Every Zodiac sign in astrology belongs to one of the elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Every sign also links to one of the 12 houses, so each house links to an element as well. Whatever Zodiac sign your Sun is in, the element of that sign can be important to your personality. But so can the element of the house your Sun is in! Fire Suns in the Elemental Houses
Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the fire signs, full of fire, energy, spunk, liveliness. You always want something to do, always want to have fun and enjoy life, and try to see the positives in everything. Depending on the house location, this can be amplified, toned down, or channeled in a different way.
The fire houses are the 1st (Aries), 5th (Leo), and 9th (Sagittarius), so if you have a fire Sun in a fire house, your fire is blazing, hot-hot-hotter! The other elements are earth, air, and water. The earth houses are the 2nd (Taurus), 6th (Virgo), and 10th (Capricorn), and have grounded, stable energy, so having a fire Sun in an earth house will tone down your fire energy, making you more grounded and stable. You have better control over your fire energy, and can channel it into your work life. The air houses are the 3rd (Gemini), 7th (Libra), and 11th (Aquarius), and have light, airy, intellectual energy, so having a fire Sun in an air house means your fire comes out with mental pursuits, your ideas, your thoughts. Fire and air are also both sociable elements, so having this combo usually means you’re super sociable, very charming, and aren’t one to stay cooped up at home alone too often. The water houses are the 4th (Cancer), 8th (Scorpio), and 12th (Pisces), and have emotional energy, so having a fire Sun in a water house means your fire energy comes out with your emotions. You feel strongly, and you can use your emotions to fuel and inspire you. A water house downplays your fire Sun even more than an earth house does, so people may be surprised you’re a fire Sun when they find out (especially if in the 12th house). Earth Suns in the Elemental Houses
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the earth signs, and are stable, grounded, practical, and reliable. You take your time, you work hard, and you don’t see the point in being wild. You’re the one everyone can count on. Depending on the house location, this can be amplified, toned down, or channeled in a different way.
The earth houses are the 2nd (Taurus), 6th (Virgo), and 10th (Capricorn), so if you have an earth sign Sun in an earth house, you’re even more grounded, even more stable, even more reliable. The other elements are fire, air, and water. The fire houses are the 1st (Aries), 5th (Leo), and 9th (Sagittarius), and are fiery, adventurous, and positive energy, so having your earth Sun in a fire house means you have more energy than a typical earth sign, and are a little more daring, but you balance that by not rushing too much, so you’re less likely to see things blow up in your face. The air houses are the 3rd (Gemini), 7th (Libra), and 11th (Aquarius), and have light, airy, intellectual energy, so having an earth Sun in an air house means you’re think things through more than a typical earth sign, but aren’t an air head by any strength of the imagination. You’re able to rein your mind in, and can have a practical outlook. The water houses are the 4th (Cancer), 8th (Scorpio), and 12th (Pisces), and have emotional energy, so having an earth Sun in a water house means you’re more emotional than a typical earth sign. Earth signs tend to shy away from emotion, but a water house makes you more sensitive. You may try to hide this (especially if in the 12th house), but those who know you well know that it’s there. You don’t get too emotional though, and are able to balance your emotional side with your practical side. Air Suns in the Elemental Houses
Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are the air signs, known for their mental capabilities and social quality. These signs interpret the world through their minds, and have that airy feeling to them. They enjoy being around other people because of the mental stimulation they get from social interaction. Depending on the house location, their focus on the mind can be amplified or toned down.
The air houses are the 3rd (Gemini), 7th (Libra), and 11th (Aquarius), so if you have an air Sun in an air house, that amplifies the energy, and you’re even more focused on your mind. The other elements are fire, earth, and water. The fire houses are the 1st (Aries), 5th (Leo), and 9th (Sagittarius) houses, and are more energetic. Having an air Sun in a fire house can give you even more energy of all sorts, increasing your mental energy but bringing in physical energy as well, and increases your positive outlook on life. The earth houses are the 2nd (Taurus), 6th (Virgo), and 10th (Capricorn) houses, and are more practical and grounded, so having an air Sun in an earth house can ground your energy so you’re less scattered and more focused. You can take your mental energy and use it in a productive way. The water houses are the 4th (Cancer), 8th (Scorpio), and 12th (Pisces) houses, and are more emotion-based and fluid, so having an air Sun in a water house can bring more emotional energy into the mix, and you can intellectualize emotions or have greater emotional intelligence. Your intellect can be a bit surprising if it’s in the 12th house as well, and people are surprised by how much mental energy you have. Water Suns in the Elemental Houses
Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the water signs, which are known for ruling emotions. Water signs feel deeply, and process life through their feelings. They want to connect with others and the world through their emotions, and they have great understanding of the world through their intuition, with their strong emotions allowing them to get in touch with the subtle energies of the Universe. Depending on the house they’re located in, their emotional energy can be amplified or toned down.
The water houses are the 4th (Cancer), 8th (Scorpio), and 12th (Pisces) houses, so having a water sign Sun in a water house puts more emphasis on your emotions and sensitivity, though it might not be apparent on the outside if it’s in the 12th house. The other elements are fire, earth, and air. The fire houses are the 1st (Aries), 5th (Leo), and 9th (Sagittarius) houses, and have greater energy and focus less on emotions, so you can be less emotional and more positive with a water Sun in a fire house. You may try to focus more on positive emotions, but you can also have more of a temper at times. Creativity is a good outlet for you. The earth houses are the 2nd (Taurus), 6th (Virgo), and 10th (Capricorn) houses, and are grounded energy, so having a water Sun in an earth house can tone down your emotional energy. You don’t get quite so hung up on your emotions, though if in the 6th house, you can be a major worrier. Mostly, you try to use your emotional energy in a productive way. The air houses are the 3rd (Gemini), 7th (Libra), and 11th (Aquarius), and are based more in the mind, so having a water Sun in an air house can show you feel through your mind or think through your feelings. You try to merge the two, your mind and your emotions, but can sometimes get them too mixed together or too separated. A happy medium is key. Suggested Reading: The Importance of Your Sun Comments are closed.