There are times when it’s very good for you to focus on improving yourself. Astrologically, you can experience this with transits involving the 1st house, Sun, 8th house, Pluto, or 12th house. Work on Yourself With the 1st House
The 1st house is the house of the self, and also rules new beginnings, so when you’ve got planets going through this house, you can focus more on you and what you want to be doing and who you want to be.
You can also see this with sextiles and trines to the 1st house cusp or ruler. The energy associated with the 1st house tends to be positive and upbeat, so you can work on yourself in a positive, upbeat way. You may feel compelled to work on yourself under hard aspects (squares and oppositions) to the 1st house cusp or ruler as well, however this may be prompted by some sort of challenge that forces you to work on yourself. You may have to face something you haven't wanted to. Work on Yourself With the Sun
The Sun rules you, your true self, and transit aspects to your natal Sun can be great times for change.
Sextiles and trines can make it easier, but the conjunctions, squares, and oppositions may actually be better for working on yourself because the energy is stronger, and you can be pushed to deal with things you wouldn’t normally but need to work on. This is especially the case with Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, but it can be somewhat upsetting. Saturn can make you feel squeezed to the point of having no choice but to work on yourself, while Uranus can bring sudden developments that throw you off and force you to make changes to improve. Pluto is the hardest and causes the most upheaval, chaos, and strife, however hard Pluto also brings the strongest chance to work on yourself in a way that brings profound change of your life and who you are. This is the kind of transformation that lasts, and can greatly improve your life once you get through the hard part. Work on Yourself With the 8th House and Pluto
The 8th house and its ruler, Pluto, rule transformations, as well as what you hold deep inside of yourself, and show a little of your inner darkness, so it makes sense for transits involving these two to be good for working on yourself.
These transits can be much more serious though, and can take time before you see results or feel a change. The change needs to be deep and profound. Look for aspects by the transit planets to your natal Pluto, 8th house ruler or cusp, or touring your natal 8th house. If you're more intermediate/advanced, also look to your progressions involving the 8th house and Pluto. Work on Yourself With the 12th House
The 12th house rules your subconscious mind, so it governs your subconscious issues and motivations, making transits to the 12th house an excellent time for working on those subconscious issues, and better understanding your subconscious motivations.
Transit Mars, Saturn, Neptune, or Pluto touring this house can be particularly good for undergoing this kind of self-analysis. The 12th house is also the last house and so is associated with endings and letting go, especially of emotional or spiritual baggage, so a lot of the work you do on yourself under a 12th house transit may be releasing of what you no longer need and has held you back. Suggested Reading: Beginnings and Astrology Comments are closed.