Saturn enters Sagittarius on December 23rd 2014. You can read about the overall impact of this in the Saturn in Sagittarius post. This is taken from the December 2014 Horoscope for each sign (reminder: general horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only).
ARIES For Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius will probably feel like a load off of you. Saturn in Scorpio was an incredibly serious period for you, and now, you can feel a lot lighter. Scorpio rules your most serious, heaviest sector, and Sagittarius rules the lightest, so you go into an easier period now. Still, you do have to deal with Saturn and his lessons. So what are the lessons for Aries? With Saturn in Sagittarius, you can evaluate your beliefs, and many of you will undergo a change in your belief system, or at the very least, question your belief system. Those of you who have followed what your parents or family believed and not really thought much about it will think about it now, and some will strengthen their beliefs while others abandon them. Some of you may decide to go back to school with Saturn here, especially if you struggled with school earlier in life, or didn’t finish what you started. It’ll begin to bother you, and you’ll want to work on it, proving to yourself what you can do. Travel to far away places isn’t advised under this influence, unless it’s for work or some very important reason. If that’s not the case, you either won’t travel far at all with Saturn here, or you’ll experience all manner of problems whenever you try to. Don’t do anything that can get you in trouble with the law while Saturn is in Sagittarius, because you won’t be able to run from it. If you’ve been avoiding a legal issue, you’ll have to face it. Generally, you’ll feel more restricted in your life, and meet resistance or roadblocks whenever you try to expand your life in new ways. You’ll need to make sure you’ve made plans, done your homework, are acting responsibly, and are doing the right thing whenever you want to succeed at expanding your world. TAURUS For Taurus, Saturn in Sagittarius puts this planet in a serious, heavy sector for you. While Saturn was in Scorpio, you had to face your relationship issues, especially those related to commitment, and with the move into Sagittarius, you now have to focus on your issues with intimacy. If you have a hard time really opening up to other people and letting them get deep inside of who you are, that’s going to be the lesson you have to learn with Saturn in Sagittarius. You can see problems come up in your close relationships with the people you feel you have the greatest bonds if you’re not actually as bonded as you think you are, or it’s a one-sided relationship. Casual relationships where there isn’t an emotional connection go by the wayside, and you crave intimacy like your life depends on it. You have little patience for silliness and superficiality in general, and have a much more realistic outlook on life, but can get dragged into pessimism and sucked into despair if you’re not careful. Only is rare circumstances is life 100% doom and gloom, and your life probably isn’t one of those exceptions, so don’t act like it is. You’ll be very difficult to be around if you do, and it’ll just be harder to have the closeness with people you want. If you’re a possessive, jealous person, you’ll have more problems now. Sex needs to have meaning, and you want to transform yourself and your life in a profound way. If you’ve been held back and kept down, you’ll claw, scratch, and fight your way out. You’ll need to face issues that you hold deep inside of yourself that you normally run as far away from as you can, but there’s no escaping them now. You do so at your own peril. It’s finally time for you to face it. GEMINI For Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius puts Saturn in your relationship sector. When Saturn is here, it’s time to get serious about your relationships. You can no longer go from one to the next romantically, no longer enjoying that or getting any satisfaction from it at all. You can’t keep putting less into your relationships with loved ones than they put in, and you can’t keep running from committing yourself fully to your loved ones. If you do keep doing all of that, you’ll find yourself very, very alone. Actually, some of you may opt for being alone of your own volition, if you need to strengthen your relationship and commitment to yourself. If you put everyone else first and neglect yourself completely, this is a time where you have to focus on that relationship. Whatever relationship and commitment issues you may have, this is the time to work on them. Many of you will see people leave your life, even people you thought were so important to you and your life, and it could be your choice or it could be theirs. No matter what, it probably seems like the end of the world at first. Over time, you realize it was actually necessary. You were either taking advantage of them or taking them for granted and you needed them to walk away to show you what you were doing wrong, or they were taking advantage of you or taking you for granted and you need to let them go and realize your own worth in a relationship. The relationships that survive this period will usually come out stronger, and