Saturn is gearing up to enter into a new sign starting December 23rd, 2014. Saturn has been in water sign Scorpio since late 2012, and while Scorpio isn’t bad for Saturn, it is a very serious, heavy sign, so Saturn in Scorpio has weighed us down for the last couple of years. Saturn will retrograde backward into Scorpio again next year, from June 14th - September 17th, and at that point, we see everything come together from Saturn in Scorpio, tied up in a neat little bow. Saturn will be in Sagittarius until December 2017. I like to preach the good side of Saturn to people - yes, he can be a mean, nasty planet at times, but it’s usually because we need to learn our lessons the hard way to become better people. The less we fight our responsibilities and be adults, the easier Saturn is on us. Sagittarius is actually a happy sign, perhaps the happiest of them all, known for being happy-go-lucky. That should make this transit easier to handle after Saturn being is the most serious sign of them all, Scorpio. Because Saturn is Mr. Responsibility, the Sagittarius energy won’t be quite as reckless as it can be, so we feel better but temper our optimism so it’s not unrealistic. Sagittarius rules a few things: beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel, and the law. Beliefs could be the most impacted with Saturn here. While Saturn was in Libra, we began to see people around the world fighting for equality, and when Saturn moved into Scorpio, we saw people around the world fighting against their oppressors. Now that Saturn will be in Sagittarius, we’ll see people around the world fighting for their beliefs, what they believe is right on a philosophical level. Beliefs will be challenged, and false beliefs and prophets brutally punished. Many of the people around the world who fight back against their governments could by motivated by their government keeping them from openly expressing their beliefs, or trying to force them to believe a certain way. As for higher education, we could see problems come up with colleges/universities around the world. A scandal could break out, there’s a terrible attack on a campus, or regulations are put on colleges/universities by governments (perhaps we’ll finally see something done regarding the crazy-high tuition rates, at least here in the U.S.). We can see less people going to college, or feel that it's not something we need anymore. With long-distance travel, we could see less people travelling far for some reason, and there could be travel problems that keep coming up, whether by fighting in countries that makes them unsafe to go to, terrorists getting hold of something like an airport, or the weather causing massive delays and cancellations in odd ways. We can see governments put more restrictions on air travel, and the airplane industry in particular could have to evaluate their safety, bring in new planes, and undergo an overhaul. As for the law, we could see important rulings overturned, laws being passed that seem restrictive or that address other laws that are viewed as restrictive, and laws that we thought were important seem outdated now. When Saturn enters Sagittarius, Jupiter will be in fellow fire sign Leo, and Uranus in fellow fire sign Aries. These 3 planets will be in harmony with one another, though the trine to Jupiter won’t go exact at any time. Saturn will exactly trine Uranus in December 2016 and November 2017, and we can turn our rebellions into something tangible and productive, and allow ourselves to attempt things outside of the box. Neptune will be in Pisces while Saturn is in Sagittarius, and they square one another November 2015, June 2016, and September 2016. We’ll struggle to make our dreams reality, dreaming of things that will never happen, or being too realistic to allow ourselves to dreams. When Jupiter is in Virgo, it will square Saturn on March 2016, and we’ll have difficulty balancing our optimism and our pessimism, and our ability to expand versus our ability to contract. When Jupiter is in Libra, is will sextile Saturn in August 2017, and we can balance those things well. Mars will be in Sagittarius and conjunct (be in the same spot as) Saturn only once while Saturn is in Sagittarius, which will happen late August 2016. Our drive and energy is focused and we’re determined to achieve what we set out to do. We work hard and dedicate ourselves to our goals. Saturn in Sagittarius will also conjunct the Galactic Center in 2017, a point of enormous energy in our galaxy, when the GC is stimulated, things tend to go wonky. I also wanted to add that Sagittarius rules expansion in general, expanding our lives in new ways and opening ourselves up to new experiences. Saturn rules the opposite of that, contraction and restriction. While Saturn is in Sagittarius, we can work on ways to balance these opposing but equally-important energies, and while we’ll struggle with it at times and veer one way or the other, it should become easier toward the end of the transit. Suggested Reading: Saturn in Sagittarius for Each Sign Comments are closed.