Update Dec 5 2024: I was notified on Nov 26 2024 by Alyssa's web host that they were taking down her website, and it was that evening; they said they'd reinstate if she agreed to take down the infringing content, which she did, so it went back up the next day. She didn't take the content down right away though, so I was worried she lied, but almost a week later, she finally did take it down (so none of the links to her site below will work anymore; you can still view what was up with the PDF file though). The only thing left up is the Jupiter & Saturn blog article (because you can only report something you have an official copyright for, and I didn't for that article at the time; for now I'm just going to have it removed from Google, and monitor if she posts anything else of mine, and I'll report it then if she does). So for now, this is done. However, this whole episode has been brutal for me, so I will be going on an indefinite hiatus starting mid December 2024. I need to reset after this whole debacle. Original post Oct 28 2024: I post this article not about astrology, but about something I've been dealing with for the last couple of months. In late August, someone reached out to me to let me know that it appeared astrologer Alyssa Sharpe had copied some of my work. It turned out that Alyssa stole from 9 different interpretations pages and published them on her website as her own, and just this month also published one of my blog articles from 2011. Before continuing with the story, I'm pausing to mention that after sharing the story, there will be links to all of the content that was stolen because it's all still up. You don't have to take my word for it and can see it for yourself. I'm not being paranoid, or reading into things, or being vague. It's word-for-word copied in entirety. I'll also link to a PDF file I created of screenshots of what she stole side-by-side with my content to make it easy to see. I'm also adding: I don't want anyone attacking Alyssa. Don't send her any threats, don't try to dox her, don't track down or go after her family. That only makes it harder for me (I don't want to be sued for your bad behavior). As emotional as I've been, I've tried to take action in a calm manner, and I expect the same from you. Even if she's not being mature, that's not an excuse for us, so let's be adults. So, when I found this out, I was absolutely shocked and heartbroken. I don't know Alyssa personally, and only had a few interactions with her a long time ago. But I only became aware of her because she claimed she was a fan of my work and was recommending my site to people. Our interactions were perfectly lovely, and I had no reason to think she would do something like this years later. I reached out to Alyssa after finding out; it appears she doesn't allow messages via social media so I couldn't get any of those to go through, and emailed four times. There was no response from her at any point. I also reached out to some people in this niche to see if anyone knew how to contact her, but none did. I would've liked an explanation and apology and for all of it to be taken down, but I would've settled for it just being taken down. I was hoping that she would at least do that. In the PDF, I included screenshots of the messages I sent her and you can clearly see I gave her an out (pages 127-129). I hoped we could settle things quietly ourselves without it escalating. I've been told I should sue her for copyright infringement, but I can't afford the retainer for a lawyer. And even if I could, I don't want to put myself through the soul-sucking mess of litigation. I've personally known many, and have done plenty of readings for even more, who were caught up in lawsuits for years and it was wrecking their lives. I don't want to do that to myself. There is a sorta-lawsuit-non-lawsuit option with the Copyright Claims Board - a part of the U.S. Copyright Office - but it's capped at infringements no more than 30 thousand dollars. Because she's stolen so much, this would be much higher than that [potentially millions], so that's not an option. After those, there's something called a DMCA Takedown Notice, which is basically just an official notice that the person needs to take the infringing content down in a certain amount of time. But if they don't, you have to file a lawsuit in two weeks, otherwise they can keep it up - and as I've already said, a lawsuit isn't something I can or want to pursue. So now, I'm doing the remedies I can do, which is to report her to Google to have the stolen content removed from search results - because her content is being served up alongside mine, and in some cases, instead of mine, in Google search. And I'm reporting her to her web host, who can bypass her and take the content down, though it's possible they'll take down her entire website since she's stolen so much. I've been working on both of these, but it can take time to be reviewed, so I don't know how long it'll be before anything happens, if it does. One thing I absolutely positively did NOT want to do at all was to go public about all of this. But when she posted the blog article just a few weeks ago, I realized she's not going to stop, and I'd need to take these steps with Google and her web host. And in taking these steps, I realized there's a high probability she will lash out and try to weaponize her audience against me, so I have to come forward with the story first. She clearly can't be trusted with the truth. But to say this tears me up inside is a huge understatement. I've literally been sick since deciding to do this. I've always tried to stay out of online messes. I know some people love to feud online, but I think that's a waste of time and immature. I've never done it, ever, in my career or in my personal life. Alyssa has a much bigger following than I do, and I worry about what they'll do to me upon seeing this. Those with strong parasocial relationships with her could do harm. We all know what happens to someone who makes allegations against someone with a louder megaphone. It usually doesn't work out too well for them. So I'm taking a really big chance here, but it feels like she's left me with no other option. I'm putting this here on the blog, as well as on social media, and sent out a newsletter to my email list. I want to get ahead of her; even if she has shut off all messaging, she will definitely notice if her website is taken down, and she seems rather unpredictable. The links:Click HERE for the PDF file I put together with all of the screenshots [in case it gets taken down before you can see the pages yourself, and to make it easy to see].