they’re relationships that will last a long time. Most of you won’t enter into new relationships, but those of you who do will take them more seriously, behave more responsibly, and try to make them as healthy as you can. CANCER For Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius is a time of hard work and focus. Sagittarius rules your work sector, and while Saturn is here, you have to take your work more seriously and dedicate yourself more to it. When Saturn was in Scorpio, he was in a lighter, happier sector, and you didn’t have to focus on work as much. Now, you have to or you’ll have consequences. Some of you will lose your job, especially if it’s one you hate or you don’t do well with. Others will quit if you heart isn’t in it. For those who stay, you’ll take on more work responsibilities, and it can be a time where you put in a ton of work but don’t have much to show for it. Even if it’s a job you love, you can love it less now, just from all of the work you have to put in. No matter what, you need to make sure you’re doing work that you do love, even if you don’t feel as passionate about it during this time, because if you’re doing something you hate, your work will suffer. Sagittarius also rules your health sector, so for those of you who haven’t taken your health all that seriously, that changes now. Saturn can bring up health issues and make you sick if you haven’t been living a healthy lifestyle as a wakeup call, and force you to focus on your health and make healthy changes. This is an excellent time to change your lifestyle and implement changes that you’ll stick with for a long time. You take the long view with this, and know you need to not only make changes that will help you now, but for many years to come. You also need to work on finding ways to better manage your stress because anxiety can be an issue if you don’t. LEO For Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius takes him out of an emotional sector for you in Scorpio and puts him in a sector that you have an easier time with, but you will have to take some things seriously that you probably don’t like to. The main area of life to focus on will be your love life. With Saturn in Sagittarius, you need to be more serious about your love life. You can’t just go from one person to the next, dating but never staying with anyone for long or taking love all that seriously. You just don’t find it fulfilling anymore, and you find yourself wanting real, true love. When you date, it’s to find someone special that you can commit yourself to, not someone for the night. If single, you date less and take a serious approach to selecting who you’ll go out with, and you’re more attracted to serious, practical, responsible types. If you’re in a relationship, you can become more committed to the person you’re with, and some of you can take the relationship to the next level (moving in, buying a house together, getting engaged, getting married). On the other hand, you can also fall out of love, and realize that you don’t want to be with them anymore, or they break up with you. It’s probably meant to be if that happens, and the relationship or the person wasn’t right for you. If that happens, you have to evaluate what went wrong and learn from your mistakes. If you have children, you can have a more difficult relationship with them during this period, or something happens in their life that makes them feel restricted, or you’re stricter with them. Those trying to conceive can have greater difficulty now. If you’re the creative type, you can go through a dry spell, and have difficulty finding inspiration for your creations. VIRGO For Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius puts Saturn in your home and family sector. This is an emotional sector, and can have a profound impact on you. If you have issues with your family, that comes to light now, and you have to work on those issues, figure out if you want to keep them in your life, or find ways to reconcile with them. At home, you feel more restricted, and you can move to a smaller place so you’re literally more restricted, or have problems with the people you live with that causes emotional restriction. You should try to streamline your home life, and get by with less. Sagittarius rules the sector that governs your inner foundation, so you’ll need to work on strengthening that. If you haven’t given it much thought or time, that has to change. You can’t continue to walk through life without being strong on the inside, and you won’t be able to go forward unless you have a solid internal foundation. Saturn is now at the part of the zodiac that is the very bottom for you, so you have to face some issues that impact you at your very core. They’re the things that have shaped who you are, for better and worse, and you have to confront the emotional challenges. Since this is the very bottom, you have nowhere to go but up, and because of this and the fact that you have to do so much work on your inner foundation or core issues, this can be a time where you feel like you’re starting over again, and are going down a path that you’ll continue to work on for the next 15 or so years of your life. You’re changing, and so your life is changing with you. Don’t fight it like you normally might, and keep that