With Halloween coming, I couldn't help but be drawn to writing a candy by sign article! So, what candy can each Zodiac sign be drawn to? A note about food preferences:
Note, you can read your Sun sign, but you may be better off reading your Venus sign (what you take pleasure in), or your Ceres sign (the ruler of food). And some may find your Moon sign is better (especially if you're an emotional eater!).
If you have a planet conjunct (aligned with) Ceres, that may be what you gravitate toward more as well. That would be: Sun: Leo Moon: Cancer Mercury: Gemini or Virgo Venus: Taurus or Libra Mars: Aries Jupiter: Sagittarius Saturn: Capricorn Uranus: Aquarius Neptune: Pisces Pluto: Scorpio Also note, Saturn conjunct Ceres or Venus may show you not having much of a sweet tooth at all. Uranus conjunct may show you like to experiment, and Neptune conjunct may show it constantly changes. Meanwhile Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, or Pluto conjunct can show a super sweet tooth! It can feel personal with the Sun, be a hobby with Venus, be something you're enthusiastic about with Mars, be something that brings happiness with Jupiter (though also a bigger waistline!), or be something you're passionate about with Pluto. Candy by sign:
Hot Tamales (because you're a hot tamale, duh) Jawbreakers (fitting since you rule the jaw) Gum (so you can blow bubbles) {red candy - red ruled by Aries!} TAURUS Chocolate (of course) Raisinets (mixing good with bad) Sugar Daddy (because you want a real one) {though Taurus is the sign of food, so you love all candy!} GEMINI Twix (because there's one for each of your personalities) Peanut Butter Cups (see above) Twizzlers (you like to play with your candy) {anything that you can play with your hands with works - Gemini rules hands} CANCER Gummy Bears (comforting) M&M's (classic) Candy Corn (also classic) {Cancer also loves any candy that reminds them of fond memories of their youth} LEO Candy Hearts (you rule love) Ring Pop (you love bling) Red Hots (you're smokin'!) {Leo loves candy that looks good} VIRGO Snickers (you're a traditionalist) Rolos (soft inside like you) Reeses Pieces (you can count them) {Virgo likes candy that's no fuss} LIBRA Kit Kat (so you can share) Tic Tacs (you always want good breath) Caramels (seductive) {Libra loves candy that they can feed their lovers} SCORPIO Dark Chocolate (you're bitter too) Black Licorice (and difficult to love sometimes) Nestle Crunch (you like things with crunch) {Scorpio can also be drawn to candy with something hidden in it} SAGITTARIUS Snow Caps (you think you're on a mountain) Mounds (you're a little kooky) Jolly Ranchers (you think you're a rancher) {Sagittarius also likes candy from other places} CAPRICORN Baby Ruth (traditional) Butterscotch (like your grandma gave you) Life Savers (you like to be prepared!) {Capricorn goes for more traditional candy} AQUARIUS Almond Joy (sometimes you feel like a nut) Skittles (you taste the rainbow) Jujubes (you're weird) {Aquarius can like candy that's just plain odd!} PISCES Tootsie Rolls (you love how tiny they are) Pixie Stix (you're a little pixie) Jelly Beans (and you love bunnies) {Pisces can go for candy that's sweet} Suggested Reading: Costumes by Sign & Halloween Asteroids Comments are closed.