While some of us are more dramatic than others, we all get dramatic about something in our lives, so where does this come from astrologically? Let’s explore! Leo, the sign of Drama, and your Natal Leo House
Leo is the sign of drama. This literally includes theater and film, but can also mean the drama in your life, both good and bad. Leo is generally what you want to look for in your natal chart to find where you’re dramatic.
The house with Leo on the cusp (the cusp of a house is the very beginning of that house) in your natal chart can show where drama seems to find you, or you're a little dramatic (should I say drama queen?), though it doesn't have to be bad drama since Leo can be fun too. Since the 1st house rules you, a Leo Rising can show you come across as a dramatic person (though with the Rising, we tend to play up the better parts of the sign, so people can enjoy your theatrics in a light, humorous way). With the 2nd house, drama may play out financially; with the 6th house, with your work; and with the 10th house, with your career. Actually, Leo on any of these house cusps can be great for someone in the arts and entertainment industry (quite common on the 10th house cusp) since these are the professional houses. Just try to keep the off-screen drama to a minimum, eh? The 3rd house cusp in Leo can make you theatrical, dramatic with the way you communicate and express yourself, while the 9th house can make your theatrics bigger, or the drama in your life bigger, but you keep a good attitude about it. Both are excellent for writers, especially fiction. The 7th house cusp in Leo can bring theatrics in your relationships (or you have relationships with theatrical people), while the 11th house can bring friendships that are theatrical or with theatrical people. You can also attract a lot of Leos, literally! Drama and theater can be in your home life with Leo on the 4th house cusp, though you can also have more joy, or have a dramatic parent. One of your parents may be a Leo as well. With the 8th house, drama can lead you to make transformations in your life, or you make transformations in a dramatic way. The 5th house is naturally ruled by Leo, so if you have Leo on this house cusp, you can feel at ease with drama, like it's less of a problem. If you have Leo on the 12th house cusp, you can hide the drama and theatrics, not wanting anyone to see, or experience drama behind the scenes. What if I don’t have a Leo house, or I have more than one?
Some house systems (methods for calculating the houses in astrology) don’t have even-sized houses, so you may find you have no houses that fall in Leo, or that you have two.
When you have none that fall in Leo, this means Leo is contained within the house that falls in Cancer (this is called intercepted in astrology). Your drama can fall in that Cancer house, however it may play out quietly or subconsciously and not be super outward and noticeable. When you have two houses that fall in Leo, this gives extra drama! Leo energy can be strong for you, and you can bring theatrical energy to multiple areas of life. You may need to work on controlling that! Suggested Reading: Aquarius Houses: Where You’re Different Comments are closed.