Summer is here (for the northern hemisphere, anyway!), and this is going to be an interesting summer. Buckle up, and keep calm with some self-care! Summer 2023 Astrology
This summer begins with Pluto having just gone back to Capricorn, and we're experiencing some major culminations, finalizing, and releasing. This is the end of a chapter for Pluto in Capricorn as Pluto is starting to move to Aquarius, and we can see chapters closing in our own lives. This can be on full display for the rest of 2023 since Pluto remains in Capricorn for the rest of the year.
We'll want to make the most of the lull right now, because retrogrades are coming that throw monkey wrenches into the machine! Venus retrogrades July 22nd to September 3rd in Leo, and then Mercury retrogrades August 23rd to September 15th in Virgo. The retrogrades prompt us to focus on stuff from the past, and we need to reflect, understand, and let go. This can be an emotional experience, but one we likely need to have. With Venus retrograde in Leo, this can bring focus on old love issues and love baggage. Mercury retrograde in Virgo can bring focus on issues with our work, daily life, health, and habits. So, practicing some self-care is super important this summer, especially during the second half! Note that you can follow your Sun sign below, but you may find activities associated with your Moon sign are more soothing. Summer Self-Care by Zodiac Sign:
Aries: Aries usually benefits from physical activities, so self-care for you may involve getting out and getting moving. Go for a run, use some dance exercise videos, or install a punching bag in your home. Aries also rules the head, so you may want to give yourself some scalp and face massages regularly.
Taurus: Taurus rules the senses and connects to the physical world, so self-care for you may involve utilizing your senses and the world around you in some way. You can benefit from any kind of massage or acupressure, can enjoy taking cooking classes or learning about certain summery foods, or getting into nature with walks in the woods, giving yourself flowers, or growing your own herbs. Gemini: Gemini rules the mind, so self-care for you may involve using your mental energy. You can make a list of books to read or podcasts to listen to, take a class in something of interest you can only do in the summer, do some writing, or have more chats. Regularly talking things out, with a friend or family or professional or just writing in your own journal, can help. Cancer: Cancer rules emotions, so self-care for you may involve tending to yourself emotionally. Cancer is comfortable and familiar, so you may prefer to spend time in familiar places and with people who support you. Cancer also connects to water, so you may want to spend some time around the ocean, rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. Leo: Leo is a creative sign, so self-care for you may involve being creative. You can make more time for your hobbies, or give more attention to creative ventures. You may want to take time away from work so this can be a great time for a vacation, and try to get away, even if for just a few hours. Leo rules entertainment, so you may want to spend time watching movies or attending concerts. Virgo: Virgo is the sign of health, so self-care for you may involve taking care of your general health and well-being. You can do little things on a daily basis, like making a smarter choice for a snack, walking an extra 100 steps, or getting a routine checkup. As you take better care of your body, you can feel less stressed overall in life. Libra: Libra is the sign of relationships, so self-care for you may involve others. You can spend more time one-on-one with the people you care about and find this to be quite soothing for you. You may also prioritize balance, peace, and harmony, and can try to avoid any chaos or high drama people. You may want to spend time in peaceful places, like by a river or at a spa. Scorpio: Scorpio is an intense sign, so self-care for you may involve throwing yourself into something. You can spend time doing research and investigating something of interest, and you can use this as an escape and distraction when needed if you don't go too overboard. You may also want to work on a transformation of some sort, making something old new again. Sagittarius: Sagittarius is an adventurous sign, so self-care for you may involve having new experiences that excite you and you can learn from. You may want to travel somewhere you've never been to, learn something new, expand knowledge you have, or take time to write or speak. Opening your mind and being more optimistic can be soothing for you. Capricorn: Capricorn is the ambitious sign, so self-care for you may involve tending to your long-term goals and plans. You can make more time to tweak your plans and gather information you need. Capricorn is also traditional, so traditional ways of self-soothing may be of help, like getting a massage, meditating, or taking a day off. With Capricorn being an earth sign, you may want to get out in nature. Aquarius: Aquarius is an unconventional sign, so self-care for you may involve being different in some way. You may want to explore unconventional and experimental methods for self-soothing, and can opt for weird and wild outings. Aquarius also rules friends, so spending time with a friend can be helpful, and you may enjoy getting more time in a group of like-minded people. Pisces: Pisces is a spiritual sign, so self-care for you may involve spending time on spiritual pursuits, strengthening your intuition, and simply getting some time alone can be beneficial. Pisces also rules imagination and the arts, so listening to music, drawing or painting, visiting an art museum, or reading or writing can help. Pisces also connects to water, so you may want to spend time at or in water, or doing things like taking more baths/showers. Suggested Reading: Strengthen Intuition With Emotional Security Comments are closed.