work ethic of yours. LIBRA For Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius is a time for you to focus on your mind. If you had trouble with learning, a learning disability, some sort of problem with school, or trouble communicating properly, you can take the time now to work on the issues you have from it and turn it around. You can figure out how your mind works best, and take the time to learn what you couldn’t before or say what you didn’t know how to say. Some of you will find that you actually have trouble communicating now if you haven’t been communicating properly, like you’re doing all of the communicating but you’re not listening to anyone else. If you’re constantly getting a sore throat or have to get your tonsils out, that’s Saturn trying to get your attention to shut up and listen. You can spend more time thinking about things, and take your time when you’re thinking, but you don’t want to share as much, especially if you’re unsure of what people will think. You lack confidence in your ideas, and want to be sure of yourself before you say anything. It’s good to think before you speak, so if you usually don’t, this is a lesson you’ll learn, but if you’re normally too cautious with your speech, you’ll need to learn the reverse. Some of you can have problems with mental illness, especially depression, so if that’s something you’re at risk for, you have to pay special attention to yourself. You focus on serious issues and can get lost in the darkness, so you have to work on finding ways to pull yourself out before you get sucked in. With Saturn here, you can also have trouble with your neighborhood or neighbors, and you get stuck fighting with them. If you have siblings, you can improve a difficult relationship or cut ties with them if they use or abuse you. SCORPIO For Scorpio, Saturn in Sagittarius could feel like a load is lifted off of you. Saturn has been in your sign for the last couple of years, and that’s never a light experience. You’ve had to do a lot of self-evaluation, take responsibility for things you didn’t want to, and faced the reality of your life. With Saturn moving out of your sign, you don’t feel that overwhelming sense of responsibility anymore, and you should have a greater sense of self and purpose. Sagittarius rules your money sector, and this is likely going to be the most obvious area that gets impacted. You can feel restricted financially for some reason, like having to pay off old loans and credit card bills, and if you’ve been financially irresponsible, you can really pay for it now. You need to take your financial life seriously, and take control of it. This is the time to save, not spend, and when you do spend, you have to be smart about it. You’re less likely to splurge on anything you don’t really need, and more likely to think about saving for rainy days and your future (though risky investments likely won’t be a part of your strategy right now). If you behave responsibly with your finances, you can be rewarded, and increase your financial security. Even if you have more than enough money, you’ll still feel like you need more and want more, and worry about securing your future financially. This is a good time to make long-term financial plans. You can also experience a decrease in self-esteem and confidence, especially if you’ve been achieving high self-esteem and confidence using unhealthy methods. You can focus on what you value in life, what you need to be secure, and what you feel is worth something, and the answers you have when this transit begins could be different from what they’ll be when it ends. SAGITTARIUS For Sagittarius, Saturn is Sagittarius is a very serious time in your life. When Saturn tours through your sign, it’s a time of great responsibility, sometimes feeling overwhelmed by those responsibilities, and having to take a lot on that you may not feel you’re ready for. You have to take control of your life, own it and own your actions, and face what you’ve done and who you are. While Saturn was in Scorpio, you should have come to terms with issues from the past, let go and moved one from some big issues, and have less baggage to carry with you. If that’s the case, that makes this period easier for you, and you’ll have less resistance to everything. You’ll focus more on the changes that you need to make in your life that will help you as you go forward, ways in which you need to grow and become a better person, and how you can handle the responsibilities in your life. If you didn’t clean house while Saturn was in Scorpio, you have more problems with Saturn in Sagittarius. Saturn will take everything you’ve avoided and find a way so you can’t avoid it. You’ll have one problem after another, and this can be problems brought on by others, issues in various aspects of life, mental problems (including, but not limited to, depression, anxiety, and paranoia), and even physical problems. You can get sick all the time, find out you have an illness or disorder, and your suffering is usually directly linked to your stress. The more stressed out you are, the worse you feel. You can’t run from Saturn, and that’s never more apparent than when he’s in your sign. You have to embrace everything Saturn, learn to live with him and his annoying love of lessons, and work on the lessons