September 2023 brings us a new moon in productive Virgo and a full moon in high-energy Aries. What energies do these have for us? What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
New Moon in Virgo: September 14th 2023 (9:40PM ET/6:40PM PT)
The Virgo new moon is a time for productivity and getting things done, and this can be super welcome with Venus no longer retrograde (no longer appearing to move backward) and Mercury retrograde ending the day after this new moon on the 15th in the same sign. We can come out of that Mercury retrograde with higher energy to get things done, and are less likely to dawdle. We had plenty of time to dawdle during Venus retrograde, it's time to act!
Since Mercury is still retrograde in Virgo when the new moon occurs, there can still be some focus on second chances and do-overs. This would be an amazing time for editing and revising as well. Anything we do work on, we likely need to accomplish it quickly though as the Mercury retrograde moves away, so we've only got 1-2 weeks or so. We can work on projects that excite us and we can make progress quickly, and we can tend to the details and find a way to make them work in our favor. We can get attention for work we've done, and we can enjoy keeping busy. Relaxing is where we may have difficulty. Try to plan for breaks in your schedule so you don't push yourself too far. That's something we all need to keep in mind with Virgo energy, and that's especially true with Mercury retrograde amplifying stress. Don't fuss too much and take breaks when you can. Ceres also enters Scorpio the day after this new moon on the 15th, so being mindful of nourishment, support, and our resources is something that can be important at this time. The new moon is trine (beneficial aspect, 4 signs away) transit (moving) Uranus in Taurus, and this helps us experiment to find new ways to increase productivity, and we can work on taking small steps toward our dreams. We can work independently as well, and we can be more comfortable with doing things in a different way. The new moon occurs at 21 degrees 59 minutes Virgo. The aspects to the new moon are: Conjunction: 19 degrees 59 minutes - 23 degrees 59 minutes Virgo Sextile: 19 degrees 59 minutes - 23 degrees 59 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Square: 19 degrees 59 minutes - 23 degrees 59 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 19 degrees 59 minutes - 23 degrees 59 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Opposition: 19 degrees 59 minutes - 23 degrees 59 minutes Pisces Full Moon in Aries: September 29th 2023 (5:58AM ET/2:58AM PT)
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, while full moons are times of endings, so Aries full moons can mean the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning. We can get an idea of results from work we've done so far, and this can inform us on our next steps, the next phase of the journey, and what we want to channel our energy into.
Our emotions can fuel us with an Aries full moon, and what we feel can impact our ability to take action and what we take action with. We can use our feelings to inspire us, and this can be helpful for motivation with anything that has been stagnant. But, our emotions can also get in the way, and can steal our energy and make us more drained if we let it. We can be more emotionally invested in what we want for ourselves, and we can stand up for this. We can be a bit louder with our positions, and don't worry too much about making other people mad. We can be passionate, and we can fight back. Aries also rules our identity, so this full moon can be an important one for who we are as individuals. If you have a good connection to who you are, are confident and put yourself out there, you can feel more comfortable with yourself and see the good in you. If you're not confident with yourself, insecure and uncertain, then this full moon can make you feel even more insecure and uncertain, and blocks that are in the way can become more obvious for you to work on. The full moon occurs at 6 degrees 0 minutes Aries. Aspects to the full moon are: Conjunction: 4 degrees 0 minutes - 8 degrees 0 minutes Aries Sextile: 4 degrees 0 minutes - 8 degrees 0 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Square: 4 degrees 0 minutes - 8 degrees 0 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 4 degrees 0 minutes - 8 degrees 0 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Opposition: 4 degrees 0 minutes - 8 degrees 0 degrees 25 minutes Libra Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect Comments are closed.