Read on to see what's in the air for you astrologically with a weekly horoscope for September 11th - 17th. It's recommended you read your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign (or if you have a late Rising, the sign after). General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. Note: Starting for October, monthly horoscopes will begin. Aries: You may feel more at ease and see the sweeter side of yourself and others on the 11th. The evening of the 12th could bring you more in touch with your emotions in a positive way, while the first half of the 15th may bring grumpiness, irritability, and moody behavior. For the 13th and 14th, the Moon is in your sign, heightening emotions but making you more at ease. Taurus: On the 11th you may feel a surge in energy, especially earlier in the day, so use it wisely and get things done. You may experience uneasiness with your emotions, feeling out of sync, or lonely on the night of the 12th. The 17th could produce something unexpected that you're not prepared for, or a feeling of boredom with life. Gemini: Feeling powerful and in control could be what dominates early on the 12th. The 14th could bring an increase in optimism, and you may feel lucky, jovial, and not take life so seriously. The 15th - 17th could be a good period to assess what needs to be cleared out of your life and do a little late summer cleaning. Cancer: The Full Moon on the 12th might bring the culmination or ending of something related to travel (the end of a trip), the law (the end of a legal dispute), or higher learning (the end of a class). Also watch for being overly passionate about a belief. Early on the 13th, you could be faced with something unexpected, and the 16th could find you feeling positive about life. Leo: Around the 12th your attention may be focused on making an important change to yourself or your life, or having to deal with other people's money (taxes, debts, loans, inheritances, etc.). The Moon from the 15th through 17th makes your career and life path the central focus. You may feel emotionally harmonious on the 17th. Virgo: The Moon on the 11th and 12th could make you put all of your attention on other people, your relationships with them, what they want/need from you, their problems, their desires. This might give you a feeling of control that you like, and by the 14th you may have gotten everyone squared away and feel good about what you've done. Libra: Venus, your ruler, enters your sign on the 14th, increasing your charm, sweetness, poise, and grace. If you feel a little more at ease with yourself, it may very well be from having your ruler at home in your sign. A breath of fresh air! You may feel more driven on the 11th, but the 17th may bring something out of the blue. Scorpio: Scorpio's ruler, Pluto, turns to direct motion on the 16th after being retrograde for many months, so you may feel like things are finally going forward instead of backwards, sideways, and looping like they have been for a while. You may be emotionally at ease the 11th, and engage in positive communications of the 12th. Sagittarius: The 11th could bring good feelings about yourself and life. The 14th could be a communications day, where you have an important conversation with someone, get an important email, text, or letter, and if there's something you need to say to someone, that's the day for it. The 16th may put your emotions front and center, whether it's good or bad. Capricorn: The 13th and 14th could put emotional focus onto your home and family, and the 14th could bring emotional unrest linked to that. The 15th and 16th may be lighter, more fun days, days where you want to let your hair loose, cut out of work early, and do something just for fun that maybe you haven't done in a while. Aquarius: The 11th and 12th may have you centered on your money, whether you're trying to make more, spend on a big ticket item, or plan your budget out. The 13th could have you most in touch with your feelings this month, something Aquarius usually isn't used to. The 17th may bring a problem with a loved one or overindulgence. Pisces: The Full Moon on the 12th occurs in your sign, and the Moon stays in your sign through the 12th, so watch for an increase in emotional reactions to situations and people (like Pisces isn't emotional enough!). It could signal the end of something in your life as well. Your emotions could even out to a more manageable level by the 15th. Comments are closed.