Her first house page [scroll to the signs in your 1st house]: https://alyssacsharpe.com/the-1st-house/ And mine: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-1st-house.html Her eleventh house page [she added the negative aspect you cannot change notes]: https://alyssacsharpe.com/11th-house/ And mine: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-11th-house.html Her twelfth house page [she added the your shame notes]: https://alyssacsharpe.com/12th-house/ And mine: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-12th-house.html And all of the composite planet pages: Her Sun: https://alyssacsharpe.com/composite-sun/ My Sun: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-composite-sun.html Her Moon: https://alyssacsharpe.com/composite-moon/ My Moon: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-composite-moon.html Her Venus: https://alyssacsharpe.com/composite-venus-by-house-sign/ My Venus: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/composite-venus.html Her Mars [she added notes on sexuality]: https://alyssacsharpe.com/composite-mars/ My Mars: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/composite-mars.html Her Jupiter: https://alyssacsharpe.com/composite-jupiter-by-house-sign/ My Jupiter: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/composite-jupiter.html Her Saturn: https://alyssacsharpe.com/composite-saturn/ My Saturn: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/composite-saturn.html And the latest Jupiter and Saturn blog article: - hers: https://alyssacsharpe.com/jupiter-saturn/ - mine: https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/blog/jupiter-saturn My pages are also saved on the Wayback Machine aka the internet archives. The houses were saved on October 21 2013: 1st house: https://web.archive.org/web/20131021093945/https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-1st-house.html 11th house: https://web.archive.org/web/20131021093226/https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-11th-house.html 12th house: https://web.archive.org/web/20131021093231/http://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-12th-house.html The houses info she has on her site were from her old site, which is archived, but she didn't add the 11th and 12th house pages until the new site [new site started in late 2022]. The 1st house page on the old site did NOT have my 1st house in the signs interpretations, so this also must've been added with the new site: https://web.archive.org/web/20160603235610/http://alyssasharpe.com/2015/03/the-1st-house/ And the houses archive for her old site shows there was no 11th and 12th house article by her, so they're new: https://web.archive.org/web/20160612055245/http://alyssasharpe.com/category/houses/page/3/ I did search for any composite pages on her old site but there were none archived, if there were any. My composite planets pages were archived on April 4th 2016, just a few days after they were published on April 1st [which I posted on Facebook when they were]: - on the archives: https://web.archive.org/web/20160404032621/https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-composite-sun.html - on FB: https://www.facebook.com/thedarkpixieastrology/posts/945229272264757 And the Jupiter and Saturn blog article was archived May 30th 2014 (but published in 2011 as shown on the blog): https://web.archive.org/web/20140530112611/https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/blog/jupiter-saturn The article was updated last year; I can't remember when exactly since I did a full blog audit, but it was archived in September 2023: https://web.archive.org/web/20230922021607/https://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/blog/jupiter-saturn
The final Mercury retrograde in 2024 is coming! This time it's entirely in Sagittarius. What will this retrograde do?
