Astrology has some bodies that tie to witches, and the astrological witches are Black Moon Lilith, Circe, and Hekate. Find them in your natal chart and see what they're doing for you! Astrology's Witches: Black Moon Lilith
Black Moon Lilith is the apogee of the Moon, and connects to a hidden inner power we all have. In the mythology of Lilith, she was Adam's first wife in the Garden of Eden, and was made from the Earth, same as Adam. This gives Lilith an earthy quality, and combined with her power, aids in magical abilities.
Those with a prominent natal Black Moon Lilith tend to have powerful witchy abilities, whether they're consciously aware of this or not. The sign and house location of your natal Lilith can show where you may have some of this mystical grounded ability. You can use to find your natal Black Moon Lilith (in Extended Chart Selection, select Lilith in the menu for the Mean, or averaged out, position, and type in h13 in the Manual entry box for the True/Oscillating, or exact position). Astrology's Witches: Circe
Circe is the goddess of sorcery, and has great magical abilities, so of course Circe in astrology can show where you may find magical abilities of your own.
Circe's mythology is quite tragic, like Lilith's, and they've both often been described in horrible ways over the many years. But, the patriarchy does have a way of demonizing powerful women, so we're going to ignore that part of their mythology ;) Those with a prominent natal Circe can tap into sorcery more easily than others, and may especially have a gift with herbs and potions. Circe is asteroid number 34 (type 34 into the Manual entry box in Extended Chart Selection to find your natal asteroid Circe). Astrology's Witches: Hekate
Hekate is the goddess of witchcraft and ghosts. Hekate is seen as the Triple Moon Goddess. Hekate is talked about a tiny bit better than Lilith and Circe.
Those with a prominent natal Hekate can have strong intuitive and psychic abilities. They just seem to *know*, whether they're aware of this consciously or not. The sign and house location of your natal asteroid Hekate can show areas where you have that ability (type 100 into the Manual entra box in Extended Chart Selection to find your natal asteroid Hekate). And what would make them prominent in your natal chart? Any of this trio may be prominent for you if they are: - conjunct (aligned with) your natal Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Ascendant, or 1st house ruler - anaretic (at 29 degrees) - part of a stellium (3+ more planets conjunct in 1 sign) - in the 1st house - is conjunct a singleton planet (the only planet in an element, quality or house type) - is in your North or South Node sign (the Lunar Nodes, which are the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic; if with the North Node, you may shy away from the energy but have great potential with it; if with the South Node, you may be very comfortable with it, but need to be careful it doesn't become a crutch) Suggested Reading: Lilith the Witch Comments are closed.