Ceres is a dwarf planet ruling nourishment, support, and resources in astrology. It's going to retrograde (appear to move backward) starting in May of this year, and while retrograde, we may struggle with having the support we need, feeling secure, and being encouraging. There can be karmic issues that need to be worked through, and blocks to remove. Ceres Retrograde in the Natal Houses:Ceres Retrograde in the 1st House
Ceres retrograde in the 1st house can bring out lots of existing and old issues regarding insecurity and lack. You may feel unsupported, and like you don’t have what you need when you need it. Tackling the issues helps a lot, and you should try to spend more time taking care of yourself and tending to your own needs. You should be a priority in your life, and this retrograde can remind you of that. This can be a good time for a second chance with something that nourishes you.
Ceres Retrograde in the 2nd House
Ceres retrograde in the 2nd house can bring issues with resources and finances, stability and security. Something in life can either become incredibly chaotic, or it may get incredibly stuck. Grounding yourself is more important, yet there can be blocks that you need to work through in order to do so. Money might be tight, but it may also be a matter of perception or simply needed to be smarter. This can be a good time to make money or use resources in a way you have before that was helpful.
Ceres Retrograde in the 3rd House
Ceres retrograde in the 3rd house can impact your ability to voice support or to get words of encouragement from others. You may be insecure about what you say or how you say it, and can be hurt by the words of others. Work on improving your confidence in your ability to express yourself, and tackle old issues that have gotten in the way. Take care of your mind as well. This can be a good time to pick back up an old idea with a nurturing approach.
Ceres Retrograde in the 4th House
Ceres retrograde in the 4th house can make your emotions stronger than usual, and you can be quite sensitive. Something or someone may trigger something at your core, an old issue that hasn’t been worked through yet, and you can be quite emotional. Work on strengthening yourself internally, and giving yourself emotional support and comfort. Strengthen your external support system as well. This can be a good time to reconnect with those you think of as family or places you’ve lived before.
Ceres Retrograde in the 5th House
Ceres retrograde in the 5th house can bring out issues in your love relationships. You may feel unsupported by those you love, or have to deal with someone especially clingy. You can feel insecure without praise, but need to work on giving yourself validation instead of looking for it in the wrong places. This can be a highly creative period, though you may struggle with being productive with it. Try to give yourself time to enjoy yourself without any expectations.
Ceres Retrograde in the 6th House
Ceres retrograde in the 6th house can make you feel insecure with the work you do, with projects, tasks, and chores you accomplish, and just generally in your everyday life. But, you’re likely going to be quiet about this, and it festers inside, making you anxious. Try to figure out what is making you feel this way, and work on tending to the details with it. Take a practical approach, and this can help you make progress. And make sure to go easy on yourself and don’t rip yourself apart for a mistake. This can be a good time to pick back up an old project and improve stress management.
Ceres Retrograde in the 7th House
Ceres retrograde in the 7th house can bring out issues in your relationships and partnerships. You may feel unsupported by others, and feel you’re giving too much. Work on having healthy boundaries, and tend to old relationship issues. You may need to improve balance and make sure support is flowing freely both ways. This can be a good time to reconnect with someone from the past, though you still have to keep in mind boundaries.
Ceres Retrograde in the 8th House
Ceres retrograde in the 8th house can stir up something deep inside, something you’d rather run from, that has contributed to insecurity, instability, and a feeling of not enough. Facing this and working through it may mean you need to make some sort of transformation, and this can be difficult at first but proves to give you a lot more power at the end. Don't get lost in intense emotions, and make sure you’re seeing the big picture and not getting lost in the details. This can be a good time to focus on improving your legacy and shared resources.
Ceres Retrograde in the 9th House
Ceres retrograde in the 9th house can make it so you either feel you have too much space and are kind of on an island alone, or you don’t have enough and feel like you’re suffocating. No matter which it is, work on getting to the core of why that is. Balancing the amount of space you have with the amount of responsibilities you have is important. Your beliefs can also be more important to you, but you may be closed-minded about it, and need to be respectful of others.
Ceres Retrograde in the 10th House
Ceres retrograde in the 10th house can make you feel stuck with a goal or that you’re on the wrong path. That might not be true, but it can feel that way. Go with the slow energy, and take the time to assess your plans, go over where you’ve been so far, and make sure you’ve done all the homework you need to. Make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons too. This can be a good period to reconnect with an old boss or pick back up an old goal that you can nurture now.
Ceres Retrograde in the 11th House
Ceres retrograde in the 11th house can make you feel less connected with friends or groups if you don’t feel nurtured and supported by them. This can be more important to you in your connections, and you may pull away from anyone you feel isn’t supportive and encouraging. You can also feel insecure about your dreams, and may feel you need to walk away, but this is likely just the insecurity of the moment. Work on getting to the heart of why you’re uncertain.
Ceres Retrograde in the 12th House
Ceres retrograde in the 12th house can make you feel drained by all of the support you’ve had to give to others. There might not be any support left for yourself, and you need to work on having stronger boundaries. You might be making too many sacrifices, and this gets in your way of progress. Remember to take care of yourself too, and get plenty of rest and more time alone. Reflect on the past, and work on issues that have made you feel insecure, and release. Nurture your intuitive side, and nourish your subconscious mind.
Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series Ceres in the Zodiac Signs Natal Ceres in the Houses Natal Ceres Aspects Transit Ceres in the Houses Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres Transit Ceres Aspects The Ceres Return in Astrology Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart Ceres & Love Astrology Composite Ceres in the Houses & Aspects Ceres Retrograde Aspects Progressed Ceres in the Houses New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres Progressed Aspects to Natal Ceres Progressed Ceres Aspects Comments are closed.