The Basics - What is Mercury retrograde?
A retrograde occurs when a planet appears to be moving backwards from our vantage point here on Earth. It isn't actually moving backwards, it just appears that way. Mercury turns retrograde most often, about 3-4 times per year, and lasts for several weeks. When a planet retrogrades, what that planet rules tends to be thrown off, along with what the sign it's retrograding in rules.
With Mercury retrograde, we experience a shadow and a storm. The shadow period starts when Mercury first hits the point in the Zodiac it will turn direct at, and ends when it last hits the point in the Zodiac it will turn retrograde at. Most people don't feel the effects of Mercury retrograde until it enters the storm period though. The storm period of Mercury retrograde is when Mercury is moving at its slowest, less than 40 minutes per day. Mercury is a fast-moving planet and hates it when it's moving slowly. There's usually two storm periods, one around the time Mercury turns retrograde, and one around when it turns direct. Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 2024 Key Dates:
Mercury Retrograde Effects:
This Mercury retrograde occurs entirely in fire sign Sagittarius, the sign of expansion. Sagittarius is new experiences, adventures, and optimism, so with this Mercury retrograde, we may either go too far and are unrealistic and impractical, or we may avoid this and run away from opportunities for new experiences and expansion.
Sagittarius wants space, and we're likely pushing to get as much space as possible with this Mercury retrograde. We may push too much as a result, and end up running from responsibilities that we need to work on, and run away from people that end up hurt. When we stop running later, we might regret it, but we may not be able to fix it, so it's important that we control this desire to run. If we can get creative, we can find some of the space we need where we are already, even if only in our minds. We can get more space later, but being smart about it works out much better. Sagittarius rules our beliefs, so this Mercury retrograde might challenge some of what we believe. Some people can become much more passionate about their beliefs if they resonate with who they are now, and can speak up, take a stand, and put up a fight. Other people might feel shaky with their beliefs if they no longer align with them, and might want to walk away. This retrograde can be great for picking back up a big idea and giving it another shot; for traveling somewhere you've been to before; for re-learning or re-teaching something; for reconnecting with an old mentor or student; and for any editing. The retrograde ends trine, which is a beneficial aspect, transit Mars retrograde in Leo. Because oh yes, Mars turns retrograde on December 6th, as Mercury is still retrograde, and they overlap for nine days. This can throw a lot off with both retrograde, and we may struggle with focus and communication with Mercury, and with taking the initiative and using energy with Mars. We're likely focusing a lot on the past, and this can be a good time for second chances, as well as working through old baggage and karma. But the trine itself is a beneficial aspect, so we can come out of the Mercury retrograde and go into the Mars retrograde in a good position, and we can find new ways, or use old ways, to maximize energy and enthusiasm, and to work with ideas and plans, or old ideas and plans. This Mercury retrograde also comes with a mutable t-square. T-squares occur when two or more planets oppose one another, and all square a third or more planets. This t-square has Mercury and the Sun in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini, and all square Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. Mercury retrograde will exactly hit all of them except Neptune. Mutable t-squares have a lot of energy, but it's kind of all over the place. It's difficult to control since mutable energy is flowing. The squared planets get all the attention, so Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and we might be too caught up in goals, direction, responsibility, imagination, the past, and karma. It might actually be a lot of karma flying around. The last Mercury retrograde also had a mutable t-square, but Jupiter in Gemini was the squared planet, challenging communication and activity. The way out is through the missing sign, which is the Zodiac sign opposite the squared planets. The last mutable t-square during Mercury retrograde was missing Sagittarius, so we needed to think bigger and brighter. This mutable t-square is missing Virgo, so we need to work on being more practical, paying attention to the details, and getting the little things out of the way. We may need order, structure, and routine to keep from flying haphazardly all over the place. Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 2024 Aspects:
