Ceres, a dwarf planet ruling nourishment, is about to move from mutable sign Virgo to cardinal sign Libra on December 18th 2022. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is also going to leave mutable sign Pisces for cardinal sign Aries on December 20th 2022. When both Jupiter and Ceres move into cardinal signs Aries and Libra, they will form a cardinal t-square as they oppose each other and both square (challenging aspect, three signs away) Pluto in Capricorn. This t-square lasts until March 22nd 2023 (when Ceres exits Libra; Pluto also exits Capricorn March 23rd). Let the cardinal t-square games begin! What is a t-square?
A t-square occurs when two or more planets oppose one another in the Zodiac, and then square a third (or more) planet. This looks like a T on the Zodiac wheel, hence calling it a t-square.
The two (or more) planets opposing one another are sort of at war, and the squared planet(s) is getting the brunt of that war. All of the energy from the opposing planets gets funneled into the squared planet, and whatever the squared planet rules gets enormous focus (often to its detriment). In your natal chart, being born with a t-square can show areas where you experience challenges that you need to work through, but can emerge much stronger. In transit, t-squares are high energy of friction, and they often propel us to take action whether we want to or not (or whether it's good or not!). T-squares occur in the same quality or modality of signs. There are 3 qualities/modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Each quality/modality has 4 Zodiac signs in it. In a t-square, 3 of the 4 Zodiac signs have planets in them, and one is missing. This is called the missing leg, and the missing sign is where we can find solutions and get out of the drama. We usually ignore the missing sign though, since we're so focused on the squared planet/sign. It's like missing the forest from the trees, or missing what's right in front of your nose. What are the cardinal signs?
The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Cardinal signs are the signs of action, and they want to take action quickly and with ease.
The cardinal signs are also the signs of leadership since they are the very first signs of their respective elements (fire, earth, air, water). They lead the way for the other signs. This means cardinal t-squares are times of high activity, lots of action, and we're not waiting for anyone or anything. We can take the initiative and set the stage (or mess it up!). The Impact of the Cardinal T-Square of 2022 - 2023
This cardinal t-square will begin on December 20th 2022, with Jupiter moving into Aries and Ceres just moving into Libra 2 days before. The squared planet is Capricorn in this t-square.
Pluto is the planet of transformation, and is intense, unrelenting, and demanding. We can see massive transformations, changes, and frankly upheaval with this t-square. Pluto likes to tear down anything that isn't working properly and start over. Rise the ashes and all of that (annoying, I know). Pluto in Capricorn has been doing this to governments, countries, corporations, institutions, the old ways, and the status quo (ruled by Capricorn). We may see this amplified by a million during the t-square, and especially when Pluto is anaretic. There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, and 29 degrees is the last degree and called the anaretic degree. The anaretic degree is crisis energy in transit, and Pluto will be anaretic in Capricorn for this t-square February 11 to March 22 2023 (Pluto actually leaves Capricorn the day after, March 23rd). That's even more unruly because Ceres will be retrograde then too, starting on February 3rd 2023 in Libra, and aggravating feelings of lack, taking away what we need, and creating problems with resources. So we can feel this t-square pretty soon, but it seems like it'll be at its worst mid-February to the end of it (March 22nd). Time to take down the status quo in an even bigger way than we have the last few years! Bad time for governments and countries (I wonder about Iran with the crackdown of protests, that may backfire), bad time for corporations (likely the tech ones since Pluto is going to move into Aquarius - you think it's bad now for social media, you just wait!), bad time for leaders/authority figures (scandals?), bad time for institutions (more scandals?). This is likely to last though, since Pluto will be anaretic in Capricorn again on-and-off until 2024. Perhaps what starts now doesn't come to a close/finish/resolution until then? (aaahhhh torturing us) Now, we don't have to look very far back in history to find a cardinal t-square in these same signs - one occured in 2012! And Pluto was also the squared planet in Capricorn (Saturn was in Libra and Uranus freshly in Aries). Going back through world events, there were quite a few prominent world leaders who were taken down in some fashion during that period (removed from office, arrested, charged). I think that's a big possibility this go around as well (who could it be this time? too many choices ha). There were really bad tornadoes in Western Australia (In June), there was a worse-than-usual solar storm (in July), and an earthquake caused a tsunami (in April). I bring these up as they seem most likely to occur again. MERS came about during that time, however Neptune seemed to have been the culprit for that (as Chiron and Lilith were the culprits in 2020 for COVID, Chiron linked up with Neptune in 2012 for MERS). Here in the US, there was the Aurora Colorado mass shooting at a movie theater. That came with Mercury retrograde in Leo, and while we will have Venus retrograde in Leo this summer, the t-square won't be around for that (though Lilith will conjunct Venus, so still be careful then!). While there's no Leo, anaretic Pluto can be violent, so we do have to be careful. The Way Out: Cancer
As stated, the way out with a t-square is through the missing sign, which is Cancer in this case. Cancer rules the home, family, emotions, and internal foundation.
We may need to get back to basics, get back to our roots, and focus on where we come from. We likely need to build a stronger foundation, for ourselves as individuals, but also for groups, corporations, countries. Foundations that haven't been built well can be quite shaky now. We may need to focus more on our home and family lives, and what this means for us. It may look differently, and that's not wrong. We likely need to focus on our emotional needs, and get and give more emotional support. Without support, we can flounder and struggle with what we need to do. Expand your support system, and work on giving yourself support without needing others. Strengthen yourself internally, and make sure the foundation of what you're working on is strong and secure. Acknowledge what you feel, and work through old emotional issues and patterns. Don't solely focus on the external, and don't feel like you need to be emotionally detached. At the same time, don't focus on tearing everything down haphazardly, as this may lead to things being destroyed that you actually need, still serve a purpose, or are good for you but you don't see it. In your natal chart, the location in your natal houses of Pluto gets extra focus - too much focus - while the opposite house is the one ignored, so give that more attention. If you have cardinal planets in your natal chart (and especially if you're an Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn Sun, Moon, or Rising), pay special attention! This energy can be extra strong for you, so make sure you're being mindful and paying attention. Good luck! (says the scared Libra) Suggested Reading: Ceres in Libra & Jupiter in Aries articles Comments are closed.