A full moon occurs on October 16th at 12:23AM ET in Aries. This full moon brings a lot of emotional energy since Aries is an active fire sign, and we can focus on bringing an end to some things that we’ve been needing to finish up, get rid of, or see through to the end. As the first sign, we can see some culminations, the end of the beginning or beginning of the end, but we tend to be more positive about things. We’re ready to close chapters and find other books. This full moon conjuncts (aligns with) transit (moving) Uranus in Aries, so there’s a strain of rebellious energy associated with this full moon. We want to do our own thing in our own way, and if anyone tries to box us in, we can push back in a big way. I won’t be surprised if we see people around the world pushing back and rising up against governments, corporations, or other large entities because of this full moon. It’s time to stand up! After the wonky September, no more resting on your heels. Step outside of your comfort zone and take initiative. We can also see sudden or unexpected developments in the world with this full moon, or something that impacts all of us on a global scale. The full moon occurs at 23 degrees 14 minutes Aries. The aspects for this full moon are: Conjunction: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Aries Sextile: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Square: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Opposition: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Libra A new moon occurs on October 30th at 1:38PM ET in Scorpio. Scorpio is more serious than Aries, the most serious of the signs, but new moons tend to be more positive, so we can approach serious matters in lighter ways, and have an easier time managing passionate and intense situations. We can focus on trying to understand something better, getting to the heart of the matter, and can dig and dig some more. We can also focus on what we want to transform for the better, and we may be rising from the ashes in some way, ready to fight another day. Aries and Scorpio are the warrior signs, both traditionally ruled by Mars, so we may be more energized to fight the battles we feel we need to. This new moon conjuncts transit Mercury in Scorpio, so we can have more open communication and expression, connect mentally, and keep more active in general. Our outlooks can be more positive, and we can see developments with young people or education. There can also be Scorpio-related news, like something to do with finances or business relations (as I write this in late August, Apple just got hit hard by the EU with back taxes - perhaps they experience some sort of development? Or maybe the Fed touches interest rates?). The new moon also sextiles (positive aspect, two signs away) transit Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio, so we can feel somewhat at ease with the Scorpio energy and with handling the Scorpio developments. We can transform, we can research and investigate, we can connect emotionally, and we can come back from defeat. The new moon occurs at 7 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio. The aspects this new moon makes are: Conjunction: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio Sextile: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Square: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Cancer or Pisces Opposition: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Taurus Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.