During the retrograde, Mercury will make 4 major aspects to the other transit (moving) planets. They are:
- Opposite Jupiter on December 4th 2024 @ 16 degrees Sagittarius/Gemini: Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and oppositions are out of control, so this aspect might make something spiral. Jupiter is also the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, so the energy is a little at odds with itself. We may be prone to excess, and we may have difficulty stopping it. We need some moderation. This can be good energy for time away and doing nothing. - Conjunct the Sun on December 5th 2024 @ 14 degrees Sagittarius: This is the Inferior Conjunction, a positive point in the retrograde for starting something that can be a focus for the next 6-8 weeks; find where it falls in your chart, and that may be where you can start something. With this one in Sagittarius, we can take action with a big idea, a new experience, or something we're expanding. - Square Saturn on December 6th 2024 @ 13 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces: Mercury square Saturn is a challenging aspect, and we may struggle with feeling overwhelmed by responsible, all that we have on our plates, and we're trapped. We have too much on our shoulders, and our options feel really limited. This makes us extremely pessimistic. We have to work on finding some space within the limitations, and stick to plans. We need to stay disciplined and keep on track, and do things the right way and for the right reasons. Then we can emerge in a better place. - Sextile Venus on December 13th 2024 @ 6/7 degrees Sagittarius/Aquarius: Mercury sextile Venus is a pleasant aspect, and with Mercury ruling communication, we can communicate well. This can be an easier time to express ourselves, and there can be good news. We may focus on connecting with people from the past, strengthening commitments, and keeping the peace. The Moons of Mercury Retrograde:
The Moon travels through one signs Mercury naturally rules during this retrograde, and actually ends in Gemini (December 13th 12:21PM ET/9:21AM PT - December 15th 2:21PM ET/11:21AM PT). This can increase scattered, unfocused energy and a need for a mental outlet, and we're likely pretty harried and ready to move forward coming out of this retrograde.
The Moon is in the same sign as the retrograde November 30th 6:53AM ET/3:53AM PT - December 2nd 4:09PM ET/1:09PM PT. This amplifies the impact of the retrograde and makes us more focused on whatever we're dealing with. Final Notes:
The retrograde starts at 22 degrees Sagittarius, so those of you Archers born December 11th - 16th may feel the start of the retrograde most. The retrograde ends at 6 degrees Sagittarius, so those of you Archers born November 25th - 30th may feel the end of the retrograde most.
For the rest of you, check the house(s) Mercury will be retrograding in your own natal chart, and any aspects Mercury will make during its retrograde to your natal planets, to fully understand how it will impact you personally. If you have Mercury retrograde in your natal or progressed chart, you may not feel the worst of this. Those individuals generally don't experience the difficulties of the retrograde because it feels more natural to them. Of course, chances are everyone else around them doesn't have the same aspect, so they can still experience difficulties brought on by others. If it's in your natal chart, check out this article about Mercury retrograde in the natal chart. Suggested Reading: The Mercury, Venus, & Mars Retrogrades page for interpretations
Asteroid Juno will leave Libra on November 3rd, and moves into passionate Scorpio for an extended stay thanks to a retrograde period. What does this mean for us?
About Juno in Astrology
Juno is an asteroid in astrology, and there are tens of thousands of asteroids, and each connects to something different. Many are simply names, but some like Juno connect to specific energies.
In the case of asteroid Juno, this is the asteroid of commitment. Juno shows how we express commitment and our attitudes around it, and in transit, we can see this via the Zodiac sign Juno is touring, and the natal house it's touring in your natal chart. Impact of Asteroid Juno in Scorpio 2024 - 2025
Juno has been in Libra, the sign of commitment, so it's pretty comfortable in Libra and helps us feel more committed to commitment, more comfortable with it, and more willing to embrace it. Juno in Scorpio takes this to another level, and we're extra serious and intense when it comes to commitment, and don't take it lightly at all.
