something important for you to learn around having enough, or feeling like enough.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Saturn, you may feel extreme lack, and issues around lack, not having enough in some way, can feel much stronger and you feel more insecure about it. There may be lessons to learn that can help you down the road.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Saturn, you may feel you don't have enough, and old issues around lack can pop back up again. There may be something important for you to learn around having enough, or feeling like enough.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Uranus
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Uranus, you can find new, different ways of having the resources you need, and the resources you need may be different as well. Changes can prove to be beneficial in many ways.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Uranus, you may struggle with unexpected developments or changes that make you feel unsupported or like you don't have enough. You likely need to go about it in a different way from usual, and step outside of your comfort zone.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Uranus, you can focus on making important changes to getting and giving support, your resources, or financially. You can adapt to changes more easily, and take new, different approaches.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Uranus, you may struggle with unexpected developments or changes that make you feel unsupported or like you don't have enough. You likely need to go about it in a different way from usual, and step outside of your comfort zone.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Uranus, you can focus on making important changes to getting and giving support, your resources, or financially. You can adapt to changes more easily, and take new, different approaches.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Neptune
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Neptune, you can feel more spiritually abundant, and can take new, different approaches to getting and giving spiritual support to others. You may do so quietly, without wanting attention.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Neptune, you can see resources dissolve, and may feel karmic or spiritual baggage around abundance, lack, and having enough that needs to be worked on.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Neptune, you can feel spiritually abundant, but may also feel karmic issues around abundance that need to be addressed. You may have difficulty seeing this though, and there can be foggy energy that makes you more vulnerable.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Neptune, you can see resources dissolve, and may feel karmic or spiritual baggage around abundance, lack, and having enough that needs to be worked on.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Neptune, you can feel spiritually abundant, but may also feel karmic issues around abundance that need to be addressed. You may have difficulty seeing this though, and there can be foggy energy that makes you more vulnerable.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Pluto
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Pluto, this can help you find more power and control in new, different ways, which help you feel more secure. You can feel more at ease with intimacy, and able to get below the surface of matters.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Pluto, you may struggle with having what you need, experiencing power struggles and fights over control. You may need to hold your position, but also make sure you're seeing things clearly.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Pluto, you may embark on an important transformation with your resources, finances, how you get or give support, or feel abundant. You may need to take control, and this can be powerful and enlightening.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Pluto, you may struggle with having what you need, experiencing power struggles and fights over control. You may need to hold your position, but also make sure you're seeing things clearly.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Pluto, you may embark on an important transformation with your resources, finances, how you get or give support, or feel abundant. You may need to take control, and this can be powerful and enlightening.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Chiron
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Chiron, you can find new, different ways of healing, being in tune with your well being, and being spiritually connected. You can take new approaches, and you can feel at ease.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Chiron, you may focus on deep, old wounds regarding not having or not feeling like enough, and this can make you feel insecure and unsupported. You likely need to address these issues now.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Chiron, you can find new, different ways of growing, healing abundance issues, and being at ease with yourself. You can be quietly powerful, and as you heal, you feel more confident and abundant.
Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series
Ceres in the Zodiac Signs
Natal Ceres in the Houses
Natal Ceres Aspects
Transit Ceres in the Houses
Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres
Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres
Transit Ceres Aspects
The Ceres Return in Astrology
Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart
Ceres & Love Astrology
Ceres Retrograde Aspects
Progressed Ceres in the Houses
New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Chiron, you may focus on deep, old wounds regarding not having or not feeling like enough, and this can make you feel insecure and unsupported. You likely need to address these issues now.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Chiron, you can find new, different ways of growing, healing abundance issues, and being at ease with yourself. You can be quietly powerful, and as you heal, you feel more confident and abundant.
Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series
Ceres in the Zodiac Signs
Natal Ceres in the Houses
Natal Ceres Aspects
Transit Ceres in the Houses
Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres
Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres
Transit Ceres Aspects
The Ceres Return in Astrology
Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart
Ceres & Love Astrology
Ceres Retrograde Aspects
Progressed Ceres in the Houses
New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres
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