Full Moon in Pisces: September 14th 2019 at 12:33A ET
The full moon for September comes on the 14th in watery Pisces. Full moons tend to be pretty emotional, and water signs are the emotional signs. So when there's a full moon in a water sign, that can reeeally increase emotions! Pisces full moons can make us extra sensitive emotionally, and we need to be sweet and gentle with one another. Avoid mean words, or you might make someone cry! (even yourself!)
We can be super compassionate, and want to help others as much as possible. Pisces can be very sacrificing, so we may feel like we need to sacrifice something in order to help. That can create some boundary problems though, so we need to make sure we have healthy boundaries and aren't giving away *too* much. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, and full moons are tied to endings, so some sort of important ending may come with this full moon. Everything comes to an end at some point, and we may feel now is the time for something to end, to be let go of and moved on from. Pisces rules the subconscious mind, so we may have an easier time tapping into our subconscious selves and understanding ourselves better. We can focus on issues from the past and work to move on. And intuition can be much stronger, so we can listen to the subtle energies all around us for guidance. The full moon is sextile (positive aspect, 2 signs away) Pluto in Capricorn, so we can share, be intimate, and make use of passionate energy. The full moon is widely (about 4 degrees) conjunct (aligned with) ruler Neptune in Pisces, which can amplify the Pisces impact, and perhaps reveal something hidden, or make us more vulnerable. This full moon occurs at 21 degrees 5 minutes Pisces. The major aspects made to this full moon are: Conjunction: 19 degrees 5 minutes - 23 degrees 5 minutes Pisces Sextile: 19 degrees 5 minutes - 23 degrees 5 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Square: 19 degrees 5 minutes - 23 degrees 5 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 19 degrees 5 minutes - 23 degrees 5 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Opposition: 19 degrees 5 minutes - 23 degrees 5 minutes Virgo New Moon in Libra: September 28th 2019 at 2:27PM ET
September's new moon comes toward the end on the 28th in air sign Libra. This comes with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Libra, so we can be extra Libra-y! This can help us to focus on the people in our lives, our relationships, and our commitments. We can think more of others, and give more attention to others than ourselves (with the full moon too, so we're really about others!).
We may want more time with others, and can be open to meeting new people, entering into new partnerships, and negotiating, and mediating. We can find more opportunities through others, and we can be supportive of others when they're presented with opportunities. Libra rules balance, so we may focus on the areas of life we haven't had as much time for lately, and work to restore some balance in our lives. As we feel more balanced, we can become more decisive and confident, so it helps in many ways. We can be more compromising and diplomatic to keep the peace and get everyone on the same page. We don't want too much strife and arguing. Let's just all work together and everyone gets a small win. Play fair! The new moon occurs at 5 degrees 20 minutes Libra. The major aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 3 degrees 20 minutes - 7 degrees 20 minutes Libra Sextile: 3 degrees 20 minutes - 7 degrees 20 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Square: 3 degrees 20 minutes - 7 degrees 20 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 3 degrees 20 minutes - 7 degrees 20 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Opposition: 3 degrees 20 minutes - 7 degrees 20 minutes Aries Suggested Reading: New & Full Moons page for interpretations Comments are closed.