Transit, or moving, Pluto was in Scorpio from roughly late 1983 to late 1995. Pluto is an outer planet, along with Uranus and Neptune, and the outer planets are considered generational planets because large swaths of a generation have them in the same sign. These three planets move slowly, and bunch large groups together with their energy and impact. Transit Pluto in Scorpio coincides with the Millennial generation. It used to be if you were born in the 80's, you were definitely a Millennial, but it's shifted forward now as a micro generation popped up, Xennials, from the late 70's to early 80's. This pushed the Millennial start time to essentially coincide almost exactly with transit Pluto's entrance into Scorpio. As transit Pluto is now moving into Aquarius, this generation is experiencing their Pluto square over the next two decades. The Pluto square is a generational aspect that challenges what you've built in adulthood so far. Normally, this can be difficult, but Millennials have Pluto in home sign Scorpio. This is a generation that is used to hard Plutonian challenges, lessons, and the darkness and depths of life. It's a generation that thrives under the worst conditions thanks to Pluto in Scorpio. The Defining Moments for the Pluto in Scorpio Generation
The Millennial generation is technically Generation Y, coming after Generation X and before Generation Z. Millennials got dubbed Millennials because of the ushering into the new millenium when they were children/teens. This was seen as an important moment for the generation.
But I would argue that there were two other events that were the defining events for this generation, and they tie perfectly into Pluto in Scorpio. The first was 9/11. This was such a big event, that even if you weren't in the U.S., you felt its reverberations, and certainly the aftermath with the wars in the Middle East, which many countries participated in as allies. In some ways, 9/11 was a preview of what we have now with the interconnectedness of social media, because it was the first time we all got to see something like that play out live, on TV, for the whole world to see. We have since seen people livestream all kinds of attacks and violence online. So, even if you didn't know anyone who died, even if you didn't live in any of the places that were impacted, it was a collective trauma. This occurred when Millennials were as young as 6, forming memories that would stay with them for life; and as old as 18, looking at the world they were supposed to enter shattering. Important ages, and the collective trauma left a unique imprint on this generation. But this was entirely predictable when you understand Pluto in Scorpio. Pluto is one of the rulers of violence and war. Pluto is dark, deep, scarring trauma. The impact of Pluto isn't temporary or fleeting. It digs in and it sticks around. Fittingly, this generation was also the majority that fought in the wars that came afterward. And also fittingly, they brought to light the lasting, damaging effects of PTSD from war. Those who came before struggled with the mental and emotional impact of war just as much, but they didn't want to talk about it. Millennials did, because Pluto wants to expose what's been kept in the dark. Pluto wants brutal honesty. Pluto is the planet of transformation, and brings us challenges for the purpose of transforming us for the better. I would argue the other defining moment for this generation was the Great Recession. This was a worldwide challenge that lasted for some time even beyond what the "official" dates were for a recession. Millennials were as young as 13, up to 25. These should be idealistic ages where you're dreaming of the future you want to have, but that future was wiped out for Millennials as reality set in. This also aligns with Pluto in Scorpio because Pluto is one of the money rulers. Pluto rules "other people's money" - debts, loans, inheritances, joint finances, business finances, mortgages, stocks, investments. Makes perfect sense this recession would occur early in Millennial lives. This generation has struggled with things like buying a home, paying off student debts, leaving their parents house, or having real autonomy - all Pluto in Scorpio things. Sexual Liberation and the Pluto in Scorpio Generation
The sexual revolution came long before Millennials were born, but they brought a second, different kind - forcing the transformation of attitudes around LGBTQ+ rights. This is something we've seen worldwide, and here in the U.S., it was thrust into the spotlight with the 2008 election.
Millennials, specifically the older half, were a huge part of the reason President Obama was elected, and one of the issues they were most passionate about was same-sex marriage. Thanks to DOMA, same-sex marriage was not legal, but that was not okay with Millennials, who had grown up in a different environment than those past with more people coming out in their young lives, effectively eliminating the stigmas around it. It's no surprise that Pluto and Scorpio are rulers of sexuality. This is a generation that is far more comfortable with sexuality and sexual topics than most. Pluto/Scorpio rules what's taboo, urging us to challenge why and ascertain if it's useful anymore. Lost in Intensity: The Downside of the Pluto in Scorpio Generation
Pluto is ruler of hostility, rage, and hatred, so the Pluto in Scorpio generation may become enthralled with that at times. They can get so wrapped up in their intense emotion that they don't see the forest from the trees, and end up missing the way out right in front of them because of it.
Pluto/Scorpio is intensely emotional, but this can become obsessive, and it's easy to get lost in it and lose objectivity. This generation has to make sure it directs its hostility, rage, and hatred into something productive, otherwise it can turn inward and become self-defeating. This obsessiveness and loss of objectivity can also mean that this generation may suffer from stubbornness at times, unwilling to admit when it's wrong or to move from its position, forcing its way whether it's right or not; and that it may struggle with selfishness at times, though not because it doesn't care about others, but rather because it's too caught up in its own feelings that it doesn't consider anyone else's. The Pluto in Scorpio generation needs to make sure that it collectively directs its intense feelings about things productively, and keeps an open mind to ideas that might counter their own. Transform: The Purpose of the Pluto in Scorpio Generation
Pluto is the planet of transformation. Pluto/Scorpio is the phoenix rising from the askes. Hard Pluto tears everything down, burns it to the ground, to force a starting over, if we resist doing that of our own volition.
This means that the Pluto in Scorpio generation is okay with facing the hard truths, the darkness, the inner demons, the terrible traumas. This generation knows that it has to do that in order to get better. We've already seen this in the ways we've changed how we look at past historical figures, the tellings of certain narratives. Pluto in Scorpio wants the truth to be faced, the trauma to be admitted honestly, and the solution to be fulfilled. And if that doesn't happen, Pluto in Scorpio is a-okay with burning it all down. This generation has a way of destroying everything and being comfortable with the flames around them. The darkness is a familiar friend, likely due to the early traumas it experienced. The Pluto in Scorpio generation understands that sometimes you've got to start from zero again. It'll force the world to do that with anything the world doesn't want to deal with that has been a problem for a while. What this generation transforms can last, because Pluto transformation is the kind that stays. The groundwork might be laid to begin a whole new era, usher in a whole new way of life, and that groundwork is laid by Pluto in Scorpio. The problem for them is, they may not be the ones who build on that groundwork - that might be up to Gen Z and Alphas. So, patience, and knowing that they're doing something to improve lives long-term and not just in the moment, can prove soothing. Most Millennials also have transit Neptune in Capricorn, and younger Millennials have Uranus in Capricorn. Transit Pluto in Capricorn brought this group to power by activating these placements. As Pluto moves to Aquarius, this activates the Uranus in Aquarius generation, and their power comes next. Suggested Reading: Iconic Renegades: The Uranus in Aquarius Generation and Mystics, Misfits, and Mimes: The Neptune in Pisces Generation Comments are closed.