Imagine that you have just received an astrology reading and you are told that you have a twelfth house activation going on. That alone can be hard news to deal with because the twelfth house in astrology is mysterious and is related to self-undoing. It is one of the toughest houses to work with but we are always better for it. Oftentimes, when people get astrology readings, the main mission becomes how to apply the astrology. That’s what I want to focus on today: how do you best work with the twelfth house if that is your current astrology? Other astrological aspects that are included are Neptune and Pisces house transits. Hypnosis: A Key Tool For a Twelfth House Transit
When there is a twelfth or Pisces house or Neptune transit, I teach my clients that hypnosis is one of the key tools to use. This ancient tool and healing modality is so effective because it operates with the most powerful part of our make-up: the wonderful subconscious mind, represented by the twelfth house in astrology.
It is a great disservice that we are not taught about the subconscious or unconscious mind because it is this part of the mind that controls what we allow or don’t allow in our lives. Just like that twelfth house, the subconscious mind is unseen and often a blind spot that creates multiple outcomes in our lives-good or bad. But thanks to the recent Pisces activation, use of hypnosis is on the rise, which means that people have access to a modality that works on creating change, ending self-sabotage and releasing limiting beliefs and unprocessed emotions. What are the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious and Critical Faculty?
Here’s a quick primer to help you understand the power of hypnosis:
We all have a conscious and a subconscious mind and a critical faculty. It is important to note that the subconscious mind is unlimited, designed to protect you, keep you alive and thinks in pictures, sounds and feelings. A simple way of describing the unconscious mind is that it is a seven-year old child. In contrast, the conscious mind, which uses the senses, is much more limited in awareness. Also, there is a filtering system set up to help keep your conscious mind from overloading. What determines what your conscious mind can see is called the critical faculty, which is a gatekeeper. And what guides the critical faculty: the subconscious mind. So if the unconscious mind is the ultimate determiner of what you experience, how do you get it to align with what you desire for your life? Hypnosis! What is Hypnosis and How Does It Work?
Hypnosis, which is a natural state that we all go in and out of daily, bypasses the critical faculty, and allows suggestions to be made to the subconscious mind using pictures, sounds and feelings. It can be used to release limiting beliefs, stuck emotions and anything that creates problems in your life, thereby decreasing the chance for sabotage.
Additionally, hypnosis can be used to suggest empowering beliefs and get the unconscious mind onboard with your goals. In the hypnotherapy world we say that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so you can use hypnosis tracks or book sessions with a hypnotherapist. Both work and you feel refreshed afterwards. Hypnosis often feels like a getaway, just like the twelfth house requires, so it is a perfect remedy for those transits. So be sure to get your hypnosis in with those twelfth and Pisces house and Neptune transits! It can help ease the harshness of the transit and lead to you feeling healthier and manifesting more of what you want deliberately. Suggested Reading: Using Astrology to Understand Your Inner Oshun Goddess About the Guest Author:
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