​Some of us hate working, while others absolutely love it. Work is like, their hobby and great love and everything! So what astrology can show you may be someone who is a workaholic? What is a natal chart?
A natal chart is a snapshot of all of the planets, houses, and other bodies in the Zodiac at the moment you were born from the location you were born at. Your natal chart shows your life and personality. It's the blueprint for who you are in astrology.
The 6th House of Work & 10th House of Career
There are 12 houses in astrology, each ruling a different part of your life and personality, and the 6th house rules work while the 10th house rules career. The 6th house shows the work environment you need and how you approach work, while the 10th house shows the goals you strive to achieve and what you aspire to be.
So what astrology shows being a workaholic?
First, Venus conjunct (aligned with) Mars in the 6th house or 10th house often shows someone who loves work a LOT. In the 6th house, you're more likely to be someone who needs to keep busy, and that's why you work so much. You need to have something to do at all times. Mars gives lots of energy for it, and Venus makes you enjoy it.
In the 10th house, Venus conjunct Mars can make you highly ambitious and super focused on your goals. Sometimes this position can be a little tragically ambitious since it is so ambitious (but that'll usually be when it's making hard aspects to the chart, one of the planets is anaretic, or Saturn or Pluto are too dominant in your natal chart rather than Venus conjunct Mars in the 10th house by itself). You're someone who needs to have a career that you love, and can throw yourself fully into it. Venus conjunct Mars in Virgo or Capricorn can also show workaholism, with Virgo connecting to the 6th house (so you love work) and Capricorn connecting to the 10th house (so you're super ambitious). Venus conjunct Mars in Scorpio can also bring out workaholism sometimes, usually when you have planets in the 6th or 10th houses or a strong Saturn. The ruler of Scorpio, Pluto, is highly passionate, so Pluto in the 6th or 10th houses or conjunct the 6th or 10th house ruler may also show someone who is a workaholic. With Pluto, you do have to be careful of veering into the tragic potential though, since Pluto can be a little too obsessive. The anaretic degree, particularly of the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ascendant, Midheaven, or 10th house ruler or 10th house planet, can also show being a workaholic. The anaretic degree is 29 degrees of any sign. Any natal planets at 29 degrees get super heightened energy in your natal chart, and they can be points of potential greatness. The problem is most people downplay their anaretic body, so this one isn't as common. But the few who overplay it may show it as being a workaholic. Suggested Reading: Astrology of Being a Career Late Bloomer Comments are closed.