In astrology, you experience something called a Lunar Return, which is when the transit (moving) Moon returns to the exact position it was at when you were born. The Moon moves quickly, so you experience 1-2 Lunar Returns every month. The Moon rules your emotions, so your Lunar Return can show where your emotional focus is with that return. You can learn this from the Lunar Return Chart, which is the chart created for the moment of your Lunar Return. One of the positions you pay attention to in the Lunar Return chart is the Ascendant. This can show focus and seep into your personality a little bit. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant Signs:
Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Aries
You’re full of energy and have much to do, and you go through all of it at record speed. You get done with things quickly and move on to the next without a moments pause. Just make sure you’re actually getting things done and not just growing impatient and wanting to immediately go on to the next thing. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Taurus Nothing can stop you once you get going. You’re focused like a laser and can’t be deviated from your course. You’re practical and you stick to your guns, and you’re not going to rush through things, preferring to take your time. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Gemini There can be lots to choose from for you, and it may overwhelm you. Let your mind get you out of any trouble and always remember the truth. You can understand all the little things going on everywhere, and it may confuse you. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Cancer You may need to try and find middle ground this month otherwise you’ll sway between extreme emotional moods that hold you back. Try to remain calm and keep some semblance of stability. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Leo You’re in a friendly mood with everybody and can have a good time anytime. You’re enthusiastic and can get things done through those good-natured feelings. Just make sure you don’t let your good mood overrule logic. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Virgo Everything that you’re tasked with gets done and you won’t leave out any of the details. You want plenty of time for preparation, otherwise you may feel things are getting done without proper planning. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Libra Bringing about harmony will be this month’s theme, and you’ll keep changing things until you find that perfect balance. It may seem like things are made even more chaotic at first, but you know what you’re doing to put things right. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Scorpio Things may seem to be hidden from you during this period, and you don’t really know what’s going on. Power struggles may come about, but try not to engage. Even if you don’t feel it, changes are being made. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Sagittarius You seem much larger during this period, with your personality being more grandiose. Spend lots of time in good company, though they may only be for fun and not anyone you’re actually close to. Energy is high, and communicating is geared towards easy subjects. You don’t want anything that’s a downer. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Capricorn Working hard towards your goals and trying to attain success and higher status comes with this period. You may seem more practical and desire respect and recognition. You may be more distant. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Aquarius This could be a month where unusual things are going on, things you wouldn’t have guessed and surprise you every time. Of course, you may also find yourself reacting in ways that are unusual and surprising too. Lunar Return Chart Ascendant in Pisces You’re more perceptive about what’s going on this month, and you can feel the slightest vibration shifts. Instincts are strong, but you can be swayed easily. Don’t let others take advantage of you, because compassion will be high. Suggested Reading: Lunar Return Chart Moon in the Houses Comments are closed.