September brings a full moon in Pisces on the 6th at 3:03AM ET, and Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, so we can see some wrapping up with this full moon. We can take time to clean house, and get rid of what's holding us back, weighing us down, and keeping us stuck in the past. This can be a great time to let go, and that's especially needed after the August eclipses and Mercury retrograde, which ends the day before this full moon. We can be more sensitive with this full moon, and need to be handled with kid gloves. Our emotions can be strong, but we can keep what we're feeling to ourselves, not wanting to be a burden to anyone. We should work to be more compassionate and understanding, no doubt needed after the wonky energy we're coming out of. The full moon is conjunct (aligned with) the natural ruler of Pisces, Neptune, amplifying the energy of Pisces and making it even more important for us to be sweet, gentle, kind, and caring. Step outside of yourself and lend a hand to someone else. The world needs a little sweetness. The full moon occurs at 13 degrees 53 minutes Pisces. The aspects for this full moon are: Conjunction: 11 degrees 53 minutes - 15 degrees 53 minutes Pisces Sextile: 11 degrees 53 minutes - 15 degrees 53 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Square: 11 degrees 53 minutes - 15 degrees 53 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 11 degrees 53 minutes - 15 degrees 53 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Opposition: 11 degrees 53 minutes - 15 degrees 53 minutes Virgo The new moon for September occurs on the 20th at 1:30AM ET in Virgo, and this is the sign the Mercury retrograde began in back in mid-August, so this can be a good time to bring everything full circle and take advantage of opportunities that get put to the side mid-August, and make progress with the things that got slowed down. Virgo is highly productive and efficient, so get working, get organized, make lists, and focus on the small tasks and chores and projects that need your attention pronto. Virgo can be good for paying closer attention to the details, being more practical, and being of service. The more we do, the more we want to do, and we can push ourselves to the limit. Just make sure you're not pushing yourself over the limit and causing unnecessary stress. The new moon is opposite transit Chiron in Pisces, the asteroid of wounds and healing, so we may be dealing with some collective wounds that need to be worked on and healed. There can be some harshness in the world, but continuing from the full moon, a gentle touch is required. The new moon occurs at 27 degrees 27 minutes Virgo. The aspects for this new moon are: Conjunction: 25 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 27 minutes Virgo Sextile: 25 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 27 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Square: 25 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 27 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 25 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 27 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Opposition: 25 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 27 minutes Pisces Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.