Juno in Scorpio can help us dedicate ourselves to what we've committed to, and we can demand a serious approach from everyone else as well. We may want to dig into commitments and understand them better, and we can focus on committing to mutually-beneficial projects and ventures, as well as transformations, research, and problem-solving, which are ruled by Scorpio. This can be clean during the first round of Juno in Scorpio, which lasts a little over three months. Juno will turn retrograde, or appear to move backward, when it moves into Sagittarius, and as it moves backward, it comes back to Scorpio on April 15th. Juno retrograde can bring challenges with commitment, and in Scorpio, this might mean our intensity and passion goes a little too far. We might take it too seriously, and this ends up breaking everything apart. We may become too demanding when it comes to commitment, and old issues may come out regarding blocks to commitment. With Scorpio, a transformation is likely needed, and we have to be willing to face the things we've been running from. The retrograde ends on July 10th at 16 degrees 15 minutes Scorpio. After the retrograde is over, we get almost three months with Juno moving forward in Scorpio, and we can get better control of intensity and embrace what;s changed. Juno tours Zodiac sign Scorpio for about 8 1/2 months total, from November 3rd 2024 - February 19th 2025, and then comes back April 15th - October 1st 2025. Important Juno in Scorpio Aspects:
Juno first trines, which is a beneficial aspect, Saturn in Pisces on December 13th 2024 at 13 degrees. This helps with commitment in that first round, and we can be more comfortable and realistic and practical about it. This also helps with committing to goals.
While retrograde, Juno will trine Saturn on April 28th at 27 degrees, and this can bring us back around to our responsibilities with commitments, and the work we have to do with them, but in a positive way. We may pick back up old commitments, or reaffirm existing commitments. Juno again trines Saturn in Pisces on September 24th at 28 degrees, and this helps to wrap things up, especially after dealing with the two Uranus aspects. Juno will oppose Uranus in Taurus on January 17th 2025 at 23 degrees. This brings an out of control energy to commitment, and we may experience unexpected developments with our commitments that feel out of our control. We need to be flexible and quick on our feet. While retrograde, Juno will oppose Uranus on May 4th at 26 degrees, and this can bring back around the challenges with whatever pops up the first time. This can also make us more aware of ways in which we're too unpredictable and unreliable with our commitments, and what we can improve. Some commitments may break apart with this aspect. Juno will trine Neptune in Pisces on February 8th 2025 at 28 degrees. Neptune helps bring some spiritual and karmic connections to our commitments, and we can be more understanding. Asteroid Juno in Scorpio for the Zodiac Signs:
Aries: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can make you more passionate with your commitments and more committed to your emotional bonds. While retrograde, issues that have kept you from having healthy intimacy can come out, and working on this and transforming from it can help you become more open.
Taurus: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio might make commitment easier for you, and you can be more open to committing to the people in your life, projects, plans, and ideas. While retrograde, you may have a harder time with commitment in general, perhaps feeling it's one-sided, and need to work on the issues at the core. Gemini: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you commit in small ways to those you care about, and you can be more committed to your work or health. While retrograde, you may have to tend to the little things interfering with commitments, and work on paying more attention to the commitments you make, while also working on making less demands of yourself. Cancer: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you become more committed to love, your hobbies, and creative ventures. You can be serious about commitment, but also enjoy it. While retrograde, you may have to tackle blocks and issues with love that have gotten in the way. It could be good to recommit to an old love or hobby. Leo: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can make you more committed emotionally, and you can do more to give support and encouragement to those you think of as family. While retrograde, you may need to work on issues getting in the way of emotional commitment, and get to the core. It could be a good time to recommit to your roots. Virgo: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can make you more committed to your ideas and plans, and you can be more vocal with the commitments you make. While retrograde, you may have a hard time focusing on commitment, being a little flaky, and needing to talk things over. It could be a good time to recommit to an old idea or project. Libra: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you commit to your values, your resources, and you can be more grounded with the commitments you make to others. While retrograde, you may have blocks to commitments that stall you, and you may need to work on removing the block to move forward. This can be a