One of the biggest progressed events you experience in your life is a progressed new moon. This happens when your progressed Sun and progressed Moon conjunct (align). On average, you experience 2 or 3 in your life, so it's not very often. Why is it important? What is the progressed chart?
The progressed chart adds one day to your date of birth for every year of your age, creating a new chart reflecting your maturation and growth with age. It's used in predictive analysis, and events in the progressed chart can trigger important periods in your life. Progressed new moons (and full moons) are one of those periods.
About Progressed New Moons:
A new moon is enthusiastic, high energy, and focused on the new. Under a regular new moon every month, we get this excitable energy ripe for a new beginning.
When you experience this in your progressed chart, the energy is even stronger, and it's just for you. The energy lasts a lot longer too, with regular new moons only lasting about 2 weeks, and progressed new moons lasting for about 2-3 years. This gives you a prolonged period for starting not just something new temporarily, but for a long time to come. This can be a whole new journey for your life. It's strongest around when it's exact, but you can start feeling the energy leading up to that, and well after it's exact. It's a great time for a new beginning, a new journey in your life, and often signals a new chapter of some sort. Of what exactly is usually ruled by the sign the progressed new moon occurs in, the natal or progressed house it occurs in, or natal or progressed planets that aspect the new moon (the closer they are, the stronger they can be, though conjunctions tend to dominate). They tend to be even stronger when they occur in your Sun or Moon sign (natal or progressed), or in the natal or progressed 1st house (ruling the self), or aspecting the natal or progressed angles (which rules the pillars of life and activate high energy). This can trigger major developments for you, no matter what. It can also bring the spotlight to you in some way. It may be more challenging if the progressed new moon occurs at 29 degrees, the anaretic degree. This is super high energy, so it can be full of energy to start anew in some way, and there may be a huge development, something truly epic, where something big begins. The challenge is trying to control this, and it may feel bigger than you can handle at times, so you have to work on making sure you're not overdoing anything. It may also be challenging if it's intercepted in your natal or progressed chart. Intercepted means the sign it occurs in isn't on any house cusp, and is contained in the house that falls in the previous sign. This contains the energy of the progressed new moon, so it may be quieter for you. There may be some subconscious blocks that pop up, needing to be worked on so you don't miss out on the energy. And, also note if the progressed new moon occurs in the same sign as your progressed North or South Node. This means it's a progressed solar eclipse! You can take that new beginning energy and times it by a zillion. This is huge energy for a big new journey, a fresh shot at life, and you can have incredible energy and enthusiasm, and may get some attention. Suggested Reading: Progressed Planets Turning Retrograde or Direct Comments are closed.