Saturn, the planet of restrictions, limitations, responsibilities, and lessons, is going to enter a new sign, Pisces, on March 7th 2023, so Saturn is nearing the end of its time in Aquarius. This means that very soon, Saturn will be anaretic in Aquarius, giving us one last kick of this energy before exiting. What does this mean? Anaretic in astrology
There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, and the last degree is 29 degrees. This is called the anaretic degree, and it's crisis energy when the transit planets come to this degree.
This isn't as big of a deal with the fast planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ceres), but can be a big deal with the slower planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) because they'll be at the anaretic degree for a much longer period of time. The exception with the fast planets is when they're retrograde, and then they can be as powerful and often trigger something important. When a planet is at the anaretic degree for some time, this amplifies the energy of the planet and the Zodiac sign it's in for all of us all at once. This can be intense, unrelenting energy, and it can be difficult to manage as we're extra frustrations. We can feel stuck, which can cause us to lash out and act impulsively, but this isn't smart and usually adds to problems. The slow planets can often be at the anaretic degree 3 times if they retrograde back-and-forth between Zodiac signs when they're going to switch to a new sign. This won't be the case with Saturn in Aquarius, and once Saturn moves into Pisces, Saturn won't come back to Aquarius again for a few decades. This means we get one shot with Saturn in Aquarius at the anaretic degree, and while this is helpful in that we won't have to deal with it again, it may also mean that it's more intense and focused since it's just one shot. Anaratic Saturn in Aquarius 2023 Impact:
First, let's consider the energy of Saturn. Saturn is the planet of lessons, and is restrictive in nature. We can feel like we have less options when Saturn gets involved, which can be frustrating, but can also clarify as we have less to sift through.
With Saturn anaretic, this can be heightened. We're extra restricted, extra limited, and extra frustrated. Responsibilities may weigh very heavily on us, and this can be frustrating and overwhelming. We may want to run, get as much space as we can, but this usually creates more problems. We shouldn't act impulsively and give in to the restrictive feelings of Saturn. Instead, we need to power through it, and try to find small amounts of space within the existing structures, and work on getting to the core problems. There is likely an important lesson that needs to be learned; this may be a collective lesson, something we need to learn on a mass scale since we're all feeling this. We need to be more responsible and ethical in some way, more considerate and willing to do hard things. Then, we consider the energy of Aquarius. Aquarius rules groups and the masses, so this seems to add to the idea that we collectively have something to learn. Will we learn this the easy way, or the hard way? I think we know the way humans usually choose! There could be an incident, some sort of event, involving a big group, that leads to major change or a shift in perspective somehow, so that's something to be mindful of during this period. Aquarius rules the future and is a tech ruler. This may not be a great period for the tech industry (mind your investments!), and we can see more tech problems emerging, in the industry itself, but also things like shutdowns, hacks, etc. The future can be especially on our minds, and we may focus on what challenges we currently need to work through in order to create the future we dream of. We may want to launch into the future too quickly, and need to accept that it's a series of steps along a journey that gets us there, and not one big leap. Aquarius rules individuality, the unconventional, the different, and change, since it's naturally ruled by Uranus. This means we can push the boundaries a little bit, get outside of our comfort zones, or feel challenged to do so. This isn't a time to be meek and timid. It's a time to be loud! Saturn will be anaretic in Aquarius February 26th to March 7th 2023, which is when Saturn enters Pisces, so this is only 10 days. But it can be a big 10 days! Pluto is also anaretic at the same time, but in Capricorn. This means we have some seriously massive energy right now challenging us in so many ways, and we need to make sure we're being mindful of our actions and decisions, and careful with our approach. Pluto is going to enter Aquarius, so hopefully, we've taken the time to learn the necessary lessons with Saturn in Aquarius. That can make Pluto in Aquarius easier, at least at the onset. If we haven't learned, we may become aware of what we need to do now. Also take note if you have anything at the anaretic degree in your natal chart, so anything at 29 degrees of any Zodiac sign. That is lit up by Saturn and Pluto! Make sure you're tending to whatever the planet or body rules, and working to improve, change, and embrace. Suggested Reading: The Transit Saturn page for interpretations of transit Saturn in the natal houses & aspecting the natal planets; also the blog articles on Managing Saturn in the Houses and Managing Hard Saturn Aspects to the Personal Planets Comments are closed.