Astrology focuses on a variety of points to interpret to glean information from, about your personality, your life, your past, and your future. One of the most important points? The planets! So when you're getting started with astrology, you need to understand the planets in astrology. What are the planets in astrology?
There are 10 planets in astrology. They include the Sun and Moon (called the luminaries), and exclude the Earth. In order, they are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Each planet rules a different part of our personalities and lives. Each planet rules different signs and houses. Each planet has its own energy. Note: I personally also use Ceres, which is technically a dwarf planet (like Pluto). What signs and houses do the planets rule?
Let's break down which signs and houses each planet rules:
The Sun rules Leo and the 5th house The Moon rules Cancer and the 4th house Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo and the 3rd and 6th houses Venus rules Taurus and Libra and the 2nd and 7th houses Mars rules Aries and the 1st house Jupiter rules Sagittarius and the 9th house Saturn rules Capricorn and the 10th house Uranus rules Aquarius and the 11th house Neptune rules Pisces and the 12th house Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house These are the modern rulerships; modern rulerships use Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. When we didn't have those three planets (before they were known), Saturn ruled Aquarius and the 11th house instead of Uranus, Jupiter ruled Pisces and the 12th house instead of Neptune, and Mars ruled Scorpio and the 8th house instead of Pluto. Some current astrologers still use those old rulerships, depending on what kind of astrology they practice. There's really not a right or wrong, and you can experiment when you get further in your studies. Ceres is argued to be the ruler of Taurus instead of Venus; I tend to use Ceres for prediction and consider both Ceres and Venus in the natal chart for Taurus. Which part of your life and personality does each planet in astrology rule?
The Sun: rules the self, who you are to those who know you best, the true you; also rules your physical body
The Moon: rules your emotional self, what you need for emotional stability and security and how you express yourself emotionally; also rules your home/family and internal foundation/core Mercury: rules the mind, how you communicate and express yourself and connect with your immediate environment; also rules your everyday life Venus: rules money and relationships, what you value, your approach to relationships and commitment; also rules the other people in your life and the feminine Mars: rules energy and drive, what drives you to take action and how you take that action when you do; also rules the masculine Jupiter: rules expansion, how and where you can expand in your life and use opportunity; also rules your beliefs and higher learning Saturn: rules limitation, the lessons you have to learn and where you can struggle in life until you learn them; also rules your goals and responsibilities Uranus: rules change, how and where you experience or create changes in your life; also rules independence and your hopes/dreams for the future Neptune: rules spiritual self, how and where you connect spiritually; also rules how and where you may struggle to be realistic Pluto: rules transformations, how and where you experience and create deep transformations in your life; also rules shared resources and what you hold deep inside Ceres: rules nourishment, support, resources, and finances This is mostly focused on natal astrology. What is the energy of each planet in astrology?
The Sun: shines a light, brings attention to whatever it's touching
The Moon: brings emotional energy and emotional focus Mercury: brings mental focus, ideas, and increases activity Venus: brings pleasant energy and ease Mars: brings energy and drive, makes things happen Jupiter: brings expansive energy, opportunity, and positivity Saturn: brings restrictive energy, stability when positive Uranus: brings change energy, sometimes erratic Neptune: brings foggy energy, intuition and imagination Pluto: brings transforming energy, can be destructive and powerful Ceres: brings nourishing energy and focus on resources This is focused on predictive astrology. As the moving planets make contact to your natal chart, this is the energy each planet brings to you. Fully explore each planet:
There is a series of blog articles breaking down each planet fully (too much for just one article!), so check them out:
All About the Sun in Astrology All About the Moon in Astrology All About Mercury in Astrology All About Venus in Astrology All About Mars in Astrology All About Ceres in Astrology All About Jupiter in Astrology All About Saturn in Astrology All About Uranus in Astrology All About Neptune in Astrology All About Pluto in Astrology Comments are closed.