Halloween is coming! It's my favorite holiday, so I wanted to do some fun Halloween articles. Though today's isn't exactly fun since it's about a horrible period in American history: The Salem Witch Trials. I love fun witch stuff, but this was a pretty crazy time. And they didn't even have real witches! (as if those idiots would've actually caught one) I've wanted to check out the astrology going on at the time for a while because I knew it had to explain a lot. And it most certainly does. 1692 was a mess
The Salem Witch Trials occurred in 1692, with Betty Paris and Abigail Williams having their episodes in February. 1692 got off to a rough start with Mars actually retrograde in air sign Gemini, and thought wasn't so great. Uranus and Chiron were also in Gemini that year. Saturn was in Sagittarius, the opposite sign.
And all of these were square (hard aspect) Neptune in Pisces. This all formed a t-square in mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces are mutable signs). How un-freaking-believably perfect! The mutable signs are the most susceptible to suggestion, the easiest to convince of things that may not actually be there. The one mutable sign that was missing, earth sign Virgo, is the one that would go, wait, where's the practical reality?! But it was MIA. Add to this Black Moon Lilith, which is associated with the witch, who was in Pisces with Neptune (Pisces and Neptune also rule magic, btw) for most of 1692 (to mid-September). Black Moon Lilith can be a little dark, and can bring out anger with women, especially those who aren't like submissive Eve and have more of their own Lilith mind (if you're familiar with the stories). Hence the unrealistic fear of witchcraft that was predominantly aimed at women who didn't adhere completely to what the standards were for a female in those days (as a modern female, I say those standards were many expletives). The t-square really fits with Uranus and Chiron, the planet of the masses (Uranus, and this was one effed up mass event) and the wounding asteroid (Chiron, and this caused a major scar) opposite Saturn (super realistic, that certainly went out the door), and square Neptune, who you knew had to be prominent because only Neptune can be this delusional. As the square planet, the energy was funneled to Neptune, amplifying the difficult energy. The way out should've been through what was missing, Virgo: The Facts. The real ones! There's also one more to add to the mix, which was Pluto. In 1692, it was at the very end of Cancer. This is significant for two reasons, one because Cancer is the most subjective sign and objectivity was certainly lacking, and two because Pluto was anaretic, at the 29th degree, for part of the year (late July through early September). This just happened to coincide with most of the executions (mid-July through late September). The anaretic degree is a degree of major crisis energy, and it seemed to help ramp things up. In February, Mercury was retrograde in Aquarius (the masses), and it looks like a lunar eclipse occurred early in February opposing that Mercury retrograde. Talk about everything being interpreted wrong! AND in February, Jupiter was in Taurus, and the ONLY earth sign, making it a singleton, amplifying and complicating the importance and energy of Jupiter, who just so happens to rule what? Religion. And being the only earth planet once again shows the lack of practicality during the time. Jupiter left Taurus and entered Gemini in late May, and all practical earth energy was abandoned. Jupiter joined Uranus and Chiron in Gemini and opposing Saturn and squaring Neptune. In June, Mercury retrograded in Gemini. There was no earth during this time. And the first to be hung, Bridget Bishop, was on June 10th. Venus and Mars finally brought some earth back in July, entering Virgo. But oh snap, that's the sign missing from the t-square, which means it became a mutable grand square or grand cross. This just bounced the energy around and made things worse. And then it got even worse when Venus decided to retrograde in Virgo mid-August through late September. Then, in early September, Pluto entered Leo, leaving Cancer and leaving Neptune to be the only water sign planet, so now Neptune was a singleton for the month of September (until Mars entered Scorpio early October). At this point, there aren't more executions. But things don't really start to turn around until January 1693. No surprise, 1692 really stunk! Late September 1692 through late January 1693, Neptune was at a critical degree. In January, Mars finally brought in some uncontested earth energy being in Capricorn. Mercury retrograded, half in Aquarius and half in Capricorn. Pluto was anaretic in Cancer again, and the nodes were at the end of Aquarius and Leo. It's considered ended come May 1693: Pluto in the final leg of Cancer, Jupiter and Chiron leaving Gemini, the lunar nodes now in Capricorn and Cancer, and a final Mercury retrograde partially in Gemini to close the books. History repeating itself?
I was a little worried when I realized we have Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Sagittarius now, like then. But Jupiter is in Virgo, so we have the earth, Chiron is in Pisces instead of Gemini, and Saturn is the squared planet. Pluto is in Capricorn, adding more earth. Although Mars will retrograde next year, he'll be in Sagittarius for part of it.
So we may actually need some of that Gemini energy now because that's what's missing. Watching the political race *really* makes me think we do! (as Gemini would say, don't fall for the easily deluded mutable energy and THINK!) Suggested Reading: Astrology's Witches: Lilith, Circe and Hekate Comments are closed.