Since I covered progressed Jupiter in astrology recently, I wanted to also go into progressed Saturn. Like progressed Jupiter, progressed Saturn doesn't get as much attention in the progressed chart either because Saturn doesn't move very far in the progressed chart. Saturn spends even longer than Jupiter in one sign, around 2 1/2 years, so progressed Saturn doesn't move that much from the natal positions. For most of us, Saturn will remain in the same sign and house; but for some people, progressed Saturn will change. You generally need to be born with Saturn late in sign (say 24+ degrees) in order for your progressed Saturn to move forward into a new sign at some point in your life; or you need to be born with Saturn very early in a sign (say under 5 degrees) and turn retrograde quickly for Saturn to move back to the previous sign at some point in your life. It generally goes the same for the houses; if your Saturn is less than 5 degrees from a house cusp, Saturn may move forward into a new house (if Saturn is in the previous house); if Saturn is in a house and under 5 degrees from the cusp, it may move backward into the previous house (if Saturn moves retrograde). What do progressed charts mean?
A progressed chart is created by adding one day to your date of birth for every year you've been alive to create a new chart that reflects your maturation and growth into adulthood. We all change with age, and the progressed chart reflects that. It's used in predictive astrology, and tracking the movement of the progressed chart can indicate events in your life and shifting focuses over time.
So wait, can your natal chart change?
Don't worry, your natal chart is still your natal chart. The progressed chart is a brand new chart used in conjunction with your natal chart and transits for predictive analysis.
What the planet Saturn represents in astrology
Saturn is the planet of restriction and limitation, at its core. Saturn can restrict and limit energy associated with whatever is being impacted, and there can be lessons to learn, responsibilities to take on, and discipline to adhere to. In your natal chart, the sign and house position of your natal Saturn can show where you have lessons to learn, are a late bloomer, have to take on responsibilities, or feel restricted and limited in life.
When your progressed Saturn moves into a new sign or house, this can show a shifting in where that energy is expressed, and you may start feeling restrictions and limitations in other areas of life, have other lessons to learn, or take on new responsibilities. If Saturn is moving forward into a new sign, when at the very end of the sign it's leaving, it'll be at 29 degrees. This is the anaretic degree, a point of extreme energy in the progressed chart, and for that period when progressed Saturn is at 29 degrees, you may feel like you have lessons that you absolutely must learn right now or responsibilities you must take care of right away before you feel you lose the chance (meaning before Saturn changes signs). This can be a critical period that can be unsettling with Saturn. If Saturn is moving backward (retrograde) into a new sign, when it very first enters that new sign, it'll be at 29 degrees. This can bring that intense energy right off of the bat, but it'll be focused on the new sign instead of the old one (likely the original natal sign). When your progressed Saturn moves into a new house, this can put Saturn conjunct (aligned with) the house cusp for some time (years). When progressed Saturn is within 1-2 degrees of the house cusp, you'll start to feel it more, and have more responsibilities, more limitations, and more lessons in those areas of life the house rules, and have to be more disciplined, mature, and focused. Progressed Saturn moving through the signs:
From Aries to Taurus, you may find more lessons to be learned about exercising patience and dealing with stubbornness or stuckness; from Taurus to Aries, you may find more lessons to be learned about taking initiative and taking charge, and taking responsibility for yourself.
From Taurus to Gemini, you may find more lessons to be learned through communication and expression, and being active and engaged; from Gemini to Taurus, you may find more lessons to be learned from slowing things down and making things tangible. From Gemini to Cancer, you may find more lessons to be learned in dealing with emotional issues, and more responsibilities taken on at home/with family; from Cancer to Gemini, you may find more lessons about how to express yourself, how to communicate, and how to use your mind. From Cancer to Leo, you may find more lessons to be learned about expressing yourself, getting attention, and using creativity as an outlet; from Leo to Cancer, you may find more lessons to be learned about connecting to your emotions and allowing yourself to feel the hard stuff. From Leo to Virgo, you may find more lessons to be learned in your daily life, approach to health, or ways of managing stress and work; from Virgo to Leo, you may find more lessons to be learned about how to let yourself let go, let loose, and be in tune with your heart. From Virgo to Libra, you may find more lessons to be learned in relationships, and more responsibilities taken on with others; from Libra to Virgo, you may find more lessons to be learned through focus on work and managing the little things in life. From Libra to Scorpio, you may find more lessons to be learned by diving deep into yourself, exploring your dark side and demons, and making major transformations; from Scorpio to Libra, you may find more lessons to be learned from connecting with others, finding more balance, and keeping the peace. From Scorpio to Sagittarius, you may find more lessons to be learned through expansion and exploration, and allowing freedom without being careless; from Sagittarius to Scorpio, you may find more lessons to be learned by being more serious, digging below the surface, tackling hard issues, and making major transformations. From Sagittarius to Capricorn, you may find more lessons to be learned through discipline, hard work, ambition, and staying on the right track; from Capricorn to Sagittarius, you may find more lessons to be learned through thinking bigger and brighter, embracing optimism, and giving yourself space. From Capricorn to Aquarius, you may find more lessons to be learned about being an individual, embracing change and nonconformity, and considering the masses; from Aquarius to Capricorn, you may find more lessons to be learned about being more conventional, disciplined, and thoughtfully planning. From Aquarius to Pisces, you may find more lessons to be learned about connecting spiritually with others and being of service without total sacrifice; from Pisces to Aquarius, you may find more lessons to be learned about detachment, pursuing your dreams, and taking a wider view. From Pisces to Aries, you may find more lessons to be learned about doing things for yourself and taking control of your own life; from Aries to Pisces, you may find more lessons to be learned about giving more to others, being in tune with your spiritual self, and improving sensitivity. Suggested Reading: Progressed Jupiter in Astrology Comments are closed.