Marketing and advertising are governed by Jupiter and the 9th house. This doesn't only apply to you if you work in marketing or advertising - we all have to promote ourselves in some way, shape, or form at various parts of our lives, whether you're trying to get a promotion, get into college, or get followers on social media. How to find your marketing style
How comfortable you are with it and how your style is can be found with the sign and house location of your Jupiter, and the sign on the 9th house cusps and any planets in the house. Jupiter or the 9th house in earth and water signs tends to be more traditional and not loud or flashy, and may not be super comfortable promoting yourself, preferring to deflect attention and promote others (especially water signs). Earth signs can be more comfortable for promoting for business purposes, but not too keen for personal reasons.
Fire and air signs can have an easier time with promoting. Fire signs can take action and expose their personality; air signs can make good use of social media. Fire and air signs tend to be more social anyway, and they can find it easier to connect with others. (Note: Fire signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius; earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; air signs are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; and water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) Planets in the 9th house of marketing
Those with Jupiter in the 1st house (self) and 9th house (the house Jupiter naturally rules) can be naturals with promoting and feel it comes more easily;
in the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses, these are the professional houses, and it can come out through work (and these positions can show actually working in marketing/advertising); in the 3rd or 5th houses, it may be done with humor, and marketing can take a lighter approach for you; if the 4th or 8th houses, it may be infused with emotion, and you can use emotion to connect with others through promoting; in the 7th or 11th houses, it may be done with or for others, and you may find you do best promoting others instead of yourself or doing promotions with partners or groups; and in the 12th house, this is the house of the hidden, so you may shy away from it completely, or only want to do it for others and not yourself. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the 9th house can make you much more comfortable with promoting and a natural marketer. These are the personal planets, so it can feel like a natural extension of yourself. Saturn in the 9th house can make you super uncomfortable with it and struggle with it until later in life since Saturn is restrictive energy. Uranus in the 9th house can show you need to do it in a different, unusual, unconventional way, and may be good at online marketing since Uranus rules the internet. Neptune in the 9th house can show a strong intuitive marketer, but struggling with it on a conscious level and needing to trust your instincts on what will work and how to connect. Pluto in the 9th house can show being a powerful promoter, strong and intense, but sometimes encountering opposition from those who feel threatened by you, and needing to feel comfortable with the power you can have promoting without being dominant or dark. ​Suggested Reading: The 9th House page Comments are closed.