​With Halloween coming, these are two past Halloween reposts, with the costumes by sign originally from 2011, and the Halloween asteroids originally from 2014: Halloween Costumes by Sign:
Aries is energy, fire, heat, strength. Try a fireman, cop, or military uniform. An athlete could work too. For the ladies, how about Wonder Woman? A Hell's Angel? An angel in spandex. TAURUS Taurus is earthy, sensual. Try a chef or some sort of food (like a twinkie, pumpkin, banana - peel me!). Taurus also rules teachers - hot for teacher, anyone? If you're doing something as a couple, try Adam and Eve. GEMINI Gemini is mental, dual. Is an actual twin too literal? Maybe the Olsen twins. Or the Bobsey twins. Or the Minnesota Twins. How about Two-face from Batman? Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Or do like Michael Scott from The Office and attach a second head to your shoulder. You could also be a newsman or a famous writer. CANCER Cancer is emotional, nurturing. Mother Earth? Mother Goose? Father Time? June Cleaver, Paul Bunyan, a shrink. I also like someone dressed in a suit of armor. Just don't stab anyone when you get crabby. LEO Leo is drama, royal. Of course we know Leo is the lion, so you can go literal. You can be a famous actor/actress, or dress up as a king/queen. A couple could be William and Kate. How about an action hero? I can kind of see a werewolf here too. VIRGO Virgo is hard-working, service-oriented. Break out the sexy secretary or naughty librarian or Catholic schoolgirl look. Virgo gets all the classically kinky costumes since it rules chastity AND perversions (how contradicting). How about an accountant? Virgo rules small animals - a vet? Or a small animal. LIBRA Libra is fair, social. Libra's the scales. Try a judge (with nothing on underneath?). Libra is social - how about a Kardashian? Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kevin, any socialite will do. Libra is also the sign of partnerships, so it could be good to go as a famous duo: Sonny and Cher, Captain and Tenille, Brooks and Dunn, Thelma and Louise. No driving off a cliff! SCORPIO Scorpio is secretive, dark. Scorpio would be the classic witch or vampire. Catwoman or a dominatrix could work (basically any costume requiring black leather, spandex, and a whip). How about a spy? Or a biker? That can be Aquarius too. SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius is open, free. Sagittarius loves to fly, so try a pilot or Superman. Sagittarius loves the outdoors, so maybe a hiker, outdoorsman, a jungle person. Mowgli and Baloo? Tarzan and Jane? You can also try a lawyer or any kind of preacher/priest/nun etc. CAPRICORN Capricorn is career and social status minded. Capricorn can be a business person. Politician. The Obamas. Doctor. Dr. Phil. Dr. Drew. Capricorn rules older people - grandparents. Capricorn is obsessed with it's social standing - a real housewife of Beverly Hills? Atlanta? D.C.? Sheboygan? AQUARIUS Aquarius is ethereal, rebel. Here's an angel. Maybe not too pure. Too pure would be Pisces. You can try being a geek. Emo. Punk. Think any kind of rebel. Aquarius rules electronics if you want to go for an inanimate object. Push my buttons. PISCES Pisces is sweet, peaceful. You can be a hippie (Aquarius too). A gypsy. A nymph. Omanic. Pisces rules water: sailor, mermaid, aquatic animal. Pisces rules music: musician, dancer. Pisces rules feet: uh, be a giant toe? Halloween Asteroids
- Circe (34 on astro.com) and Medea (212), both enchantresses. My Medea is conjunct my Pluto and AC - watch out or I'll put a spell on you!
- Hekate (100), goddess of witches. My Hekate is in Leo and the 10th house, so I should be a loud witch (lol). It's square my Saturn - wonder if I angered a witch at some point? - Transylvania (1537), the home of Dracula. Mine is in Virgo and the 11th house, so I'm a careful vampire with lots of vampire friends. LOL! Actually, I'd guess that perhaps this asteroid shows where you let people suck the life out of you, or you suck the life out of others? - Merlin (2598) and Excalibur (9499). Had to throw these wizard-y ones in! These are actually prominent in my chart, with Merlin conjunct my north node and Excalibur conjunct my Venus. I do love the story! - Lucifer (1930) - the Devil himself! Or fallen angel, whatever you want to go with. Suggested Reading: Astrology's Witches: Lilith, Circe and Hekate Comments are closed.