There are currently over 20,000 asteroids out there (and counting!), and while many are designated for specific myths and figures and energy, most are just named after people. This means you can find asteroids for your name (first, last, or middle, nicknames, and soundalikes), and asteroids of your name can be almost like an alternate Sun for you since they connect with your true self. To find asteroids of your names, you can create a natal chart using for free, and in Extended Chart Selection, click on Additional objects at the bottom, and then you can go through aaaaaall of the asteroids alphabetically. It might take some time to find all of yours, so make sure you have like an hour or two! Using the Asteroid of Your Name
You can find the asteroid of your name in your natal chart, and see what it's doing. The impact will be similar to the impact to your natal Sun (just keep in mind we use tighter orbs for asteroids than for planets, usually just a few degrees).
You can also follow the asteroid of your name in the progressed chart, and see how it changes signs, houses, and make aspects, just like the progressed planets. And you can use the asteroid of your name in transit! You can track the transit (moving) asteroid of your name through the Zodiac, and whatever it's doing can have an impact on you. You can feel when it changes Zodiac signs, when it moves into a new house in your natal chart, and when it aspects your natal or the transit planets. Retrograde Asteroid of Your Name:
One thing the asteroid of your name can do is turn retrograde, which means it's now moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth. Normal motion is forward (for the most part), so this can mean the asteroid of your name is moving differently from usual.
How does this impact you? It's kind of your own personal retrograde, and you can feel some of the same kind of retrograde impact from other planets with your asteroid. You may feel more tired, have to do things over, and need to focus on the re's: revise, revisit, rethink, recover, recharge, reconnect, etc. You can be exhausted, easily irritated, and frustrated, so you have to take more care of yourself and pay closer attention. This may be more personal for you since it's your asteroid, and you need to focus more on what connects with you personally. The parts of life that can get the attention may be ruled by the sign it's retrograde in, the house in your natal chart it's occurring in, or the aspects it's making to the transit planets or your natal planets. It'll be *really* strong when it's aspecting one of your natal planets - get ready to potentially blow if it's conjunct, square, or opposite! If it's sextile or trine, you may have an opportunity with that planet for a second chance, a redo, or to gain better insights. The house that the retrograde is occuring in can get a lot of attention, and you can experience issues with whatever it rules (money issues with the 2nd house, bad news with the 3rd house, family challenges with the 4th house, etc.). What if the asteroid of your name was retrograde when you were born?
If you were born with the asteroid of your name retrograde, that is your natural energy, so like with the planets, that means when the asteroid of your name is retrograde, this is go time! You can feel much more like your true self, you can find it to be easier to be authentic, and you may feel like you're operating on a level that is so natural and easy.
The trouble may be when the asteroid of your name ISN'T retrograde! You may not feel like yourself as easily. You likely are a little different (or a lot!) and have to embrace what's different about you in healthy, positive, productive ways. But, just like with retrograde planets, if the asteroid of your name makes hard aspects to your natal chart while retrograde, you're not exempt from those. You just may have an easier time working through them. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Abundantia Aspects Comments are closed.