​Pluto is about to turn retrograde on May 2nd 2024, and this retrograde begins in Aquarius before moving back to Capricorn on September 1st 2024. This is the last time Pluto goes back to Capricorn. So what does this Pluto retrograde bring? Pluto in Astrology
There are 10 major planets in astrology, excluding Earth and including the Sun and Moon, and each rules something different and has its own energy. Pluto is the planet of transformation, and in your natal chart, can show how and where and what you transform in your life, as well as how and where you find power and take control.
In transit, moving Pluto can bring major transformations to areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart it's touring, and to natal planets it's aspecting. Work with it, and this is empowering; fight it, and this is tumultuous and traumatic. If you want to dive deeper into Pluto, check out the article, All About Pluto in Astrology. What is retrograde in astrology?
Bodies are called retrograde in astrology when they appear to move backward through the Zodiac. Normal motion is forward, so retrograde motion tends to throw things off.
This isn't the case for Pluto though! Since Pluto is so intense and passionate, Pluto retrograde slows this down and gives us a chance to catch our breath and adjust to the transformations that have come to pass already. Pluto Retrograde 2024: May 2 2024 @ 1:47PM ET/10:47AM PT
Pluto moved into Aquarius again in January, and we're at the start of a whole new Pluto cycle as Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2044 once it goes back in November. So, we're seeing a lot of changes happening already impacting our future, our dreams, and the collective, and this retrograde helps press pause a little to adjust.
We can work on getting a better grip on changes in our lives in general, and work to have more control over our future. We can be more independent, and feel empowered by pursuing the unconventional. Brush up on Pluto in Aquarius with the blog article. Interestingly, Neptune turns anaretic right after this Pluto retrograde begins, which means Neptune comes to 29 degrees. This is the very last degree of a Zodiac sign (there are 30 degrees per sign), and is challenging energy with the transit planets. The fogginess of Neptune likely gets turned up to 11, and we have to work on being more grounded and realistic, otherwise we can miss important details. Pluto goes back to Capricorn on September 1st, and is anaretic the entire time it's in Capricorn. This comes just as Neptune ends being anaretic, so we go from one to the next. Lots of challenges to maneuver in the world! For each of us individually, it's important we focus this energy productively, otherwise it can throw us. Focus on the areas of life ruled by the natal houses 29 degrees Capricorn and Pisces fall, and any anaretic planets and bodies in your natal chart. The turn retrograde is sextile (beneficial aspect, two signs away) transit Mars in Aries, and square (challenging aspect, three signs away) transit Venus in Taurus. The sextile to Mars gives us helpful energy, and this is likely sorely needed after the Mercury retrograde in Aries in April. Mars is energetic in home sign Aries, and gives enthusiasm to Pluto. The square to Venus might show challenges with working well with others, and we have to be mindful of negotiation, compromise, and be more pleasant and balanced and grounded. We may not want to be, but it can be necessary. Pluto Retrograde 2024 Aspects
The Pluto retrograde starts at 2 degrees 6 minutes Aquarius, so the major aspects are 0-5 degrees of:
Conjunction: Aquarius Sextile: Aries, Sagittarius Square: Taurus, Scorpio Trine: Gemini, Libra Opposition: Leo Look through your natal chart and see if you have any planets or bodies located between 0 and 5 degrees of these signs. The aspect will be very strong for you right now, and can be through August. Suggested Reading: The Transit Pluto page for general interpretations of transit Pluto in the houses and aspects, and the articles Surviving Transit Pluto in the Houses and How to Survive Hard Transit Pluto to Your Personal Planets Comments are closed.