he has for you. CAPRICORN For Capricorn, Saturn in Sagittarius is a period where you’ll need to focus on your past. Everything that you’ve been through in your life up until this point, you need to evaluate carefully and understand your subconscious motivations, what you could have done differently, what you learned that is helpful to you now, and what you have yet to learn that will help you in the future. You have to focus on your issues, your baggage, and start working on releasing and letting go. Your sign likes to hold things in until you explode, but that won’t work now. You can’t hold things in anymore. You have to face it. Whatever skeletons are in the closet, set them free. Whatever secrets are locked in the vault, take them out. This is a time of getting in touch with your subconscious mind, eliminating baggage that holds you back, and evolving spiritually and getting closer to your karmic destiny. It’s not an easy period by any stretch of the imagination. Facing the past is never easy, and we all have things we hold on to, afraid of facing them. The longer we hold on, the harder it is to let go, but it’s usually more important to let go of the oldest issues. This is a good time to enter into therapy, if you can or want to. You can also try to strengthen yourself spiritually, and this is therapeutic for you. The more you avoid dealing with your issues, the more you’ll see problems persist in your life. Many of you can struggle with bouts of insomnia, or slip into periods of depression. These are clues that you’re avoiding. Get ready to get dirty, dipping into the parts of your subconscious that you’ve never investigated - or wanted to. It’s messy, and you don’t like messy, but get over it. This is a mess that you need to wade through. AQUARIUS For Aquarius, Saturn in Sagittarius will shift your focus on your future and your hopes and dreams. You’re the sign that rules the future, and the dreams you have for your future, so you may feel that Saturn is dulling your enthusiasm. You suddenly feel you need to be more practical when it comes to your future, make plans and know exactly what you’re going to do before you do it, and make sure your dreams are actually attainable. The problem is, you can take it too far, and you give up on dreams because you talk yourself out of them, believing they’re too improbable, but you’re really just afraid that you’ll fail. Even if a dream is improbable, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible, nor does it mean you should give up on it. That all depends on your own life and circumstances, and if you’ve truly had a change of heart. But fear isn’t a good enough reason, and being such an intellectual sign, you surely know that. The key with this transit is to come up with plans for making your dreams reality. If you work hard and smart, do your homework, are honest with yourself about what you’re capable of and what you’ll need help with, and are patient with your plans, you can achieve almost anything. If you’re the opposite, you encounter blocks and opposition. If your dreams are your dreams for the wrong reasons, you’ll give up on them. If they’re for the right reasons, you might still give up on them, but temporarily. This transit can also impact your friendships, and you can see one or more friends leave your life. If so, you need to work on figuring out what a real friend is to you, what friendship means, and what you need from a friend. The ones who leave your life probably aren’t your real friends, and you realize that eventually. PISCES For Pisces, Saturn in Sagittarius puts Saturn in your career and life path sector. This is an interesting transit. For some people, it signals a time of great career success, especially at the very beginning or very end. If you’ve been working hard and smart toward achieving your ultimate professional goals, have had a good plan in place, and have exercised some patience and restraint, Saturn will reward you, and the rewards are bigger than you imagined, and can be long-term. If you haven’t done any of that, this is a time where you lack direction, are unsure of yourself and your path, don’t know what you want from life, and can have serious professional problems. Some of you may give up on your career entirely, and feel that you need to be doing something else. Some of you who do could go back to trying something that you’d given up on before and now realize is really what you want to do. You have to be honest with yourself about what you hope to achieve in life, and then not be afraid to go for it, but with a plan and some patience. Impulsive behavior won’t be rewarded. If you’ve been reckless in your career, done things like sleeping with the wrong people or taking bribes or lying about important work, that’ll come to light now and you’ll be punished. For some of you, you could lose your career entirely. For others, it’s a setback, and a big one, but you can work your way back if you work hard and smart. With Saturn in Sagittarius, you can work at strengthening the foundation you’re building your life on, and try to make it as solid as you can. The less solid it is, the more problems you can have with your goals, and the more you feel you’re going in the wrong direction. Suggested Reading: Saturn in Sagittarius Comments are closed.