good time to recommit to an old resource. Scorpio: Asteroid Juno in your sign can bring lots of different commitments to your life, with new relationships and partnerships, projects and plans, ideas and more. Commitment can be a comfortable thing for you to pursue naturally. While retrograde, this can bring out issues related to commitment, and you can focus on getting to the core. It can be a good time to recommit to something. Sagittarius: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you be committed, but in the background, behind the scenes, and behind closed doors. This might mean a secret relationship or alliance. While retrograde, old issues getting in the way of commitment can come out, and you have to work on letting go. Capricorn: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you commit to your dreams, to your future, to your friendships, to your causes, and to the groups you belong to. While retrograde, you might experience challenges with one of them, and have to likely work on making a change. It can be a good time to reconnect with a friend or old group. Aquarius: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can make you commit to your goals, direction, and life path. You can also take your responsibilities more seriously. While retrograde, you may feel you're blocked or have setbacks in some way, and it can feel overwhelming. Try to find some space and work on your plans. Pisces: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you commit to your freedom and independence, to your beliefs, and to your expertise. You can share wisdom as well. While retrograde, you may push to get too much space, and feel like running, but that makes it worse. Try to figure out what's causing this feeling in the first place. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Juno in the Houses & Aspects
The transit, or moving, Sun spends about one month in each Zodiac sign, and when it tours a sign, it's that sign's season. The Sun is soon moving to Scorpio on October 22nd, and this kicks off Scorpio Season.
We move out of light, airy Libra Season, and passion and intensity kicks in for Scorpio Season. This is a supercharged period this year too thanks to Scorpio's ruler, Pluto, at the end of its time in Capricorn. This is a big time for action. So how can you push through Scorpio Season like a pro? Read on: Transform something for the better.
Scorpio is the sign of transformation, so use Scorpio Season to transform something for the better. This might be some part of your life, a project, some aspect of yourself, or even something physical, like restoring a car.
This transformation should be one that, even if it's quick, will last for a long time. Scorpio doesn't like things to be fleeting, so make sure the transformation will last, or even be permanent. The fact that Pluto is at the end of Capricorn helps with this, and you can feel motivated to take action with transformations in your life and of yourself. This can impact your goals and direction with Pluto in Capricorn, and how you set yourself up for years to come. Do your research.
Scorpio governs research and investigation since this sign doesn't do superficial and always wants to get to the core to understand something. Use the energy to research into anything you need to know more about.
You can keep digging until you find what you need, and this can help you uncover something that has been quiet or hidden out of view, or that you shoved away down deep, hoping to avoid it. By facing it and going for it now, you can push through any fear and doubt, and feel more secure. Empower yourself and take control.
Scorpio rules power and control. so Scorpio Season can be an excellent time for you to empower yourself in some way and take control. This can be in small ways, with little projects and tasks and situations, and you can see what needs to be done.
Do be mindful of being a control freak though, if that;s a natural inclination; if it's not, this is a great time to feel strong and willful by taking some control. You might want to focus on areas that have been chaotic lately, and work to make improvements. Channel passionate energy wisely.
Since Scorpio is so intense and passionate, it's important to channel the extra passionate energy available during Scorpio Season wisely.
Try to pick something that you enjoy, believe in, or can throw yourself into. The more you can devote to it, the more energy you can use up, and you can feel better about life in general this way. If you can get productive with your passionate energy, this helps you keep away pessimism, and you can make what you want happen. Solve a problem.
Thanks to the researching energy of Scorpio Season, this is a great time to solve a problem that's been getting to you lately. You can keep digging until you find what helps you solve the problem, and solving the problem helps empower you and give you control.
If you feel over your head, start with something small and work your way up. Once you get going, you can keep going, and won't stop until you find the best solution for you. Your realistic outlook and serious approach helps you with problem-solving, and you can help others with this as well. Suggested Reading: All About Scorpio in Astrology
Every four weeks or so, we have a Full Moon, which occurs when the transit, or moving, Sun and Moon are in exact opposite positions in the Zodiac.
