Often, our intuition can be completely out of whack when we’re feeling emotionally insecure or unstable. Even when we feel we’re receiving intuitive messages and guidance, because we feel off emotionally, it can cause us to question it or to interpret it wrong. This makes it important to work on improving our emotional security and stability so we can be more sensitive to our intuition. The Moon is ruler of our emotions, so focusing on your Moon sign to see what you need to feel emotionally secure and stable. Strengthen Emotional Security by Moon Sign in Astrology:Fire sign Moons: Aries - Leo - Sagittarius
Aries Moon needs to be in charge, taking initiative, and doing something fun and new. You can thrive when you’re doing physical activities, and you love starting new projects and embarking on new journeys, and prefer to have a positive attitude. This is true of all of the fire sign Moons, which are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Sagittarius Moon can be the most positive, and tries to have an optimistic outlook. You need to be free to do your own thing, hating being fenced in, and want to expand your life and explore. Leo Moon focuses most on fun, and wants to enjoy life. You can be creative, and feel best when you’re expressing yourself creatively and have time to do what you love and be with who you love. Earth sign Moons: Taurus - Virgo - Capricorn
The earth signs (which are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) require the most stability in life to feel secure. Taurus Moon needs things to stay calm, steady, and doesn’t want to be pushed into anything. You can feel best when you’re in touch with nature or your body, or indulging.
Virgo Moon can be the most anxious of all signs, and requires more structure, order, and routine. You also need to not be hard on yourself, and let things slide off of your back more. Capricorn Moon can be the most ambitious, and you can feel best when you’re working toward something you care about, feeling like you have a purpose. Air sign Moons: Gemini - Libra - Aquarius
Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are the air signs, and these signs are sociable and engaging, so when you have any of these 3 as your Moon sign, you need to engage with others in order to feel secure emotionally.
Gemini Moon needs to be able to talk things out and share thoughts and opinions freely; Libra Moon needs to be able to have personal, one-on-one connections with people they respect and that are drama-free; and Aquarius Moon needs to constantly meet new people, expand their social network, and be open to experimentation. Water sign Moons: Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces
The water signs (which are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are naturally in tune with their emotions and with their intuitive energy, but they can be the most sensitive, so security and stability are ultra important.
For Cancer Moons, surround yourself with supportive people and nurture yourself; for Scorpio Moons, channel your passion into something productive, and make transformations throughout your life; and for Pisces Moons, protect yourself from deceitful people and embrace your imagination, compassion, and artistic side. Note on the Transit Moon:
In prediction, the transit (moving) Moon can influence our emotions and intuition as well. Both can be much higher around full moons, which pack more emotional energy. For each of us individually, we can be more in touch with our emotional and intuitive sides when the Moon is in our Sun, Moon, or Rising sign, or in our 1st or 12th houses.
Suggested Reading: Neptune & Intuition Comments are closed.