Jupiter starts a tour in Aries soon, starting May 10th! It's not in this sign for very long, fully exiting in May 2023, but not staying in Aries for the entire year, only in this sign for about 10 months total. Jupiter in Aries Dates:
How Jupiter in Aries 2022-2023 Impacts You
Jupiter in Aries is a time to get up and GO! Aries is the sign that connects to new beginnings since it's the very first Zodiac sign and connects to the 1st house. We can focus on new ventures, new beginnings, and new journeys. We're out with the old and in with the new!
Aries is the leader, the pioneer, the one who takes initiative and isn't afraid of action. We're likely not sitting around with Jupiter in Aries. Once we know what we want, we go for it without hesitation. Now, we do need to think a little bit before taking action, but Aries can be pretty impulsive! Aries is enthusiastic and easily excited. It wants to focus on whatever energizes it. It can throw itself into something new quickly and get it running fast. But, it can also get bored easily, so we have to work on seeing things through to the end. Aries is super high energy as a fire sign and a cardinal sign. It has plenty of energy to use and doesn't want to waste time. We can have extra energy and drive, and find ways to motivate ourselves. This can also be a good time for improving our confidence, being more sure of ourselves, and embracing our identities. We can put our face out there and feel solid about what we're presenting. On a personal level, you can experience any or all of this in the areas of life ruled by the house(s) Jupiter in Aries tours in your natal chart. How Jupiter in Aries Differs From Jupiter in Pisces
Aries and Pisces are pretty different signs! Aries is loud and Pisces is quiet. Aries is the start and Pisces is the end. Aries takes the lead and Pisces gets lost. Super different!
Jupiter in Pisces has been more spiritual and creative. Aries is like, enough pondering, let's take action! Instead of waiting for the right moment, Jupiter in Aries creates the right moment. Special Periods During Jupiter in Aries
Mars joins Jupiter in Aries quickly, touring Aries May 24th to July 5th 2022, and conjuncting (aligning with) Jupiter on May 29th 2022 at 3 degrees Aries. Mars is the natural ruler of Aries, so this really increases the impact of Aries. This is amazing energy for a new start, though we may have to wait until the Mercury retrograde ends June 3rd 2022. If we have any second chances to pursue, this can be an awesome time for it.
Chiron is in Aries the entire time Jupiter is in Aries, and they conjunct on March 12th 2023 at 14 degrees Aries. This can be super helpful for healing and growth, spiritually, personally, and physically. Chiron in Aries has been a challenge for the pandemic, and Jupiter in Aries with it can help make it better, or make it worse (since Jupiter expands - whichever way we're going, we'll go further at that point). The conjunction to Chiron is the only major aspect Jupiter makes to the other slow planets (semisextiles Uranus on March 19th 2023 and semisextiles Neptune on May 2nd 2023; no aspects to Saturn or Pluto). So, that aspect is likely going to be very important. When Jupiter exits Aries on October 28th 2022, Mars turns retrograde 2 days later on October 30th, so that time may be super high energy, we may feel super off, and things can get super wonky. Once again, it's good for second chances and do-overs, but likely not for anything brand new. At the end of Jupiter in Aries, both Saturn and Pluto change signs in March 2023, Saturn entering Pisces and Pluto entering Aquarius. We may have an entirely new focus starting in 2023, needing to make major transformations for the future, and needing to learn how to share with the collective. Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius are not about the individual *at all*, but Jupiter in Aries is, so Jupiter may be there to remind us to not neglect ourselves. Jupiter in Aries Conjunct the Outer Planets in Your Natal Chart
No one alive now (aside of the vampires) has Pluto or Neptune in Aries. If you're really young (born after 2011) or really old (80-something), you may have Uranus in Aries. This means Jupiter in Aries aligns with your Uranus, the planet of rebellion, independence, innovation, and the masses. You may be more inclined to do things on your own, in your own way, and unconventionally, and may want to have a positive impact on the world. But make sure you're doing it safely!
Final Notes on Jupiter in Aries
Jupiter in Aries is a quick shot through this sign, which is sorta fitting considering Aries is so high energy and wants to go-go-go. Of course it won't let Jupiter stick around for long! It'll be important to make the most of it initially with Mars in Aries too since that seems to give the biggest boost.
Suggested Reading: The Transit Jupiter page for general interpretations of Jupiter in the houses and aspecting the natal planets Comments are closed.