Astrology has tens of thousands of asteroids (you read that right! And counting), and many are linked to something specific. In this article, we’re going to focus on asteroid Niobe. Asteroid Niobe in Astrology
In mythology, Niobe apparently bragged about all of the children she had, upsetting the other gods. To punish her, they killed all 14 of her children (IMO that's about 13 too many children anyway, ha!).
In astrology, it's supposed to show where you'll be humbled if you let yourself become too proud, boastful, arrogant. Basically, if you're a prick, you'll get kicked in the . . . shins? In your natal chart, asteroid Niobe can show where you need to keep your ego in check (the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart Niobe falls, as well as the sign it’s in). Beneficial aspects (sextiles and trines) to the other natal planets can make it easier for you to do, while challenging aspects (squares and oppositions) can make it harder and you may be punished more severely for letting yourself become too proud. Conjunctions can bring great pride with whatever the planet rules, but it can come at a steep price, so you have to work harder to balance it out. This is often a place of great natural talent, but you can’t let it get to your head, otherwise it can be a big downfall. A strong natal Niobe can show you’re someone who is blessed with many talents or one really impressive one, however, you can easily let this give you a big head. You have to keep this in check to avoid the punishment. In transit, transit Niobe can show where you have to be mindful of pride. This can be in the areas of life ruled by the natal house transit Niobe is touring, and you can experience healthy pride or major punishment depending on transit aspects Niobe makes to your natal planets. Transit aspects to your natal Niobe can also show having a healthy dose of pride versus being humbled. In your progressed chart, progressed Niobe can show how your pride evolves over time, with what you become proud of, and how you evolve to keep this in check. Aspects can show times of pride versus being humbled, like with transits, though they may last longer. With your Niobe Return, this means transit (moving) Niobe has returned to the exact same location it was at when you were born. This can bring major attention to anything you’ve been too proud about, and what you need to humble yourself with. Conversely, if you’ve been overly humbled, you may get a good dose of pride now. Niobe takes about 4 - 4 ½ years to go through the signs, so you have a return roughly every 4 - 4 ½ years. How to Find Asteroid Niobe in Your Natal Chart & in Transit
You can use to find Niobe in the natal chart and in transit. In ‘Extended Chart Selection’, click on ‘Additional objects’ and type the number 71 in the Manual entry box (the number for Niobe) and generate your natal chart to find its natal location.
You can create an ephemeris for Niobe in Extended Chart Selection as well (click on Ephemeris, then Ephemerides for additional objects, and type 71 in the Manual entry box, then generate the ephemeris to find Niobe’s current location). Suggested Reading: The Asteroid Series: Asteroid Diary: Achilles Asteroid Diary: Apollo Asteroid Diary: Deucalion Asteroid Diary: Hermes Asteroid Diary: Desiderata Asteroid Diary: Your Name Asteroid Diary: 1992 QB1 Asteroid Veritas in Astrology Asteroid Diary: Niobe Asteroid Diary: Santa Asteroid Juno in the Signs Asteroid Amor in the Zodiac Signs Asteroid Cupido in the Zodiac Signs Asteroid Bacchus in Astrology Comments are closed.