Full Moons are highly charged emotionally, and this can drain us a bit, so it can be a good idea to work on protecting your energy as best as you can. Here are 5 tips to do that for any Full Moon: 01: Make time for extra rest.
Since Full Moons are emotionally charged, this can have the effect of draining us in many ways, and all take a toll on us physically. This makes it a good idea to make more time for extra rest.
Try to block out time for naps, and give yourself some extra time at night to get into sleep, and in the morning to get up. A sleep routine can be helpful, and you may want to explore ways to relax before going to sleep, or how to get into deeper sleep. If you struggle with sleep, Full Moons might zap you even more, and it can be stressful to focus on, so try to take it easy on yourself. In your case, you may need to focus on simply resting without necessarily sleeping. 02: Try meditating.
Getting calm, having quiet, and clearing your mind can be incredibly helpful with the emotional energy of Full Moons. This gives you better control, and you don't get as caught up in the emotions and developments.
If you don't have a lot of time, you can just set aside a few minutes each day to meditate. Practice deep breathing, and give your mind a break from whatever is stressing you out at the moment. This can also have the added bonus of helping you feel more rested as it helps to calm you down. 03: Welcome water.
The Moon impacts the tides, and Full Moons are times of high tides. It's hypothesized that because humans are comprised of percent water, this is why we tend to go a little wonky around Full Moons.
But since water is so closely tied to the Moon, and to Full Moons in particular, it can be a good idea to make sure you're watching your water intake. Make sure you're getting enough, show some gratitude for it. You may want to spend more time bathing as well, in the shower or taking a bath, and you can spend time around bodies of water, like the ocean or lakes. You can feel more connected to the water thanks to the Full Moon energy. 04: Practice shadow work.
Full Moons mean the Moon is shining brightly in the sky. We see the entire Moon, as long as it's not cloudy, and the Moon illuminates the night. This means Full Moons can shine a light on what's been hidden in the shadows, making them a great time for practicing shadow work.
Shadow work involves focusing on your shadow side, your unconscious, the parts you ignore. This can be scary - we do run away for a reason, after all - but facing these parts of ourselves and lives helps with understanding, personal growth, and healing. Use the light of the Full Moon to illuminate what you can focus your shadow work on. You can drill down based on the Zodiac sign the Full Moon is in, or the house in your natal chart it occurs in. You may work on: Aries/1st house: identity Taurus/2nd house: self-esteem, values Gemini/3rd house: expression Cancer/4th house: emotional wounds, upbringing Leo/5th house: love wounds Virgo/6th house: perfectionism, stress Libra/7th house: relationship wounds Scorpio/8th house: fears, inner demons Sagittarius/9th house: expansion, beliefs Capricorn/10th house: aspirations, responsibilities Aquarius/11th house: dreams, change, individuality Pisces/12th house: subconscious, spiritual wounds 05: Have a healthy outlet to detach.
With the strong emotions around Full Moons, it's easy to get wrapped up in them, but it's a good idea to detach from this at times and not get too attached to the drama.
Try to have some healthy outlets, positive ways you can give yourself a distraction. This might be a hobby, something creative, sports or other events, cooking, time with friends or family, reading, exercising, or even just binge-watching a favorite show. We don't have to dedicate every second to the serious and intense and emotional. Taking a little time to get some space helps clear the mind and heart, and makes it easier to deal with whatever developments come. Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page
November 2024 comes with a passionate Scorpio New Moon and a stubborn Taurus Full Moon. What can we expect?
What is a New Moon?
A New Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New Moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A Full Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full Moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
New Moon in Scorpio: November 1st 2024 (7:47AM ET/4:47AM PT)
The Scorpio New Moon brings a lot of intensity and passion, the way of Scorpio, but focused on New Moon energy, so we're extra intense and passionate about new beginnings, new ventures, new projects, and new journeys in life. We see how this can benefit us, and we can be passionate about how we go about this and what it brings.
