Jupiter is on the move! The planet of expansion is moving into air sign Aquarius on December 19th (8:07AM ET), and we're all done with the dreadful Capricorn stellium (joy!). Jupiter leaves Aquarius briefly in 2021, exiting May 13th (6:35PM ET) and returning to Aquarius on July 28th (8:42AM ET) before fully leaving on December 28th (11:09PM ET). So, what can we expect with Jupiter in Aquarius? How Jupiter in Aquarius 2020-2021 Impacts You
Jupiter in Aquarius opens us right up! Aquarius is the sign of change and the future, so we can set our sights squarely on the changes we need to make now in order to create the future we hope to have someday. We're more objective and willing to dig into whatever we need to in order to make things happen.
Aquarius rules our friends, groups, crowds, the masses - something that we've been stifled with in 2020 thanks to COVID-19! That came thanks to Saturn starting its tour in Aquarius earlier in the year; with Jupiter moving to this sign, we may start seeing the light at the end of that bacteria-laden tunnel. Hopefully, it signals improvements in approach, better medical care, and scientific breakthroughs! Aquarius actually is one of the science rulers (along with Scorpio), so Jupiter in Aquarius may be good for that. As an air sign, Aquarius is intelligent and social, and this sign rules causes. We may be more charitable, more considerate of the collective, and more focused on how we can make improvements not just for now, but for generations to come. Aquarius is independent, innovative, inventive, and an individual, so we may embrace these traits a lot more. We want to be free to be ourselves, and proudly show off all of our quirks and eccentricities. We can help others to feel this way too, and create a better environment for what's different to be accepted. Aquarius is highly unconventional, so adios social norms for a little while! Aquarius is an original - be original ;) On a personal level, you can experience any or all of this in the areas of life ruled by the house(s) in your natal chart Jupiter tours while in Aquarius. How Jupiter in Aquarius Differs from Jupiter in Capricorn
Oh, Jupiter in Aquarius versus Jupiter in Capricorn is a HUGE difference! Jupiter hasn't been a happy camper while in Capricorn. Capricorn is restrictive while Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so they don't go very well together. Then add in the fact Saturn and Pluto have also been in Capricorn, giving us the big whopper of a stellium, and it's not a big surprise 2020 turned out to be a year for the record books!
Jupiter gets to breathe much, much better while in Aquarius. Aquarius energy jives pretty well with Jupiter too, since both are independent and love freedom and free-thinking. Jupiter is able to express its expansive, optimistic energy more easily in Aquarius than in Capricorn. Special Periods During Jupiter in Aquarius
Right off of the bat, Saturn also moves into Aquarius just 2 days before Jupiter does! They both rode through Capricorn in 2020 but didn't link up, and officially do conjunct (align) on December 21st 2020 at 0 degrees Aquarius, just after both have entered this sign. Saturn is in Aquarius until 2023, so Jupiter is hanging out with Saturn for a while longer. With them in Aquarius and hooking up right at the start of the sign, this feels like a time when we're really making plans and taking action that has long-term implications. We're not just focused on the here and now, but on what is going to come way down the line, even when we're gone. There can be huge, important changes to happen, or a new perspective to take up. So much of life got flipped around in 2020 that perhaps this leads to not just the realization that we need to do things differently, but actual action.
Mercury is going to retrograde in Aquarius January 30th to February 20th 2021, and does link up with Jupiter on February 14th at 13 degrees (on Valentine's Day!). The Sun and Venus will be in Aquarius as well (so with Saturn, 5 planets will be in Aquarius!). Jupiter is the planet of expansion, for good or for bad, so challenges with the retrograde may be expanded on and made worse, or positive opportunities can be pursued, especially for a second chance or do-over. Aside of conjuncting Saturn, Jupiter in Aquarius only makes one other major aspect to the other big planets, and that's a square (hard aspect, three signs away) to Uranus in Taurus. This is only exact once on January 17th 2021 (Saturn also squares Uranus but for basically all of 2021). Uranus is the natural ruler of Aquarius, so there can be some challenges with the square. Jupiter square Uranus can make a huge push for change, and we want to break down what has been to make room for what could be. There's likely to be very little patience, no time to waste waiting for change. We gotta make it happen! But we have to be careful we're not being TOO impulsive, impatient, and erratic. It's best for breaking out in areas where you've already researched. Jupiter in Aquarius Conjunct the Outer Planets in Your Natal Chart
A good portion of Generation Z has Uranus and/or Neptune in Aquarius (hence them being so unabashedly unconventional), so transit Jupiter in Aquarius will conjunct them. With Uranus in Aquarius, this can bring out your independent side in a big way, and you can push to make a big change, or be more individualistic, or to have a greater impact on the world at large.
With Neptune in Aquarius, this may bring out more of your charitable side, and you can try to have a positive impact on others. You can focus on your beliefs, and spread a greater message of hope and unity. Final Notes on Jupiter in Aquarius
So, Jupiter in Aquarius seems to be a lot easier than Jupiter in Capricorn, but definitely shows a period of major change that can last for many years to come. We will have to be wise with that!
Also note that Saturn is in Aquarius as well but until March 2023, and then Pluto enters Aquarius that very same month for many years after that, so this is just the start of this Aquarius energy. What we do with it now truly has a lasting impact. What will YOU do? Suggested Reading: The Transit Jupiter page for general interpretations of Jupiter in the houses and aspects Comments are closed.