When the transit (moving) Moon returns to the same exact position it was when you were born, you have what’s called a Lunar Return. You have about thirteen Lunar Returns each year, and they can be indicative of the changes you go through emotionally each month throughout the year. The Moon is the fastest planet, going through all 12 signs in about a month, so the Moon returns most often. To better understand the emotional changes, you use a Lunar Return Chart. A Lunar Return Chart uses the time and date that the Moon reaches the point of your natal Moon and your current location. Sometimes the charts will be full of interesting aspects, and can show a month that will be especially emotional in some way. Other times, there may not be much going on, and that may indicate a less changeable month emotionally. The Lunar Return Chart is only good for about four weeks, until the next Lunar Return (and I find tends to be most prominent in the few days before and after the exact date). What to Analyze in a Lunar Return Chart
First, you want to look at what house the Moon is in and any aspects that it makes. This can show where your emotional focus will be until the next return, as well as how you’ll emotionally handle things.
The house position of the Sun can also show where focus may be held, and the Ascendant can manifest in your personality. Close aspects made between the Lunar Return planets and your natal planets are of importance, as well as planets in the Lunar Return Chart or in the natal chart that fall on any of the Lunar Return house cusps. I find the biggest Lunar Returns are usually the ones with the Lunar Return Moon conjunct a house cusp in the return chart. The Moon in the Solar Return Chart
The Moon is also important in Solar Return Charts. Solar Returns, which are when the Sun returns to the exact point it was at when you were born, occur once per year around your birthday.
The Moon in the Solar Return Chart shows how we emotionally deal with our lives throughout the year, and the chart is good for one year, until your next Solar Return. When the Solar Return Moon is in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) or in angular houses (First, Fourth, Seventh, Tenth), then you’ll likely have instinctual, involuntary reactions. When the Solar Return Moon is in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) or in succedent houses (Second, Fifth, Eighth, Eleventh), then you’ll likely experience emotionally stability. When the Solar Return Moon is in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) or in cadent houses (Third, Sixth, Ninth, Twelfth), then you’ll likely be emotionally inert. The house position of the Solar Return Moon can show what areas of life you’ll be emotionally invested in for the year. Extra Considerations
If the Lunar Return and Solar Return have house cusps that are in the same signs and close in degree, then that can indicate an important month ahead.
Also significant are: - the house location in the Solar Return Chart of the Lunar Return Sun - which house cusp has Gemini on the cusp (this sign is dual in nature, so that will be tied to the house) - which natal house cusp falls in the Lunar Return 12th house (that area of life will be concealed from you for the next few weeks) and Solar Return 12 house (that area of life will be concealed from you for the next year) - when a New Moon is in the chart, it can bring more beginnings - a Full Moon in the chart can bring more endings Suggested Reading: Lunar Return Chart Ascendant and Lunar Return Chart Moon in the Houses Comments are closed.