Scorpio is transformations, so we may embark on new transformations for the better. Some may embark on quick transformations and see results within a week or two; others may embark on long transformations, and these can continue for years to come. Wherever we fall, we can be passionate about this and see it through to the end. Scorpio rules "other people's money", which is money that doesn't only impact or belong to us. Think: taxes, loans, debts, inheritances, joint finances, business finances, stocks, investments, etc. This New Moon can bring more focus to these areas, and we may embark on new mutually-beneficial ventures. Scorpio is researching and investigative, so if we need to get to the heart of something, we can keep digging until we do. There is no mystery we can't solve, no problem we can't fix, no secret we can't uncover under Scorpio's impact. We can stay focused, and this helps us take control. This can be empowering, and we can be more comfortable with our personal power. The natural ruler of Scorpio, Pluto, is anaretic for this New Moon. There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, and 29 degrees is the last degree. It's called the anaretic degree, and it's supercharged energy, and incredibly strong with Pluto. Pluto is on its way out of Capricorn eighteen days after this New Moon, so we're wrapping things up with this transit. This means the New Moon is likely triggering us to take action in a big way, fast, before Pluto moves on. We have one last push to take action, and this New Moon has opportunities for us to do that. We just have to take it. The New Moon occurs at 9 degrees 35 minutes Scorpio The aspects to the New Moon are: Conjunction: 7 degrees 35 minutes - 11 degrees 35 minutes Scorpio Sextile: 7 degrees 35 minutes - 11 degrees 35 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Square: 7 degrees 35 minutes - 11 degrees 35 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 7 degrees 35 minutes - 11 degrees 35 minutes Cancer or Pisces Opposition: 7 degrees 35 minutes - 11 degrees 35 minutes Taurus Full Moon in Taurus: November 15th 2024 (4:28PM ET/1:28PM PT)
The November Full Moon comes to us in Taurus, and Taurus is the slow, steady Zodiac sign. It wants to take it easy, take a break, chill out, and relax. Since Full Moons are emotional, we may want to get a break from that and just take it easy. Why bother with the serious stuff? It can get done another time. No need to get worked up, it'll all work out eventually.
Taurus can be stubborn because of this though, and it doesn't want to budge, so we may be slower than usual with the Taurus Full Moon. When we become emotionally invested in something, we don't want to budge from our position, even when we know we're wrong. It takes more effort to get moving, but once we do get moving, we can keep at it. Taurus rules stability and security, so we can work on removing blocks to stability and security in our lives. This can also include our inner selves, our self-esteem and confidence, and we can work on trying to release some of what's been harming the way we feel about ourselves. This Full Moon is conjunct, or aligned with, Uranus in Taurus, and this can bring some unexpected developments that we're a little too lazy and stubborn to do anything about. We have to make sure we find the motivation we need to get moving so we don't get knocked off track. The conjunction to Uranus can also bring a major change, and that goes well with the fact that Pluto changes signs and moves to Aquarius just four days after this Full Moon. Things are changing in a big way with Pluto changing signs, leaving Capricorn and moving to Aquarius for twenty years. We may see the end of a change in our lives with this Full Moon, and we can be glad for the journey. Mercury is also going to retrograde, or appear to move backward, starting ten days after this Full Moon, so it's the last lunation before Pluto officially changes signs AND Mercury retrograde begins. It's the last chance for big endings with Pluto, and the last chance to set ourselves up before the retrograde starts. Clear out with the Full Moon, improve stability and security, and get rest if you need it. Leave room in your plans so you don't get too thrown when the retrograde begins. The Full Moon occurs at 24 degrees 1 minute Taurus. Aspects to the Full Moon are: Conjunction: 22 degrees 1 minute - 26 degrees 1 minute Taurus Sextile: 22 degrees 1 minute - 26 degrees 1 minute Cancer or Pisces Square: 22 degrees 1 minute - 26 degrees 1 minute Leo or Aquarius Trine: 22 degrees 1 minute - 26 degrees 1 minute Virgo or Capricorn Opposition: 22 degrees 1 minute - 26 degrees 1 minute Scorpio Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect |