Retrogrades are times when everything can seem pretty wonky. Or sometimes, a lot wonky! There's something that comes with them called the Inferior Conjunction, and in tandem with that, the Superior Conjunction. These are actually very positive. For once, something positive with a retrograde! What is a retrograde?
A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth; it isn't actually moving backward, and just looks that way. The Sun and Moon are the only planets who don't retrograde.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto retrograde for months at a time every year. Mars retrogrades for a couple months every couple of years; Venus retrogrades every 1 1/2 years for 1/2 months; and Mercury retrogrades for several weeks 3-4 times each year. Mercury is generally the one we look to for the Inferior and Superior Conjunctions. What is a conjunction?
A conjunction occurs when two points are at the same position in the Zodiac. They come together in the same location, and this brings their energy to together. Conjunctions are generally seen as neutral, but in this case, they're usually seen as positive.
What are the Inferior and Superior Conjunctions?
The Inferior Conjunction occurs while Mercury is retrograde, and is when Mercury conjuncts the transit (moving) Sun. This occurs during every Mercury retrograde because it doesn't move too far away from the transit Sun in the Zodiac. The Inferior conjunction is seen as an excellent time during the retrograde to start something. It's one of the few times during a retrograde when that's the case! The Sun shines a light, and helps bring some focus and clarity during what is often an uncertain period. The impact on your personally usually depends on where the conjunction falls in your natal houses and aspects it makes to your natal planets.
If it makes easy aspects (sextiles and trines), you can have an easier time using it; if it makes hard aspects (squares and oppositions), you may feel challenged with what you want to pursue. If it makes a conjunction, that may be where the focus lies for you. The Superior Conjunction occurs AFTER the retrograde ends, and is when Mercury conjuncts the Sun again. This usually occurs 6-8 weeks after the Inferior Conjunction. The Superior Conjunction usually ties into whatever came about with the Inferior Conjunction, and is generally a good time for culmination or success with whatever you started at the Inferior Conjunction. It usually occurs about two signs later. The impact on your personally usually depends on where the conjunction falls in your natal houses and aspects it makes to your natal planets. If it makes easy aspects, that may signal you have some success; if it makes challenging aspects, that may show you have to adjust and remain open to how you'll come out with it. If it makes a conjunction, that can directly show how it gets wrapped up. So, with every Mercury retrograde, you can mark on your calendar when to watch for the Inferior Conjunction, and know that this is a time you should take advantage of. Know you have about 6-8 weeks to work on whatever you want to get going with. Use the time wisely! Suggested Reading: Bright Spots During Mercury Retrograde Comments are closed.